Yuri Bazilevs

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zbMath Open bazilevs.yuriWikidataQ110884360 ScholiaQ110884360MaRDI QIDQ333286

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Complex-geometry IGA mesh generation: application to structural vibrations2024-09-12Paper
Fluid-structure interaction modeling with nonmatching interface discretizations for compressible flow problems: simulating aircraft tail buffeting2024-09-12Paper
A stable formulation of correspondence-based peridynamics with a computational structure of a method using nodal integration2024-08-26Paper
Heat flux prediction for hypersonic flows using a stabilized formulation2024-04-16Paper
Isogeometric analysis in computation of complex-geometry flow problems with moving boundaries and interfaces2024-04-11Paper
A new stabilized formulation for the simulation of underwater explosions using isogeometric analysis2024-01-15Paper
Isogeometric discretization methods in computational fluid mechanics2023-06-19Paper
Simulating air blast on concrete structures using the volumetric penalty coupling of isogeometric analysis and peridynamics2023-06-19Paper
Fluid–structure interaction modeling with nonmatching interface discretizations for compressible flow problems: Computational framework and validation study2023-06-19Paper
An improved formulation for reduced quadrature in computational solid mechanics2023-06-01Paper
Constraints for eliminating the Gibbs phenomenon in finite element approximation spaces2023-02-09Paper
A Review of Nonlocality in Computational Contact Mechanics2022-11-18Paper
Reduced quadrature for finite element and isogeometric methods in nonlinear solids2022-09-22Paper
Finite element methodology for modeling aircraft aerodynamics: development, simulation, and validation2022-09-09Paper
A general-purpose, inelastic, rotation-free Kirchhoff-Love shell formulation for peridynamics2022-01-26Paper
Stabilized methods for high-speed compressible flows: toward hypersonic simulations2021-11-09Paper
IGA-PD Penalty-Based Coupling for Immersed Air-Blast Fluid-Structure Interaction: A Simple and Effective Solution for Fracture and Fragmentation2021-11-05Paper
Consistent immersed volumetric Nitsche methods for composite analysis2021-10-28Paper
An updated Lagrangian framework for isogeometric Kirchhoff-Love thin-shell analysis2021-10-27Paper
Corrigendum to: ``Reduced quadrature for FEM, IGA and meshfree methods2021-10-26Paper
Coupling of IGA and Peridynamics for Air-Blast Fluid-Structure Interaction Using an Immersed Approach2021-08-25Paper
A General-Purpose, Inelastic, Rotation-Free Kirchhoff-Love Shell Formulation for Peridynamics2021-07-27Paper
Gas turbine computational flow and structure analysis with isogeometric discretization and a complex-geometry mesh generation method2021-06-17Paper
Correction to: ``Gas turbine computational flow and structure analysis with isogeometric discretization and a complex-geometry mesh generation method2021-06-17Paper
Reduced quadrature for FEM, IGA and meshfree methods2021-04-26Paper
IGA-MPM: the isogeometric material point method2021-04-26Paper
A variational multiscale framework for atmospheric turbulent flows over complex environmental terrains2021-04-26Paper
Variational multiscale modeling with discretely divergence-free subscales2020-12-08Paper
An interactive geometry modeling and parametric design platform for isogeometric analysis2020-10-11Paper
Computational Cardiovascular Analysis with the Variational Multiscale Methods and Isogeometric Discretization2020-07-29Paper
ALE and Space–Time Variational Multiscale Isogeometric Analysis of Wind Turbines and Turbomachinery2020-07-29Paper
Variational Multiscale Flow Analysis in Aerospace, Energy and Transportation Technologies2020-07-29Paper
A theoretical framework for discontinuity capturing: joining variational multiscale analysis and variation entropy theory2020-04-28Paper
Residual-based shock capturing in solids2020-04-24Paper
A unified, stable and accurate meshfree framework for peridynamic correspondence modeling. Part I: core methods2020-04-23Paper
A unified, stable and accurate meshfree framework for peridynamic correspondence modeling. Part II: wave propagation and enforcement of stress boundary conditions2020-04-23Paper
\textsc{tIGAr}: automating isogeometric analysis with \textsc{FEniCS}2020-04-09Paper
Modeling strong discontinuities in the material point method using a single velocity field2020-04-09Paper
Gradient-enhanced damage modeling in Kirchhoff-Love shells: application to isogeometric analysis of composite laminates2020-04-09Paper
Optimizing fluid-structure interaction systems with immersogeometric analysis and surrogate modeling: application to a hydraulic arresting gear2020-04-06Paper
Isogeometric divergence-conforming variational multiscale formulation of incompressible turbulent flows2020-04-06Paper
Isogeometric analysis of large-deformation thin shells using RHT-splines for multiple-patch coupling2020-04-06Paper
A contact formulation based on a volumetric potential: application to isogeometric simulations of atrioventricular valves2020-04-06Paper
