Violeta Migallón

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Available identifiers

zbMath Open migallon.violetaMaRDI QIDQ1028187

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Alternating two-stage methods for consistent linear systems with applications to the parallel solution of Markov chains2009-12-21Paper
PyPnetCDF: a high level framework for parallel access to netCDF files2009-12-21Paper
PyACTS: A Python based interface to ACTS tools and parallel scientific applications2009-11-25Paper
Interfaces for parallel numerical linear algebra libraries in high level languages2009-06-30Paper
Newton additive and multiplicative Schwarz iterative methods2008-03-12Paper
Parallel Newton two-stage methods based on ILU factorizations for nonlinear systems2006-12-06Paper
High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR 20042005-11-10Paper
Parallel Newton two-stage multisplitting iterative methods for nonlinear systems2004-06-11Paper
On parallel two-stage methods for Hermitian positive definite matrices with applications to preconditioning2001-09-16Paper
The monotonicity of two-stage iterative methods2001-08-16Paper
Block two-stage preconditioners2001-08-07Paper
Nonstationary Multisplittings with General Weighting Matrices2001-03-19Paper
Block and asynchronous two-stage methods for mildly nonlinear systems1999-09-22Paper
Convergence of non-stationary parallel multisplitting methods for hermitian positive definite matrices1997-12-16Paper
Convergence of two-stage iterative methods for Hermitian positive definite matrices1997-11-12Paper
Nonstationary parallel relaxed multisplitting methods1997-02-20Paper
Parallel, synchronous and asynchronous two-stage multisplitting methods1997-02-11Paper
Parallel chaotic extrapolated Jacobi-like methods1997-02-11Paper
Non-stationary parallel multisplitting AOR methods1996-10-28Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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