Pages that link to "Item:Q281240"
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The following pages link to Matrix models from operators and topological strings (Q281240):
Displaying 35 items.
- Matrix models from operators and topological strings. II (Q331470) (← links)
- Spectral theory and mirror curves of higher genus (Q507734) (← links)
- Instantons in the Hofstadter butterfly: difference equation, resurgence and quantum mirror curves (Q667143) (← links)
- Symmetry breaking in quantum curves and super Chern-Simons matrix models (Q667313) (← links)
- Refined BPS invariants of 6d SCFTs from anomalies and modularity (Q683032) (← links)
- Exact results for ABJ Wilson loops and open-closed duality (Q1636370) (← links)
- ABJM on ellipsoid and topological strings (Q1638895) (← links)
- Exact quantization conditions, toric Calabi-Yau and non-perturbative topological string (Q1678863) (← links)
- Operators and higher genus mirror curves (Q1692846) (← links)
- High order perturbation theory for difference equations and Borel summability of quantum mirror curves (Q1707690) (← links)
- Argyres-Douglas theories, Painlevé II and quantum mechanics (Q1735570) (← links)
- Quantum curves as quantum distributions (Q1735605) (← links)
- New results in \(\mathcal N=2\) theories from non-perturbative string (Q1742402) (← links)
- BPS relations from spectral problems and blowup equations (Q2000944) (← links)
- Quantum periods and TBA-like equations for a class of Calabi-Yau geometries (Q2024173) (← links)
- 3d dualities with decoupled sectors and brane transitions (Q2094696) (← links)
- M2-branes and \({\mathfrak{q}}\)-Painlevé equations (Q2100088) (← links)
- Non-perturbative approaches to the quantum Seiberg-Witten curve (Q2215388) (← links)
- Hanany-Witten transition in quantum curves (Q2303176) (← links)
- Wavefunctions, integrability, and open strings (Q2315670) (← links)
- Quantized mirror curves and resummed WKB (Q2315737) (← links)
- Quantum curves and \(q\)-deformed Painlevé equations (Q2329432) (← links)
- Seiberg-Witten theory as a Fermi gas (Q2361092) (← links)
- ABJM matrix model and 2D Toda lattice hierarchy (Q2417002) (← links)
- A solvable deformation of quantum mechanics (Q2633044) (← links)
- Resummations and non-perturbative corrections (Q2635806) (← links)
- Exact solutions to quantum spectral curves by topological string theory (Q2635938) (← links)
- Spectral zeta function and non-perturbative effects in ABJM Fermi-gas (Q2636103) (← links)
- Resurgence matches quantization (Q2988009) (← links)
- Exact quantization conditions for cluster integrable systems (Q3302710) (← links)
- Localization at large<i>N</i>in Chern–Simons-matter theories (Q4596368) (← links)
- Spectral theory and mirror symmetry (Q5136615) (← links)
- The complex side of the TS/ST correspondence (Q5235241) (← links)
- Exact eigenfunctions and the open topological string (Q5357432) (← links)
- Hofstadter’s butterfly in quantum geometry (Q5855104) (← links)