
From MaRDI portal

OpenML675MaRDI QIDQ6033410

OpenML dataset with id 675

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Full work available at URL:

Upload date: 4 October 2014

Dataset Characteristics

Number of classes: 0
Number of features: 4 (numeric: 4, symbolic: 0 and in total binary: 0 )
Number of instances: 44
Number of instances with missing values: 0
Number of missing values: 0

Author: Source: Unknown - Date unknown Please cite:

This S dump contains 22 data sets from the book Visualizing Data published by Hobart Press ( The dump was created by data.dump() and can be read back into S by data.restore(). The name of each S data set is the name of the data set used in the book. To find the description of the data set in the book look under the entry - data, name - in the index. For example, one data set is barley. To find the description of barley, look in the index under the entry - data, barley.

File: ../data/visualizing/slope.csv

Information about the dataset CLASSTYPE: numeric CLASSINDEX: none specific