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Digital Library of Mathematical Functions ID 10.61.E3

Failed to parse (Conversion error. Server ("") reported: "TeX input is invalid."): {\displaystyle x^{2}\deriv[2]{w}{x}+x\deriv{w}{x}-(ix^{2}+\nu^{2})w=0,}


w = ber ν x + i bei ν x , ber - ν x + i bei - ν x ker ν x + i kei ν x , ker - ν x + i kei - ν x . 𝑤 Kelvin-ber 𝜈 𝑥 𝑖 Kelvin-bei 𝜈 𝑥 Kelvin-ber 𝜈 𝑥 𝑖 Kelvin-bei 𝜈 𝑥 Kelvin-ker 𝜈 𝑥 𝑖 Kelvin-kei 𝜈 𝑥 Kelvin-ker 𝜈 𝑥 𝑖 Kelvin-kei 𝜈 𝑥 {\displaystyle{\displaystyle w=\begin{array}[t]{cc}\operatorname{ber}_{\nu}x+i% \operatorname{bei}_{\nu}x,&\operatorname{ber}_{-\nu}x+i\operatorname{bei}_{-% \nu}x\\ \operatorname{ker}_{\nu}x+i\operatorname{kei}_{\nu}x,&\operatorname{ker}_{-\nu% }x+i\operatorname{kei}_{-\nu}x.\end{array}}}

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