Vincent N. La Riccia

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zbMath Open lariccia.vincent-nMaRDI QIDQ1166204

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Moment discretization for ill-posed problems with discrete weakly bounded noise2012-11-15Paper
Noise Models for Ill-Posed Problems2010-10-26Paper
On weakly bounded noise in ill-posed problems2009-12-18Paper
Maximum penalized likelihood estimation. Volume II: Regression2009-04-22Paper
Equivalent kernels for smoothing splines2008-03-20Paper
Uniform error bounds for smoothing splines2007-09-12Paper
Maximum smoothed likelihood density estimation2007-04-16Paper
Maximum likelihood estimation of smooth monotone and unimodal densities.2002-11-14Paper
Maximum penalized likelihood estimation. Vol. 1: Density estimation2001-08-09Paper
Optimal convergence rates for Good's nonparametric maximum likelihood density estimator2001-03-29Paper
Best asymptotic normality of the kernel density entropy estimator for smooth densities1999-11-21Paper
Nonlinearly Smoothed EM Density Estimation With Automated Smoothing Parameter Selection for Nonparametric Deconvolution Problems1999-05-26Paper
Maximum penalized likelihood estimation and smoothed em algorithms for positive integral equatioins of the first kind1998-04-29Paper
Maximum smoothed likelihood density estimation for inverse problems1995-09-10Paper
Parametric testing procedures for type II censorkd data sets based on the qtantile function1988-01-01Paper
Parametric testing procedures for type II censorkd data sets based on the qtantile function1988-01-01Paper
Small sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimators for an alternative parameterization of the three-parameter lognormal distribution1987-01-01Paper
Cramér-von Mises statistics based on the sample quantile function and estimated parameters1986-01-01Paper
Optimal goodness-of-fit tests for normality against skewness and kurtosis alternatives1986-01-01Paper
Asymptotically Chi-Squared Distributed Tests of Normality for Type II Censored Samples1986-01-01Paper
Optimal goodness-of-fit tests for location-scale families of distributions based on the sum of squares of L-statistics1985-01-01Paper
Closed form asymptotically efficient estimators based upon order statistics1985-01-01Paper
Asymptotic Properties of a Family of Minimum Quantile Distance Estimators1985-01-01Paper
Optimal weights for general \(L^ 2\) distance estimators1984-01-01Paper
Parameter estimation based upon nonparametric function estimators1984-01-01Paper
An asymptotically efficient closed form estimator for the three - parameter lognormal distribution1983-01-01Paper
Asymptotic properties of weighted \(L^ 2\) quantile distance estimators1982-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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