OpenML dataset with id 357
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Upload date: 29 August 2014
Dataset Characteristics
Number of classes: 2
Number of features: 101 (numeric: 100, symbolic: 1 and in total binary: 1 )
Number of instances: 98,528
Number of instances with missing values: 0
Number of missing values: 0
Author: M. Duarte, Y. H. Hu Source: original - 2013-11-14 - Please cite: M. Duarte and Y. H. Hu. Vehicle classification in distributed sensor networks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 64(7):826-838, July 2004.
This is the SensIT Vehicle (combined) dataset, retrieved 2013-11-14 from the libSVM site. Additional to the preprocessing done there (see LibSVM site for details), this dataset was created as follows:
-join test and train datasets (2 files, already pre-combined)
-relabel classes 1,2=positive class and 3=negative class
-normalize each file columnwise according to the following rules:
-If a column only contains one value (constant feature), it will set to zero and thus removed by sparsity.
-If a column contains two values (binary feature), the value occuring more often will be set to zero, the other to one. -If a column contains more than two values (multinary/real feature), the column is divided by its std deviation.
This page was built for dataset: vehicle_sensIT