Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Killing vector fields on semi-Riemannian product manifolds | 2023-12-01 | Paper |
Compact locally conformally pseudo-K\"{a}hler manifolds with essential conformal transformations | 2023-09-20 | Paper |
Geometry and holonomy of indecomposable cones | 2023-07-20 | Paper |
Almost Robinson geometries | 2023-07-10 | Paper |
Completeness of certain compact Lorentzian locally symmetric spaces | 2023-05-24 | Paper |
The range of a connection and a Calabi operator for Lorentzian locally symmetric spaces | 2023-02-09 | Paper |
Semi-Riemannian cones with parallel null planes | 2022-12-14 | Paper |
Semi-Riemannian Cones | 2022-11-18 | Paper |
Conformal transformations of Cahen-Wallach spaces | 2022-01-30 | Paper |
Fundamental regions for non-isometric group actions | 2021-12-21 | Paper |
A Calabi operator for Riemannian locally symmetric spaces | 2021-12-01 | Paper |
Conformal properties of indefinite bi-invariant metrics | 2021-09-09 | Paper |
Optical geometries | 2020-09-21 | Paper |
Explicit ambient metrics and holonomy | 2020-02-05 | Paper |
Semi-Riemannian cones | 2020-01-21 | Paper |
Lorentzian geometry: holonomy, spinors, and Cauchy problems | 2019-08-29 | Paper |
Invariant prolongation of the Killing tensor equation | 2019-03-12 | Paper |
Hyperbolic evolution equations, Lorentzian holonomy, and Riemannian generalised Killing spinors | 2019-02-15 | Paper |
New relations between G2 geometries in dimensions 5 and 7 | 2017-12-14 | Paper |
The ambient obstruction tensor and conformal holonomy | 2017-08-18 | Paper |
Locally homogeneous pp-waves | 2016-09-12 | Paper |
Conformal Walker metrics and linear Fefferman-Graham equations | 2016-09-08 | Paper |
Completeness of compact Lorentzian manifolds with abelian holonomy | 2016-03-23 | Paper |
Cauchy problems for Lorentzian manifolds with special holonomy | 2016-02-26 | Paper |
On the full holonomy group of Lorentzian manifolds | 2014-07-31 | Paper |
Conformal holonomy, symmetric spaces, and skew symmetric torsion | 2014-01-31 | Paper |
Ambient metrics with exceptional holonomy | 2012-09-21 | Paper |
Conformal pure radiation with parallel rays | 2012-04-17 | Paper |
Connected subgroups of \(\mathrm{SO}(2,n)\) acting irreducibly on \(\mathbb R^{2,n}\) | 2011-05-05 | Paper |
Half-flat structures and special holonomy | 2011-01-19 | Paper |
On the local structure of Lorentzian Einstein manifolds with parallel distribution of null lines | 2011-01-07 | Paper | | 2010-09-14 | Paper | | 2010-09-14 | Paper |
Ambient metrics for \(n\)-dimensional \(pp\)-waves | 2010-06-04 | Paper |
Cones over pseudo-Riemannian manifolds and their holonomy | 2009-11-16 | Paper | | 2008-08-12 | Paper | | 2008-04-03 | Paper |
Ambient connections realising conformal tractor holonomy | 2008-01-16 | Paper |
On the classification of Lorentzian holonomy groups | 2007-07-25 | Paper |
Conformal holonomy of \(\mathbb{C}\)-spaces, Ricci-flat, and Lorentzian manifolds | 2006-10-25 | Paper |
Screen bundles of Lorentzian manifolds and some generalisations of \(pp\)-waves | 2006-10-05 | Paper | | 2005-07-04 | Paper |
Irreducibly acting subgroups of $Gl(n,\rr)$ | 2005-07-04 | Paper |
Towards a classification of Lorentzian holonomy groups. Part II: Semisimple, non-simple weak-Berger algebras | 2003-09-17 | Paper | | 2002-01-01 | Paper |
Lorentzian homogeneous structures with indecomposable holonomy | 0001-01-03 | Paper |