Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Vacuum energy of scalar fields on spherical shells with general matching conditions | 2024-03-07 | Paper |
Casimir energy for spinor fields with δ-shell potentials | 2023-06-15 | Paper |
The Krein–von Neumann extension revisited | 2022-04-25 | Paper |
Spectral \(\zeta\)-functions and \(\zeta\)-regularized functional determinants for regular Sturm-Liouville operators | 2021-11-10 | Paper |
One-loop effective action of the \(\mathbb{C}P^{N - 1}\) model at large \(\mu\beta\) | 2021-10-26 | Paper |
Casimir pistons with generalized boundary conditions: a step forward | 2021-04-01 | Paper |
The Krein-von Neumann extension revisited | 2021-02-01 | Paper |
Asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel trace of Laplacians with polynomial potentials | 2018-11-14 | Paper |
Vacuum instability in Kaluza–Klein manifolds | 2018-09-11 | Paper |
Some new results for the one-loop mass correction to the compactified λϕ4 theory | 2018-04-16 | Paper |
The Casimir effect for pistons with transmittal boundary conditions | 2017-12-15 | Paper |
Functional determinants and Casimir energy in higher dimensional spherically symmetric background potentials | 2016-08-09 | Paper |
The Casimir effect for thick pistons | 2016-05-17 | Paper |
Analytic continuation of the doubly-periodic Barnes zeta function | 2016-01-19 | Paper |
Casimir pistons with general boundary conditions | 2016-01-06 | Paper |
Expansion of infinite series containing modified Bessel functions of the second kind | 2015-11-11 | Paper |
Zeta determinant for Laplace operators on Riemann caps | 2015-06-22 | Paper |
Spectral functions for regular Sturm-Liouville problems | 2015-05-15 | Paper |
The Casimir effect for conical pistons | 2014-11-27 | Paper |
Heat Kernel Asymptotic Expansion on Unbounded Domains with Polynomially Confining Potentials | 2014-01-08 | Paper |
On the Hurwitz zeta function of imaginary second argument | 2013-10-02 | Paper |
Casimir effect in the presence of external fields | 2013-05-30 | Paper |
The spectral zeta function for Laplace operators on warped product manifolds of the type \(I \times _{f } N\) | 2013-02-04 | Paper |
Spectral methods in quantum field theory and quantum cosmology | 2012-10-16 | Paper |
Heat kernel coefficients for Laplace operators on the spherical suspension | 2012-09-19 | Paper |
Pistons Modelled by Potentials | 2012-08-29 | Paper |
Bose–Einstein condensation on product manifolds | 2011-09-14 | Paper |
Conical Casimir pistons with hybrid boundary conditions | 2011-08-08 | Paper |
Small mass expansion of functional determinants on the generalized cone | 2010-09-28 | Paper |
Nonperturbative one-loop effective action for electrodynamics in curved space-time | 2010-08-17 | Paper |
Low-energy effective action in nonperturbative electrodynamics in curved space-time | 2010-08-17 | Paper |
Non-perturbative heat kernel asymptotics on homogeneous Abelian bundles | 2010-01-11 | Paper |
Kinematics in matrix gravity | 2009-11-04 | Paper |
Non-commutative corrections in spectral matrix gravity | 2009-03-25 | Paper |
Asymptotic behavior of the Newton-Boussinesq equation in a two-dimensional channel | 2009-02-19 | Paper |
Noncommutative Einstein equations | 2008-02-04 | Paper | | 2007-07-23 | Paper |
New developments in the spectral asymptotics of quantum gravity | 2006-07-13 | Paper |
Spectral asymptotics of Euclidean quantum gravity with diff-invariant boundary conditions | 2005-04-29 | Paper |