Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Skew multiple scaled mixtures of normal distributions with flexible tail behavior and their application to clustering | 2025-01-07 | Paper |
Parsimonious mixture-of-experts based on mean mixture of multivariate normal distributions | 2024-05-27 | Paper |
Multivariate Order Statistics Induced by Ordering Linear Combinations of Components of Multivariate Elliptical Random Vectors | 2022-11-15 | Paper |
Evaluating Risk Measures Using the Normal Mean-Variance Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution | 2022-11-15 | Paper |
Multivariate normal mean-variance mixture distribution based on Lindley distribution | 2022-06-28 | Paper |
Nonlinear regression using order statistics from the multivariate generalized hyperbolic distributions | 2022-06-21 | Paper |
Finite mixture modeling using shape mixtures of the skew scale mixtures of normal distributions | 2022-06-21 | Paper |
Stochastic ordering of medians in samples from normal distributions | 2022-06-10 | Paper |
Comparison of the multivariate skew-normal random vectors based on the integral stochastic ordering | 2022-05-25 | Paper |
Efficient recursive computational algorithms for multivariate \(t\) and multivariate unified skew-\(t\) distributions with applications to inference | 2022-05-10 | Paper |
A robust class of multivariate fatigue distributions based on normal mean-variance mixture model | 2022-04-27 | Paper |
A skew factor analysis model based on the normal mean–variance mixture of Birnbaum–Saunders distribution | 2022-03-01 | Paper | | 2021-11-29 | Paper |
Maximum likelihood estimation for scale-shape mixtures of flexible generalized skew normal distributions via selection representation | 2021-11-23 | Paper |
On multivariate selection scale-mixtures of normal distributions | 2021-10-11 | Paper |
Finite mixtures of multivariate scale-shape mixtures of skew-normal distributions | 2021-06-03 | Paper |
A flexible factor analysis based on the class of mean-mixture of normal distributions | 2021-05-07 | Paper |
Family of mean-mixtures of multivariate normal distributions: properties, inference and assessment of multivariate skewness | 2021-03-12 | Paper |
Linear orderings of the scale mixtures of the multivariate skew-normal distribution | 2020-08-28 | Paper |
Dual-tree complex wavelet coefficient magnitude modeling using scale mixtures of Rayleigh distribution for image denoising | 2020-08-20 | Paper |
Modeling right-skewed financial data streams: a likelihood inference based on the generalized Birnbaum-Saunders mixture model | 2020-05-06 | Paper |
Multivariate normal mean–variance mixture distribution based on Birnbaum–Saunders distribution | 2020-03-27 | Paper |
On moments of doubly truncated multivariate normal mean-variance mixture distributions with application to multivariate tail conditional expectation | 2020-03-20 | Paper |
Prediction based on linear combinations of order statistics and bivariate concomitants in the case of multivariate elliptical distributions | 2020-03-09 | Paper | | 2020-01-06 | Paper |
Skew-normal Mean-variance Mixture of Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution | 2019-12-13 | Paper |
Discussion of “Birnbaum‐Saunders distribution: A review of models, analysis, and applications” | 2019-09-17 | Paper |
Normal mean-variance Lindley Birnbaum-Saunders distribution | 2019-07-19 | Paper |
Mean mixtures of normal distributions: properties, inference and application | 2019-07-04 | Paper |
A novel mixture model using the multivariate normal mean-variance mixture of Birnbaum-Saunders distributions and its application to extrasolar planets | 2019-05-27 | Paper |
On bivariate and a mixture of bivariate Birnbaum-Saunders distributions | 2019-03-13 | Paper |
Bimodal extension based on the skew-\(t\)-normal distribution | 2019-02-28 | Paper |
Shape mixtures of skew-\(t\)-normal distributions: characterizations and estimation | 2019-02-27 | Paper |
Conditional distributions of multivariate normal mean-variance mixtures | 2019-02-20 | Paper | | 2019-02-14 | Paper |
On the exact distribution of order statistics arising from a doubly truncated bivariate elliptical distribution | 2018-06-14 | Paper |
Order statistics and their concomitants from multivariate normal mean–variance mixture distributions with application to Swiss Markets Data | 2017-12-06 | Paper |
