From MaRDI portal
Digital Library of Mathematical Functions ID 23.10.E15
Failed to parse (Conversion error. Server ("") reported: "TeX input is invalid."): {\displaystyle A_{n}=\left(\frac{\pi^{2}G^{2}}{\omega_{1}}\right)^{n^{2}-1}\frac{q^{n(n-1)/2}}{i^{n-1}}\exp@{-\frac{(n-1)\eta_{1}}{3\omega_{1}}\left((2n-1)(\omega_{1}^{2}+\omega_{3}^{2})+3(n-1)\omega_{1}\omega_{3}\right)},}
Symbols List
- : the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
- : exponential function
- : imaginary unit
- : nome
- : integer
- : lattice generators
- : coefficients
- : G
- : complex number

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