Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
On uniqueness of packing of three copies of 2-factors | 2025-01-20 | Paper |
Homogeneous colourings of graphs | 2023-02-21 | Paper |
On the structure of essentially-highly-connected polyhedral graphs | 2022-09-15 | Paper |
Characterizing Edge Betweenness-Uniform graphs | 2022-04-20 | Paper |
Long cycles and spanning subgraphs of locally maximal 1‐planar graphs | 2022-03-31 | Paper |
Edge homogeneous colorings | 2022-02-22 | Paper |
Facial visibility in edge colored plane graphs | 2022-01-03 | Paper |
Non-Hamiltonian graphs in which every edge-contracted subgraph is Hamiltonian | 2021-04-14 | Paper |
Minimal graphs with respect to geometric distance realizability | 2020-12-08 | Paper |
Adynamic coloring of graphs | 2020-07-07 | Paper | | 2019-09-19 | Paper |
On decay centrality in graphs | 2018-12-17 | Paper |
Minimal unavoidable sets of cycles in plane graphs | 2018-12-10 | Paper |
Forbidden configurations for hypohamiltonian graphs | 2018-11-09 | Paper |
More on betweenness-uniform graphs | 2018-06-15 | Paper |
More on the structure of plane graphs with prescribed degrees of vertices, faces, edges and dual edges | 2018-02-26 | Paper |
From NMNR-coloring of hypergraphs to homogenous coloring of graphs | 2017-09-14 | Paper |
Extremal graphs with respect to vertex betweenness centrality for certain graph families | 2017-07-19 | Paper |
On improper interval edge colourings | 2017-01-13 | Paper |
Light graphs in planar graphs of large girth | 2016-01-26 | Paper | | 2015-10-20 | Paper |
Joins of 1-planar graphs | 2014-12-10 | Paper |
On the maximum weight of a planar graph of given order and size | 2014-09-08 | Paper |
On the dimension of Archimedean solids | 2014-05-02 | Paper |
On betweenness-uniform graphs | 2014-04-09 | Paper |
On properties of maximal 1-planar graphs | 2013-12-13 | Paper |
On doubly light triangles in plane graphs | 2013-12-06 | Paper |
Notes on topological indices of graph and its complement | 2013-07-30 | Paper |
On local properties of 1-planar graphs with high minimum degree | 2012-03-22 | Paper |
Notes on the betweenness centrality of a graph | 2012-03-01 | Paper |
On doubly light vertices in plane graphs | 2011-08-24 | Paper |
Upper bounds on the sum of powers of the degrees of a simple planar graph | 2011-06-07 | Paper | | 2011-02-02 | Paper |
Light graphs in families of polyhedral graphs with prescribed minimum degree, face size, edge and dual edge weight | 2010-05-28 | Paper |
On local structure of 1-planar graphs of minimum degree 5 and girth 4 | 2010-05-14 | Paper | | 2008-02-28 | Paper |
Cyclic, diagonal and facial colorings -- a missing case | 2007-07-27 | Paper |
The 7-cycle \(C_{7}\) is light in the family of planar graphs with minimum degree 5 | 2007-04-26 | Paper |
The structure of 1-planar graphs | 2007-03-02 | Paper |
Lightness, heaviness and gravity | 2007-03-02 | Paper | | 2006-11-21 | Paper | | 2006-02-10 | Paper | | 2005-05-23 | Paper |
On the structure of plane graphs of minimum face size 5 | 2005-04-19 | Paper |
Cyclic, diagonal and facial colorings | 2005-03-08 | Paper |
Heavy paths, light stars, and big melons | 2004-10-01 | Paper |
On the structural result on normal plane maps | 2003-11-17 | Paper |
Note on the weight of paths in plane triangulations of minimum degree 4 and 5 | 2002-03-24 | Paper | | 2000-11-28 | Paper |
Note on weights of paths in polyhedral graphs | 2000-04-10 | Paper |
On light cycles in plane triangulations | 2000-02-13 | Paper |
On light subgraphs in plane graphs of minimum degree five | 1997-12-08 | Paper |
On uniqueness of packing of three copies of 2-factors | N/A | Paper |