Gordon Wilson MacDonald

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zbMath Open macdonald.gordon-wilsonMaRDI QIDQ1310843

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
A note on the structure of matrix ^*-subalgebras with scalar diagonals2021-12-16Paper
Algebraic degree in spatial matricial numerical ranges of linear operators2021-08-31Paper
Hilbert space operators with compatible off-diagonal corners2018-06-01Paper
A Perron-Frobenius-type theorem for positive matrix semigroups2017-06-16Paper
Universal bounds for positive matrix semigroups2016-04-28Paper
A simultaneous Wielandt positivity theorem2015-04-30Paper
A spatial version of Wedderburn’s Principal Theorem2015-02-20Paper
Paratransitive algebras of linear operators. I2014-02-19Paper
Paratransitive algebras of linear operators. II2014-02-19Paper
On the dimension of linear spaces of nilpotent matrices2012-04-19Paper
Positive matrix semigroups with binary diagonals2012-01-26Paper
Multiplicative diagonals of matrix semigroups2011-09-09Paper
Composition operators on the Newton space2011-04-20Paper
Universal bounds for matrix semigroups2011-03-14Paper
Topologically transitive matrix semigroups2008-02-22Paper
A Kadison transitivity theorem for \(C^{*}\)-semigroups2008-02-11Paper
Distance from Idempotents to Nilpotents2007-07-12Paper
Standard triangularization of semigroups of non-negative operators2005-03-08Paper
Matrix semigroups with commutable rank.2004-03-07Paper
Operator semigroups for which reducibility implies decomposability2004-01-06Paper
An irreducible semigroup of non-negative square-zero operators2003-06-01Paper
\(n\)-transitivity and the complementation property2003-05-18Paper
On transitive linear semigroups2001-10-16Paper
On operator bands2001-02-27Paper
Cone-transitive matrix semigroups2001-02-06Paper
Principal-ideal bands2000-04-03Paper
Expanding a band1999-06-23Paper
Distance From Projections to Nilpotents1996-01-08Paper
Towards a classification of maximal unicellular bands1994-10-12Paper
Hilbert spaces of \(q\)-shifted factorial series1994-01-23Paper
Invariant subspaces for Bishop-type operators1990-01-01Paper
Ultraweakly Closed Algebras and Preannihilators1990-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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