Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
On complete Weingarten hypersurfaces under assumptions on the Gauss-Kronecker curvature | 2024-03-11 | Paper |
Some characterizations of Bach solitons via Ricci curvature | 2023-08-18 | Paper |
A note on the triviality of gradient solitons of the Ricci-Bourguignon flow | 2023-01-25 | Paper | | 2022-09-16 | Paper |
Immersions of \(r\)-almost Yamabe solitons into Riemannian manifolds | 2022-08-09 | Paper |
On the umbilicity of linear Weingarten spacelike submanifolds immersed in the de Sitter space | 2022-08-05 | Paper |
A note on gradient \(k\)-Yamabe solitons | 2022-06-09 | Paper |
A sharp integral inequality for compact Weingarten hypersurfaces under an Okumura type inequality | 2022-04-13 | Paper |
Revisiting linear Weingarten hypersurfaces immersed into a locally symmetric Riemannian manifold | 2022-03-15 | Paper |
On scalar curvature of \(r\)-almost Yamabe solitons | 2022-03-09 | Paper |
A gap theorem for constant scalar curvature hypersurfaces | 2022-02-14 | Paper |
Complete spacelike hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature: descriptions and gaps | 2022-02-01 | Paper |
Generalized linear Weingarten spacelike hypersurfaces in GRW spacetimes: height estimates and half-space theorems | 2021-11-11 | Paper |
Characterizing closed linear Weingarten spacelike submanifolds immersed in the de Sitter space | 2021-07-28 | Paper |
A short note on a class of Weingarten hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^{n + 1} \) | 2021-07-02 | Paper |
Constant mean curvature spacelike hypersurfaces in standard static spaces: rigidity and parabolicity | 2020-11-19 | Paper |
Spacelike hypersurfaces immersed in weighted standard static spacetimes: uniqueness, nonexistence and stability | 2020-05-12 | Paper |
\(r\)-almost Newton-Ricci solitons immersed in a Lorentzian manifold: examples, nonexistence and rigidity | 2020-05-05 | Paper |
Sharp eigenvalue estimates of closed $H$-hypersurfaces in locally symmetric spaces | 2019-12-18 | Paper | | 2019-10-23 | Paper |
Scalar curvature estimates of constant mean curvature hypersurfaces in locally symmetric spaces | 2019-06-28 | Paper |
A new optimal estimate for the first stability eigenvalue of closed hypersurfaces in Riemannian space forms | 2018-12-12 | Paper |
A note on compact Weingarten hypersurfaces embedded in \(\mathbb{R}^{n + 1}\) | 2018-11-21 | Paper |
A sharp scalar curvature estimate for CMC hypersurfaces satisfying an Okumura type inequality | 2018-10-31 | Paper |
Parabolicity and rigidity of two-sided hypersurfaces in Killing warped products | 2018-09-06 | Paper |
Height estimates and topology at infinity of hypersurfaces immersed in a certain class of warped products | 2018-08-20 | Paper |
Sharp height estimate in Lorentz-Minkowski space revisited | 2018-06-08 | Paper |
\(r\)-almost Newton-Ricci solitons immersed into a Riemannian manifold | 2018-05-09 | Paper |
On the stability and parabolicity of complete \(f\)-minimal hypersurfaces in weighted warped products | 2018-04-13 | Paper |
Characterizations of complete CMC spacelike hypersurfaces satisfying an Okumura type inequality | 2018-02-06 | Paper |
Parabolicity and rigidity of spacelike hypersurfaces immersed in a Lorentzian Killing warped product | 2017-09-11 | Paper |
On the Stability of $f$-Maximal Spacelike Hypersurfaces in Weighted Generalized Robertson–Walker Spacetimes | 2017-01-25 | Paper |
Bernstein type properties of two-sided hypersurfaces immersed in a Killing warped product | 2016-05-27 | Paper |