
From MaRDI portal

OpenML43577MaRDI QIDQ6036674

OpenML dataset with id 43577

No author found.

Full work available at URL: https://api.openml.org/data/v1/download/22102402/Overwatch-competitions-data-7-seasons.arff

Upload date: 24 March 2022

Dataset Characteristics

Number of features: 47 (numeric: 10, symbolic: 0 and in total binary: 0 )
Number of instances: 3,299
Number of instances with missing values: 3,299
Number of missing values: 49,733

Overwatch is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment, which released on May 24, 2016 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows. Described as a "hero shooter", Overwatch assigns players into two teams of six, with each player selecting from a roster of nearly 30 characters, known as "heroes", each with a unique style of play whose roles are divided into three general categories that fit their role: Offense, Defense, Tank, and Support. Players on a team work together to secure and defend control points on a map or escort a payload across the map in a limited amount of time. I discovered this dataset on the Overwatch Subreddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/7o8hmg/my_friend_has_recorded_every_game_hes_played/ and there is sort of same dataset here: https://www.kaggle.com/mylesoneill/overwatch-game-records/home Data was messy, so I try to clean it and make better and easier for visualising and analysing. Columns as: time, result, map, teamrole, character1, character2, character3 and psychological_condition were transformed (clustered) into easy to use format. Thanks to JustWingIt for collecting this amazing data! And Myles O'Neill for bringing this data to Kaggle!