Heart valve isogeometric sequentially-coupled FSI analysis with the space-time topology change method2020-04-03Paper
Computational analysis methods for complex unsteady flow problems2019-11-29Paper
Immersogeometric analysis of compressible flows with application to aerodynamic simulation of rotorcraft2019-11-29Paper
Modeling and simulation of bridge-section buffeting response in turbulent flow2019-11-29Paper
A higher-order stress-based gradient-enhanced damage model based on isogeometric analysis2019-06-12Paper
A coupled IGA-meshfree discretization of arbitrary order of accuracy and without global geometry parameterization2019-05-15Paper
Using ALE-VMS to compute aerodynamic derivatives of bridge sections2019-04-26Paper
Error estimates for projection-based dynamic augmented Lagrangian boundary condition enforcement, with application to fluid–structure interaction2019-03-27Paper
Computational and experimental investigation of free vibration and flutter of bridge decks2019-02-15Paper
A bi-partitioned iterative algorithm for solving linear systems arising from incompressible flow problems2018-10-23Paper
Isogeometric analysis of continuum damage in rotation-free composite shells2018-10-22Paper
Variationally consistent domain integration for isogeometric analysis2018-10-22Paper
An immersogeometric variational framework for fluid-structure interaction: application to bioprosthetic heart valves2018-10-22Paper
Projection-based stabilization of interface Lagrange multipliers in immersogeometric fluid-thin structure interaction analysis, with application to heart valve modeling2018-08-30Paper
Modeling of a hydraulic arresting gear using fluid-structure interaction and isogeometric analysis2018-06-27Paper
LES and RANS simulation of wind- and wave-forced oceanic turbulent boundary layers in shallow water with wall modeling2018-06-27Paper
A new variational multiscale formulation for stratified incompressible turbulent flows2018-06-27Paper
Free-surface flow modeling and simulation of horizontal-axis tidal-stream turbines2018-06-27Paper
FSI simulation of two back-to-back wind turbines in atmospheric boundary layer flow2018-06-27Paper
Compressible flows on moving domains: stabilized methods, weakly enforced essential boundary conditions, sliding interfaces, and application to gas-turbine modeling2018-06-27Paper
Carotid artery hemodynamics before and after stenting: a patient specific CFD study2018-06-26Paper
Computational free-surface fluid-structure interaction with application to floating offshore wind turbines2018-06-26Paper
FSI modeling of a propulsion system based on compliant hydrofoils in a tandem configuration2018-06-26Paper
Large-eddy simulation with near-wall modeling using weakly enforced no-slip boundary conditions2018-06-22Paper
Three-dimensional dynamic simulation of elastocapillarity2018-05-18Paper
Erratum to: ``Three-dimensional dynamic simulation of elastocapillarity2018-05-18Paper
Isogeometric Analysis2018-01-18Paper
Fluid–Structure Interaction Modeling and Isogeometric Analysis of a Hydraulic Arresting Gear at Full Scale2017-02-16Paper
Recent Advances in Fluid–Structure Interaction Simulations of Wind Turbines2017-02-16Paper
Space-time and ALE-VMS techniques for patient-specific cardiovascular fluid-structure interaction modeling2017-01-24Paper
Novel structural modeling and mesh moving techniques for advanced fluid-structure interaction simulation of wind turbines2016-12-30Paper
Weakly enforced essential boundary conditions for NURBS-embedded and trimmed NURBS geometries on the basis of the finite cell method2016-12-30Paper
Isogeometric analysis of Lagrangian hydrodynamics2016-12-05Paper
Isogeometric analysis of Lagrangian hydrodynamics: axisymmetric formulation in the \(rz\)-cylindrical coordinates2016-12-05Paper
Isogeometric fluid structure interaction analysis with emphasis on non-matching discretizations, and with application to wind turbines2016-11-03Paper
Engineering analysis and design with ALE-VMS and space-time methods2016-10-28Paper
Aerodynamic and FSI analysis of wind turbines with the ALE-VMS and ST-VMS methods2016-10-28Paper
New directions and challenging computations in fluid dynamics modeling with stabilized and multiscale methods2015-11-06Paper
ALE–VMS formulation for stratified turbulent incompressible flows with applications2015-11-06Paper
Residual-Based Variational Multiscale Theory of LES Turbulence Modeling2015-10-28Paper
Interaction of complex fluids and solids: theory, algorithms and application to phase-change-driven implosion2015-08-04Paper
Dynamic and fluid-structure interaction simulations of bioprosthetic heart valves using parametric design with T-splines and Fung-type material models2015-08-04Paper
Computation of residence time in the simulation of pulsatile ventricular assist devices2015-01-23Paper
Shape optimization of pulsatile ventricular assist devices using FSI to minimize thrombotic risk2015-01-23Paper
Fluid-structure interaction analysis of bioprosthetic heart valves: significance of arterial wall deformation2015-01-23Paper
Impact of data distribution on the parallel performance of iterative linear solvers with emphasis on CFD of incompressible flows2015-01-23Paper
