
From MaRDI portal

This page is for test edits and unsorted notes.

NFDI interactions

Interwiki links

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Existing properties
Proposed properties


To Wikipedia

To Wikiversity

To other Wikibase instances

See Links for list.

Non-Wikibase knowledge graphs

Apache Fuseki Jena

Math-related lexemes

Lexeme challenges

  • Numbers (5/n): mathematics (Q395), algebra (Q3968), arithmetic (Q11205), 19 (Q39850), 20 (Q40292), 30 (Q42817), 40 (Q42317)
  • Numbers (4/n): equation (Q11345), square (Q111124), square root (Q134237), 14 (Q38582), 16 (Q40254), 17 (Q40118), 18 (Q38712)
  • Numbers (3/n): multiplication (Q40276), division (Q1226939), 10 (Q23806), 11 (Q37136), 12 (Q36977), 13 (Q37141), 15 (Q38701)
  • Numbers (2/n): addition (Q32043), subtraction (Q40754), 5 (Q203), 6 (Q23488), 7 (Q23350), 8 (Q23355), 9 (Q19108)
  • Numbers (1/n): number (Q11563), numerical digit (Q82990), zero (Q204), 1 (Q199), 2 (Q200), 3 (Q201), 4 (Q202)

Math formulas

Math videos

Math & biology

  • RCC-5 classification
Merging taxonomies under RCC-5 algebraic articulations (Q114740027): "CLEANTAX uses the RCC-5 [Randell et al. 1992] topological algebra as the basis for representing articulations. This algebra describes relationships between sets, and supports the expression of incomplete knowledge when stating articulations. The RCC-5 algebra uses the same five basic relations (B5) as several biological taxonomic alignments and taxonomic reasoning systems [Berendsohn 2003; Koperski et al. 2000; Franz et al. 2007]. Given any two non-empty sets N and M, exactly one of the B5 relations holds (cf. Figure 5) between them: (i) congruence (N ≡ M), (ii) proper inclusion (N # M), (iii) proper inverse inclusion (N ! M), (iv) partial overlap (N ⊕ M), or (v) exclusion (disjointness) (N ! M)."

Math & politics

Interesting papers






Test queries


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item itemLabel statements
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Link combinations

Test edits

Space for test edits.

Version 1

publication_date work workLabel
2023-09-01 Factoring complete graphs and hypergraphs into factors with few maximal cliques
2021-03-05 Reprint: On the number of integers which can be represented by a binary form (1938)
2019-06-26 On the distribution of values of sums of random variables
19:57:26 03/02/2025 -- Refresh -- Duration of query :0.255s -- CSV

Version 2

publication_date html1
2023-09-01 <a href=''>Factoring complete graphs and hypergraphs into factors with few maximal cliques</a>
2021-03-05 <a href=''>Reprint: On the number of integers which can be represented by a binary form (1938)</a>
2019-06-26 <a href=''>On the distribution of values of sums of random variables</a>
19:57:27 03/02/2025 -- Refresh -- Duration of query :0.135s -- CSV

Version 3

publication_date html wiki
2023-09-01 <a href=''>Factoring complete graphs and hypergraphs into factors with few maximal cliques</a> [ Factoring complete graphs and hypergraphs into factors with few maximal cliques]
2021-03-05 <a href=''>Reprint: On the number of integers which can be represented by a binary form (1938)</a> [ Reprint: On the number of integers which can be represented by a binary form (1938)]
2019-06-26 <a href=''>On the distribution of values of sums of random variables</a> [ On the distribution of values of sums of random variables]
19:57:27 03/02/2025 -- Refresh -- Duration of query :0.19s -- CSV