Nonlinear regression models based on the normal mean-variance mixture of Birnbaum-Saunders distribution | 2017-08-16 | Paper |
On the bivariate weighted exponential distribution based on the generalized exponential distribution | 2017-07-27 | Paper |
A general class of scale-shape mixtures of skew-normal distributions: properties and estimation | 2017-06-27 | Paper |
Properties and Inference for a New Class of Skew-t Distributions | 2016-10-26 | Paper |
A general class of scale-shape mixtures of skew-normal distributions: properties and estimation | 2016-10-11 | Paper |
The alpha–beta skew normal distribution: properties and applications | 2016-07-19 | Paper |
A Multivariate Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution Based on the Multivariate Skew Normal Distribution | 2016-06-10 | Paper |
Some multivariate singular unified skew-normal distributions and their application | 2016-06-10 | Paper |
Concomitants of multivariate order statistics from multivariate elliptical distributions | 2016-05-25 | Paper |
On a nonlinear Birnbaum–Saunders model based on a bivariate construction and its characteristics | 2016-05-25 | Paper |
Inference and further probabilistic properties of the \(\mathrm{SUN}_{n,2}\)-distribution | 2015-11-24 | Paper |
On a Selection Weibull Distribution | 2015-07-29 | Paper |
Regression mean residual life of a system with three dependent components with normal lifetimes | 2015-06-11 | Paper |
Prediction of Variables Via Their Order Statistics in Bivariate Elliptical Distributions with Application in the Financial Markets | 2015-04-29 | Paper | | 2015-04-09 | Paper |
Distribution of linear combinations of unordered and ordered components of an elliptical random vector | 2014-10-13 | Paper |
A generalized skew two-piece skew-elliptical distribution | 2014-09-26 | Paper |
On Bivariate Order Statistics from Elliptical Distributions | 2014-08-18 | Paper |
Regression via order statistics and their concomitants | 2014-07-11 | Paper |
\(L\)-statistics from multivariate unified skew-elliptical distributions | 2014-05-23 | Paper |
A note on ``Maximum distributions for \(l_{2,p}\)-symmetric vectors are skewed \(l_{1,p}\)-symmetric distributions by Batún-Cutz et~al. (2013) | 2014-03-05 | Paper |
Generalized multivariate Birnbaum-Saunders distributions and related inferential issues | 2014-01-10 | Paper |
Weighted Marshall–Olkin bivariate exponential distribution | 2013-11-21 | Paper | | 2013-02-28 | Paper |
A generalized skew two-piece skew-normal distribution | 2012-09-23 | Paper |
Regression analysis using order statistics | 2012-01-13 | Paper |
Concomitants of order statistics from multivariate elliptical distributions | 2011-11-10 | Paper |
Exact distribution of a linear combination of a variable and order statistics from the other two variables of a trivariate elliptical random vector as a mixture of skew-elliptical distributions | 2011-05-20 | Paper |
Distributions of order statistics and linear combinations of order statistics from an elliptical distribution as mixtures of unified skew-elliptical distributions | 2010-05-05 | Paper |
Recurrence relations for bivariate \(t\) and extended skew-\(t\) distributions and an application to order statistics from bivariate \(t\) | 2010-04-01 | Paper |
Recurrence relations for distributions of a skew-\(t\) and a linear combination of order statistics from a bivariate-\(t\) | 2010-03-30 | Paper |
Order statistics and linear combination of order statistics arising from a bivariate selection normal distribution | 2010-03-01 | Paper |
Bivariate Birnbaum-Saunders distribution and associated inference | 2009-11-27 | Paper |
Truncated and Limited Skew-Normal and Skew-t Distributions: Properties and an Illustration | 2009-11-16 | Paper |
Prediction in a trivariate normal distribution via a linear combination of order statistics | 2009-11-13 | Paper |
Order statistics from trivariate normal and \(t_{\nu}\)-distributions in terms of generalized skew-normal and skew-\(t_{\nu}\) distributions | 2009-09-14 | Paper |
On order statistics from bivariate skew-normal and skew-\(t_{\nu}\) distributions | 2008-10-29 | Paper |
A two-parameter generalized skew-normal distribution | 2008-09-29 | Paper |
On a Generalization of Bivariate Cauchy Distribution | 2008-04-10 | Paper |
A new class of skew-Cauchy distributions | 2006-08-04 | Paper |