From MaRDI portal
Digital Library of Mathematical Functions ID 14.15.E18
Failed to parse (Conversion error. Server ("") reported: "TeX input is invalid."): {\displaystyle \assLegendreOlverQ[\mu]{\nu}@{x}=\frac{1}{\beta\EulerGamma@{\nu+\mu+1}}\left(\frac{\alpha^{2}-y}{x^{2}-1+\alpha^{2}}\right)^{1/4}\*\modBesselK{\mu}@{\left(\nu+\tfrac{1}{2}\right)|y|^{1/2}}\left(1+\bigO@{\frac{1}{\nu}}\right),}
Symbols List
- : order not exceeding
- : gamma function
- :
- : modified Bessel function of the second kind
- : real variable
- : general order
- : general degree
- : β
- : y
- : α

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