Pages that link to "Item:Q2413056"
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The following pages link to Quantum geometry and quiver gauge theories (Q2413056):
Displaying 50 items.
- Classical conformal blocks and Painlevé VI (Q270875) (← links)
- Topological strings and quantum spectral problems (Q271065) (← links)
- Classical irregular block, \( \mathcal{N} = 2\) pure gauge theory and Mathieu equation (Q271498) (← links)
- Free analysis and random matrices (Q311170) (← links)
- Topological strings from quantum mechanics (Q345057) (← links)
- Chiral rings for surface operators in 4d and 5d SQCD (Q667238) (← links)
- Little string origin of surface defects (Q682971) (← links)
- New quantum toroidal algebras from 5D \(\mathcal{N} = 1\) instantons on orbifolds (Q779399) (← links)
- Disk, interval, point: on constructions of quantum field theories with holomorphic action functionals (Q783985) (← links)
- Quantum \(K\)-theory of quiver varieties and many-body systems (Q821039) (← links)
- Baxter's relations and spectra of quantum integrable models (Q894213) (← links)
- Fractional quiver W-algebras (Q1620899) (← links)
- Exact quantization conditions for the elliptic Ruijsenaars-Schneider model (Q1635221) (← links)
- Factorization of differential expansion for antiparallel double-braid knots (Q1636213) (← links)
- Chiral observables and S-duality in \(\mathcal N=2^{\star} \mathrm{U}(N)\) gauge theories (Q1636429) (← links)
- VEV of Baxter's Q-operator in \(N = 2\) gauge theory and the BPZ differential equation (Q1636473) (← links)
- Classical limit of irregular blocks and Mathieu functions (Q1638155) (← links)
- BPS/CFT correspondence: non-perturbative Dyson-Schwinger equations and \(qq\)-characters (Q1638463) (← links)
- Deformed SW curve and the null vector decoupling equation in Toda field theory (Q1638540) (← links)
- Explicit examples of DIM constraints for network matrix models (Q1638944) (← links)
- Exact WKB analysis of \( \mathcal{N} =2\) gauge theories (Q1638956) (← links)
- Quiver W-algebras (Q1639934) (← links)
- Quiver elliptic W-algebras (Q1639935) (← links)
- 3d expansions of 5d instanton partition functions (Q1641760) (← links)
- Elliptic quantum groups and Baxter relations (Q1643328) (← links)
- Spectra of quantum KdV Hamiltonians, Langlands duality, and affine opers (Q1671025) (← links)
- Quantum integrability from non-simply laced quiver gauge theory (Q1671958) (← links)
- An elliptic Virasoro symmetry in 6d (Q1683781) (← links)
- Solution of quantum integrable systems from quiver gauge theories (Q1692869) (← links)
- Rectangular superpolynomials for the figure-eight knot \(4_1\) (Q1703251) (← links)
- \((p,q)\)-webs of DIM representations, 5d \(\;\mathcal{N}=1 \) instanton partition functions and qq-characters (Q1706844) (← links)
- Recurrence relations for the \( {\mathcal{W}}_3 \) conformal blocks and \( \mathcal{N}=2 \) SYM partition functions (Q1706864) (← links)
- Surface operators, chiral rings and localization in \( \mathcal{N} =2\) gauge theories (Q1706945) (← links)
- Reflection states in Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra and brane-web for D-type quiver (Q1707691) (← links)
- The \(q\)-AGT-W relations via shuffle algebras (Q1709802) (← links)
- Splitting of surface defect partition functions and integrable systems (Q1710212) (← links)
- A note on the algebraic engineering of 4D \(\mathcal{N} = 2\) super Yang-Mills theories (Q1716741) (← links)
- Takagi lectures on Donaldson-Thomas theory (Q1731898) (← links)
- \(q\)-Virasoro modular triple (Q1733822) (← links)
- BPS/CFT correspondence. IV: Sigma models and defects in gauge theory (Q1737035) (← links)
- Refined geometric transition and \(qq\)-characters (Q1745442) (← links)
- Bands and gaps in Nekrasov partition function (Q1745547) (← links)
- Bethe/gauge correspondence on curved spaces (Q1754805) (← links)
- Spherical Hecke algebra in the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit (Q1754811) (← links)
- Seiberg-Witten period relations in Omega background (Q1783855) (← links)
- Quantum integrability of \( \mathcal{N}=2 \) 4d gauge theories (Q1783856) (← links)
- D-type fiber-base duality (Q1797297) (← links)
- The quantum DELL system (Q1987167) (← links)
- Quantum integrable systems from supergroup gauge theories (Q1995123) (← links)
- \(\mathcal N=2\) quiver gauge theories on A-type ALE spaces (Q2017869) (← links)