Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Structural parameters of Schnyder woods | 2024-12-02 | Paper |
Rooted minors and locally spanning subgraphs | 2024-01-24 | Paper |
Generalized cut trees for edge-connectivity | 2024-01-15 | Paper |
Contractible edges in longest cycles | 2023-10-12 | Paper | | 2022-07-21 | Paper | | 2022-07-21 | Paper |
Cycle spectra of contraction-critically 4-connected planar graphs | 2021-11-30 | Paper |
On short fastest paths in temporal graphs | 2021-10-04 | Paper |
Compact cactus representations of all non-trivial min-cuts | 2021-09-15 | Paper |
Computing Tutte Paths | 2021-07-28 | Paper |
Circumference of essentially 4-connected planar triangulations | 2021-03-29 | Paper | | 2020-05-27 | Paper |
Dynamics of Cycles in Polyhedra I: The Isolation Lemma | 2020-02-18 | Paper |
Shortness coefficient of cyclically 4-edge-connected cubic graphs | 2020-02-10 | Paper |
On the Circumference of Essentially 4-connected Planar Graphs | 2020-01-22 | Paper |
Computing vertex-disjoint paths in large graphs using MAOs | 2020-01-16 | Paper |
Longer cycles in essentially 4-connected planar graphs | 2020-01-08 | Paper |
Edge-orders | 2019-05-07 | Paper |
Simple computation of \textit{st}-edge- and \textit{st}-numberings from ear decompositions | 2019-03-11 | Paper | | 2019-02-13 | Paper |
Computing 2-Walks in Polynomial Time | 2018-11-13 | Paper |
More on foxes | 2018-10-31 | Paper |
Linear-time recognition of map graphs with outerplanar witness | 2018-08-17 | Paper |
Tight bounds for the vertices of degree k in minimally k‐connected graphs | 2018-07-13 | Paper |
Linear-Time Recognition of Map Graphs with Outerplanar Witness | 2017-10-17 | Paper |
Cut Tree Structures with Applications on Contraction-Based Sparsification | 2017-07-03 | Paper |
Which point sets admit a $k$-angulation? | 2017-03-09 | Paper |
Certifying 3-edge-connectivity | 2017-03-03 | Paper |
Small-Area Orthogonal Drawings of 3-Connected Graphs | 2017-02-10 | Paper |
Computing 2-Walks in Polynomial Time | 2017-01-24 | Paper |
Lower bounds for locally highly connected graphs | 2016-11-29 | Paper |
Mondshein Sequences (a.k.a. (2,1)-Orders) | 2016-11-15 | Paper |
Thoughts on Barnette's Conjecture | 2016-04-18 | Paper |
A Tight Bound for Minimal Connectivity | 2016-03-30 | Paper |
Counting \(K_4\)-subdivisions | 2015-08-05 | Paper |
Cubic plane graphs on a given point set | 2014-11-24 | Paper |
Cubic plane graphs on a given point set | 2014-08-07 | Paper |
Computing Minimum Cycle Bases in Weighted Partial 2-Trees in Linear Time | 2014-07-30 | Paper |
The Mondshein Sequence | 2014-07-01 | Paper |
Certifying 3-edge-connectivity | 2013-12-06 | Paper |
Computing Minimum Cycle Bases in Weighted Partial 2-Trees in Linear Time | 2013-12-06 | Paper |
A Planarity Test via Construction Sequences | 2013-09-20 | Paper |
Certifying 3-Connectivity in Linear Time | 2013-08-12 | Paper |
Contractions, Removals, and Certifying 3-Connectivity in Linear Time | 2013-07-24 | Paper |
A simple test on 2-vertex- and 2-edge-connectivity | 2013-03-20 | Paper |
Every DFS Tree of a 3‐Connected Graph Contains a Contractible Edge | 2013-03-07 | Paper |
Largest inscribed rectangles in convex polygons | 2012-09-13 | Paper |
Construction sequences and certifying 3-connectivity | 2012-04-26 | Paper |
An \(O(n+m)\) certifying triconnnectivity algorithm for Hamiltonian graphs | 2012-04-26 | Paper |
Construction Sequences and Certifying 3-Connectedness | 2012-01-23 | Paper |
Interval Stabbing Problems in Small Integer Ranges | 2009-12-17 | Paper |
Efficient Extraction of Multiple Kuratowski Subdivisions | 2008-03-25 | Paper |
Trees and co-trees in planar 3-connected planar graphs An easier proof via Schnyder woods | N/A | Paper |
"Toward Gr\""unbaum's Conjecture" | N/A | Paper |