Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Common values of linear recurrences related to Shank's simplest cubics | 2024-11-06 | Paper |
Square values of Littlewood polynomials | 2024-11-01 | Paper |
Singmaster-type results for Stirling numbers and some related diophantine equations | 2023-11-10 | Paper |
Lucas sequences and repdigits | 2022-09-12 | Paper |
Markoff-Rosenberger triples and generalized Lucas sequences | 2022-08-23 | Paper |
Diophantine problems related to cyclic cubic and quartic fields | 2022-08-04 | Paper |
Equal values of certain partition functions via Diophantine equations | 2022-01-13 | Paper |
Solutions of a generalized Markoff equation in Fibonacci numbers | 2021-12-07 | Paper |
Powers in arithmetic progressions | 2021-08-19 | Paper |
Diophantine problems related to cyclic cubic and quartic fields | 2021-06-28 | Paper |
Discrete logarithm problem in some families of sandpile groups | 2020-11-16 | Paper |
The Diophantine equation Fn = P(x) | 2020-10-07 | Paper |
On a Diophantine equation of Erdős and Graham | 2020-09-01 | Paper |
Markoff-Rosenberger triples and generalized Lucas sequences | 2020-05-28 | Paper |
On the Diophantine equation \(\binom{n}{k} = \binom{m}{l} + d\) | 2019-11-27 | Paper |
Trinomials ax8+bx+c with Galois groups of order 1344 | 2019-07-24 | Paper |
Representations of reciprocals of Lucas sequences | 2019-06-12 | Paper |
Power values of sums of certain products of consecutive integers and related results | 2018-12-18 | Paper |
On a problem of Pethő | 2018-06-06 | Paper |
Integral points and arithmetic progressions on Huff curves | 2018-04-27 | Paper |
Composite rational functions and arithmetic progressions | 2018-04-12 | Paper |
The Korteweg-de Vries equation and a Diophantine problem related to Bernoulli polynomials | 2017-11-28 | Paper |
On the Lucas sequence equation \(\frac{1}{U_n}=\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{U_{k-1}}{x^k} \) | 2017-03-31 | Paper |
On a problem of Erdős and Graham | 2017-03-31 | Paper |
On certain Diophantine equations of the form \(z^2=f(x)^2\pm g(y)^2\) | 2017-01-23 | Paper |
Finiteness results for \(F\)-Diophantine sets | 2016-08-01 | Paper |
Power values of sums of products of consecutive integers | 2016-04-28 | Paper |
On products of disjoint blocks of arithmetic progressions and related equations | 2016-04-20 | Paper |
Rational function variant of a problem of Erdös and Graham | 2015-09-15 | Paper |
On integral points on biquadratic curves and near-multiples of squares in Lucas sequences | 2014-08-28 | Paper |
On a generalization of a problem of Erdos and Graham | 2014-08-14 | Paper | | 2014-08-12 | Paper |
Equal values of figurate numbers | 2014-02-11 | Paper |
Balancing numbers which are products of consecutive integers | 2013-11-07 | Paper |
On the Diophantine equation $L_n=\binom{x}{5}$ | 2012-07-12 | Paper | | 2011-01-03 | Paper |
Arithmetic progressions of squares, cubes and \(n\)-th powers | 2010-01-07 | Paper | | 2009-12-28 | Paper |
ON THE DIOPHANTINE EQUATION x2 + C = 2yn | 2009-11-03 | Paper | | 2009-10-12 | Paper |
An Algorithm for SAT Without an Extraction Phase | 2009-04-02 | Paper |
Integral points on hyperelliptic curves | 2009-03-16 | Paper |
Squares in products in arithmetic progression with at most one term omitted and common difference a prime power | 2008-12-02 | Paper |
Note on the paper ``An extension of a theorem of Euler" by Hirata-Kohno et al. (Acta Arith. 129 (2007), 71–102) | 2008-10-20 | Paper |
Triangles with two given integral sides | 2008-05-29 | Paper |
On the Diophantine equation x2+q2m=2yp | 2007-03-13 | Paper |
An implementation of Runge's method for Diophantine equations | 2005-12-17 | Paper |
On the Diophantine equation \(x^ 2+a^ 2=2y^ p\). | 2005-01-03 | Paper |
On the Diophantine equation F(x)=G(y) | 2003-09-28 | Paper | | 2001-06-13 | Paper |