Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
The equation X⊤AX=B with B skew-symmetric: how much of a bilinear form is skew-symmetric? | 2023-08-10 | Paper |
On the consistency of the matrix equation \(X^\top AX = B\) when \(B\) is symmetric: the case where \(\mathrm{CFC}(A)\) includes skew-symmetric blocks | 2023-02-06 | Paper |
On the consistency of the matrix equation $X^\top A X=B$ when $B$ is symmetric: the case where CFC($A$) includes skew-symmetric blocks | 2022-09-06 | Paper | | 2021-05-26 | Paper |
On the consistency of the matrix equation \(X^\top A X=B\) when \(B\) is symmetric | 2021-01-28 | Paper |
Companion unit lower Hessenberg matrices | 2020-01-17 | Paper |
The WST-decomposition for partial matrices | 2019-01-29 | Paper |
Fillmore's theorem for integer matrices | 2017-09-07 | Paper |
ACI-matrices of constant rank over arbitrary fields | 2017-06-22 | Paper |
The real nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem is NP-hard | 2017-03-28 | Paper |
A matrix completion problem over integral domains*: thecasewith 2n - 3 prescribed blocks * | 2014-12-19 | Paper |
A note on matrices with prescribed off-diagonal submatrix and characteristic polynomial | 2014-07-22 | Paper |
Characterization of full rank ACI-matrices over fields | 2014-02-19 | Paper |
Nonsingular ACI-matrices over integral domains | 2012-05-11 | Paper |
Matrix completion problems over integral domains: the case with a diagonal of prescribed blocks | 2011-11-29 | Paper |
A matrix completion problem over integral domains: the case with \(2n-3\) prescribed entries | 2010-06-22 | Paper |
A note on ``Constructing matrices with prescribed off-diagonal submatrix and invariant polynomials | 2008-10-06 | Paper |
Symmetric nonnegative realization of spectra | 2008-05-28 | Paper |
A unified view on compensation criteria in the real nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem | 2008-05-15 | Paper |
Constructing matrices with prescribed off-diagonal submatrix and invariant polynomials | 2007-06-26 | Paper |
Constructing matrices with prescribed main-diagonal submatrix and characteristic polynomial | 2006-12-07 | Paper |
Three coefficients of a polynomial can determine its \(\phi\)-instability | 2006-07-20 | Paper |
On the comparison of some realizability criteria for the real nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem | 2005-02-22 | Paper |
Negativity compensation in the nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem | 2005-01-11 | Paper |
Three coefficients of a polynomial can determine its instability | 2002-07-21 | Paper | | 2001-02-11 | Paper |
On the boundary of the set of real spectra of nonnegative matrices | 2000-04-04 | Paper |
Extremal majorizing and anti-majorizing matrices | 1999-10-28 | Paper |
Matrix scaling: A geometric proof of Sinkhorn's theorem | 1998-08-12 | Paper |
On nonnegative matrices similar to positive matrices | 1998-04-28 | Paper |
Nonsingular Configurations of 7 Lines of IRP3 | 1998-03-24 | Paper |
*-graphs of vertices of the generalized transitive tournament polytope | 1998-01-26 | Paper | | 1998-01-21 | Paper |
Doubly stochastic matrices and dicycle covers and packings in Eulerian digraphs | 1997-11-12 | Paper |
Vertices of the generalized transitive tournament polytope | 1997-08-31 | Paper |
On the nonnegative eigenvalue problem | 1995-09-06 | Paper |
\((0,{1\over 2},1)\) matrices which are extreme points of the generalized transitive tournament polytope | 1995-08-06 | Paper |
Mirror property for nonsingular mixed configurations of lines and points in \(\mathbb{R}^ 3\) | 1995-01-31 | Paper |
Diagonals of rotation matrices | 1994-01-03 | Paper | | 1993-05-18 | Paper | | 1993-01-16 | Paper |
A simplification of the C-realizability criterion for the Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for integers | N/A | Paper |