Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Dk Gravitational Instantons as Superpositions of Atiyah–Hitchin and Taub–NUT Geometries | 2021-09-02 | Paper |
Asymptotics of partial density functions for divisors | 2017-10-20 | Paper |
Toric partial density functions and stability of toric varieties | 2014-04-30 | Paper |
Extremal metrics on blowups | 2011-05-03 | Paper |
A conformally invariant Maxwell gauge. | 2010-01-05 | Paper |
Constant scalar curvature Kähler surfaces and parabolic polystability | 2009-10-26 | Paper |
Construction of Kähler surfaces with constant scalar curvature | 2009-09-29 | Paper |
Toric self-dual Einstein metrics on compact orbifolds | 2006-07-25 | Paper |
Non-minimal scalar-flat Kähler surfaces and parabolic stability | 2005-12-05 | Paper |
Continued fractions and Einstein manifolds of infinite topological type | 2005-08-30 | Paper |
Gerbes, Clifford modules and the index theorem | 2005-04-18 | Paper |
A note on monopole moduli spaces | 2004-12-14 | Paper |
Einstein metrics and complex singularities | 2004-10-01 | Paper |
The interaction energy of well-separated Skyrme solitons | 2004-02-17 | Paper |
Tau-functions, twistor theory, and quantum field theory | 2004-01-14 | Paper |
Hyperbolic monopoles and holomorphic spheres | 2003-06-09 | Paper |
Gluing theorems for complete anti-self-dual spaces | 2003-06-04 | Paper |
A momentum construction for circle-invariant Kähler metrics | 2002-03-19 | Paper |
A conformally invariant Maxwell gauge | 2002-01-09 | Paper |
An \(L^2\)-index theorem for Dirac operators on \(S^1\times\mathbb{R}^3\) | 2001-11-23 | Paper |
On the complete integrability of the discrete Nahm equations | 2001-08-07 | Paper |
Tau functions and the twistor theory of integrable systems. | 2000-08-16 | Paper |
Symmetric instantons and Skyrme fields | 2000-05-10 | Paper |
Spectral curves of non-integral hyperbolic monopoles | 1998-09-07 | Paper |
The twistor theory of equations of KdV type. I | 1995-02-13 | Paper | | 1995-01-23 | Paper |
A Kummer-type construction of self-dual 4-manifolds | 1994-11-09 | Paper |
Existence and deformation theory for scalar-flat Kähler metrics on compact complex surfaces | 1994-08-16 | Paper |
The Fröhlicher spectral sequence on a twistor space | 1994-03-13 | Paper |
The Landau-Lifshitz equation, elliptic curves and the Ward transform | 1993-11-07 | Paper |
Positive Einstein metrics with small \(L^{n/2}\)-norm of the Weyl tensor | 1992-06-25 | Paper |
Relative Cohomology and Projective Twistor Diagrams | 1992-06-25 | Paper |
A Duality Theorem for the De Rham Theory of a Family of Manifolds | 1992-06-25 | Paper |
Flat twistor spaces, conformally flat manifolds and four-dimensional field theory | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
On the twistor description of sourced fields | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
Duality in twistor theory without Minkowski space | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
Gluing theorems for anti-self-dual metrics | N/A | Paper |