Blended isogeometric shells2014-10-24Paper
ST and ALE-VMS methods for patient-specific cardiovascular fluid mechanics modeling2014-10-01Paper
Isogeometric rotation-free bending-stabilized cables: statics, dynamics, bending strips and coupling with shells2014-05-13Paper
Fluid-structure interaction simulation of pulsatile ventricular assist devices2014-03-21Paper
A new preconditioning technique for implicitly coupled multidomain simulations with applications to hemodynamics2014-03-21Paper
High-performance computing of wind turbine aerodynamics using isogeometric analysis2013-09-04Paper
Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction2013-01-28Paper
Small and large deformation analysis with the \(p\)- and B-spline versions of the finite cell method2013-01-24Paper
Fluid-structure interaction modeling of wind turbines: simulating the full machine2013-01-11Paper
Fluid-structure interaction simulations of the Fontan procedure using variable wall properties2012-08-08Paper
Mathematical modeling of coupled drug and drug-encapsulated nanoparticle transport in patient-specific coronary artery walls2012-07-03Paper
X-FEM in isogeometric analysis for linear fracture mechanics2012-07-02Paper
A computational procedure for prebending of wind turbine blades2012-07-02Paper
Numerical-performance studies for the stabilized space-time computation of wind-turbine rotor aerodynamics2012-04-04Paper
The bending strip method for isogeometric analysis of Kirchhoff-Love shell structures comprised of multiple patches2012-02-08Paper
Rotation-free isogeometric thin shell analysis using PHT-splines2012-02-01Paper
Stabilized space-time computation of wind-turbine rotor aerodynamics2012-01-16Paper
A comparison of outlet boundary treatments for prevention of backflow divergence with relevance to blood flow simulations2012-01-16Paper
A large deformation, rotation-free, isogeometric shell2011-12-19Paper
Isogeometric analysis using T-splines2011-11-30Paper
Isogeometric shell analysis: the Reissner-Mindlin shell2011-11-30Paper
Robustness of isogeometric structural discretizations under severe mesh distortion2011-11-30Paper
\(n\)-widths, sup-infs, and optimality ratios for the \(k\)-version of the isogeometric finite element method2011-11-30Paper
Isogeometric analysis of free-surface flow2011-07-13Paper
A conservative level set method suitable for variable-order approximations and unstructured meshes2011-07-13Paper
3D simulation of wind turbine rotors at full scale. Part I: Geometry modeling and aerodynamics2011-01-17Paper
3D simulation of wind turbine rotors at full scale. Part II: Fluid-structure interaction modeling with composite blades2011-01-17Paper
A generalized finite element formulation for arbitrary basis functions: From isogeometric analysis to XFEM2010-10-28Paper
\(\overline {\text B}\) and \(\overline {\text F}\) projection methods for nearly incompressible linear and nonlinear elasticity and plasticity using higher-order NURBS elements2010-09-14Paper
Isogeometric analysis of the Cahn-Hilliard phase-field model2010-09-14Paper
A tribute to Thomas J.R. Hughes on the occasion of his 65th birthday2010-06-21Paper
Large eddy simulation of turbulent Taylor-Couette flow using isogeometric analysis and the residual-based variational multiscale method2010-04-15Paper
Isogeometric variational multiscale modeling of wall-bounded turbulent flows with weakly enforced boundary conditions on unstretched meshes2010-03-19Paper
Improving stability of stabilized and multiscale formulations in flow simulations at small time steps2010-03-19Paper
Computational fluid-structure interaction: methods and application to a total cavopulmonary connection2009-12-02Paper
Patient-specific isogeometric fluid-structure interaction analysis of thoracic aortic blood flow due to implantation of the Jarvik 2000 left ventricular assist device2009-11-17Paper
Weak Dirichlet boundary conditions for wall-bounded turbulent flows2009-11-06Paper
Variational multiscale residual-based turbulence modeling for large eddy simulation of incompressible flows2009-09-01Paper
NURBS-based isogeometric analysis for the computation of flows about rotating components2009-08-28Paper
Isogeometric fluid-structure interaction: Theory, algorithms, and computations2009-08-28Paper
Multiphysics model for blood flow and drug transport with application to patient-specific coronary artery flow2009-08-28Paper
The role of continuity in residual-based variational multiscale modeling of turbulence2009-06-08Paper
Isogeometric fluid-structure interaction analysis with applications to arterial blood flow2009-05-08Paper
Isogeometric analysis of structural vibrations2007-09-24Paper
Patient-specific vascular NURBS modeling for isogeometric analysis of blood flow2007-09-20Paper
YZβ discontinuity capturing for advection‐dominated processes with application to arterial drug delivery2007-07-04Paper
Isogeometric analysis: CAD, finite elements, NURBS, exact geometry and mesh refinement2007-04-13Paper
Weak imposition of Dirichlet boundary conditions in fluid mechanics2007-02-19Paper

Research outcomes over time

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