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OpenML1425MaRDI QIDQ6034013

OpenML dataset with id 1425

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Full work available at URL: https://api.openml.org/data/v1/download/1426441/a4a.sparse_arff

Upload date: 27 April 2015

Dataset Characteristics

Number of classes: 0
Number of features: 124 (numeric: 124, symbolic: 0 and in total binary: 0 )
Number of instances: 32,561
Number of instances with missing values: 0
Number of missing values: 0

Author: Ronny Kohavi","Barry Becker libSVM","AAD group Source: original - Date unknown Please cite: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Adult

  1. Dataset from the LIBSVM data repository.

Preprocessing: The original Adult data set has 14 features, among which six are continuous and eight are categorical. In this data set, continuous features are discretized into quantiles, and each quantile is represented by a binary feature. Also, a categorical feature with m categories is converted to m binary features. Details on how each feature is converted can be found in the beginning of each file from this page. http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/jplatt/adult.zip