Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Generating pairs for \(\operatorname{SL}(n, Z)\) | 2024-11-18 | Paper |
Steklov institute -- 90! | 2024-11-15 | Paper |
Generating triples of conjugate involutions for finite simple groups | 2024-11-05 | Paper |
On the generation of the groups \(\mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{Z}+i\mathbb{Z})\) and \(\mathrm{PSL}_n(\mathbb{Z}+i\mathbb{Z})\) by three involutions two of which commute. II | 2024-07-09 | Paper |
Packing polynomials on irrational sectors | 2022-07-13 | Paper |
On (2,3)-generation of matrix groups over the ring of integers, II | 2021-10-08 | Paper |
Büchi’s Problem in Modular Arithmetic for Arbitrary Quadratic Polynomials | 2019-11-12 | Paper |
On the primitive divisors of the recurrent sequence \(u_{n+1}=(4\cos^2(2\pi/7)-1)u_{n}-u_{n-1}\) with applications to group theory | 2018-11-23 | Paper |
To the anniversary of Sergei Vladimirovich Vostokov | 2016-10-05 | Paper |
Hurwitz Generation of PSp6(q) | 2015-10-23 | Paper |
Optimal bounds for Büchi's problem in modular arithmetic | 2015-02-04 | Paper |
On a conjecture of Guo and Krattenthaler | 2014-09-19 | Paper |
On the \((2,3)\)-generation of hyperbolic symplectic groups of large rank. | 2014-01-13 | Paper |
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shanin (obituary) | 2013-12-17 | Paper |
On R. Chapman's ``evil determinant: case p≡1±od4 | 2013-07-04 | Paper |
Uniform \((2,k)\)-generation of the 4-dimensional classical groups. | 2013-04-17 | Paper |
Anatolii Vladimirovich Yakovlev (on the occasion of his 70th birthday) | 2012-11-21 | Paper |
On the evaluation of R. Chapman's ``evil determinant | 2012-05-11 | Paper | | 2011-08-16 | Paper |
More classical groups which are not \((2,3)\)-generated. | 2011-03-31 | Paper |
The group \(\text{Sp}_{10}(\mathbb Z)\) is \((2,3)\)-generated. | 2011-03-15 | Paper |
On (2,3)-generation of matrix groups over the ring of integers | 2011-03-02 | Paper |
On (2, 3)-Generation of Low-Dimensional Symplectic Groups Over the Integers | 2010-11-17 | Paper |
Hurwitz Groups and Hurwitz Generation | 2010-10-30 | Paper |
Corrigendum to ``Irreducible \((2,3,7)\)-subgroups of \(\text{PGL}_n(\mathbb{F})\), \(n\leqslant 7\). | 2010-03-01 | Paper |
Irreducible \((2,3,7)\)-subgroups of \(\text{PGL}_n(\mathbb{F})\), \(n\leqslant 7\). II. | 2009-06-17 | Paper |
The local stationary presentation of the alternating groups and the normal form. | 2008-07-29 | Paper | | 2008-03-03 | Paper |
The group GL(6,ℤ) is (2, 3)-generated | 2007-08-13 | Paper |
Groups \(G_2(p)\) as quotients of \((2,3,7;2p)\). | 2007-01-24 | Paper |
Irreducible \((2,3,7)\)-subgroups of \(\text{PGL}_n(\mathbb{F})\), \(n\leqslant 7\). | 2006-07-20 | Paper | | 2006-05-31 | Paper |
Hurwitz Groups of Intermediate Rank | 2005-10-17 | Paper |
Automorphisms of Projective Spaces and Min-Wise Independent Sets of Permutations | 2005-09-16 | Paper |
Algorithms for Sat and upper bounds on their complexity | 2005-08-05 | Paper | | 2005-07-11 | Paper | | 2004-10-28 | Paper |
An upper bound for the contact number in dimension 9 | 2004-06-22 | Paper |
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shanin (on his 80th birthday) | 2003-08-28 | Paper |
The Woods-Erdős conjecture for polynomial rings | 2002-12-01 | Paper |
Triangle groups as subgroups of unitary groups | 2002-11-25 | Paper | | 2002-10-30 | Paper |
Diophantine representations of linear recurrent sequences. II | 2000-06-06 | Paper |
Infiniteness sets of primes, admitting diophantine representations in eight variables | 1999-11-22 | Paper |
Diophantine representations of linear recurrences. I | 1998-10-12 | Paper |
On a class of primality criteria | 1996-09-01 | Paper |