Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Computational wiretap coding from indistinguishability obfuscation | 2024-02-06 | Paper |
Tracing quantum state distinguishers via backtracking | 2024-02-06 | Paper |
Security-preserving distributed samplers: how to generate any CRS in one round without random oracles | 2024-02-02 | Paper |
Another round of breaking and making quantum money: how to not build it from lattices, and more | 2024-01-16 | Paper |
A lower bound on the length of signatures based on group actions and generic isogenies | 2023-12-08 | Paper |
Full quantum equivalence of group action DLog and CDH, and more | 2023-08-25 | Paper |
Collusion resistant copy-protection for watermarkable functionalities | 2023-08-14 | Paper |
Adaptive multiparty NIKE | 2023-08-14 | Paper |
Augmented random oracles | 2023-06-30 | Paper |
To label, or not to label (in generic groups) | 2023-06-30 | Paper |
New constructions of collapsing hashes | 2023-06-30 | Paper |
On the feasibility of unclonable encryption, and more | 2023-06-28 | Paper |
Redeeming reset indifferentiability and applications to post-quantum security | 2023-05-12 | Paper |
Franchised quantum money | 2023-05-12 | Paper |
Disappearing cryptography in the bounded storage model | 2023-04-13 | Paper | | 2023-02-03 | Paper |
How to Construct Quantum Random Functions | 2022-12-08 | Paper |
Indifferentiability for public key cryptosystems | 2022-11-09 | Paper |
New techniques for traitor tracing: size \(N^{1/3}\) and more from pairings | 2022-11-09 | Paper |
Incompressible cryptography | 2022-08-30 | Paper |
Quantum algorithms for variants of average-case lattice problems via filtering | 2022-08-30 | Paper |
White box traitor tracing | 2022-05-18 | Paper |
New approaches for quantum copy-protection | 2022-03-31 | Paper |
Hidden cosets and applications to unclonable cryptography | 2022-03-31 | Paper |
Schrödinger's pirate: how to trace a quantum decoder | 2022-03-23 | Paper |
Classical vs quantum random oracles | 2021-12-08 | Paper |
Towards non-interactive witness hiding | 2021-12-01 | Paper |
Decomposable obfuscation: a framework for building applications of obfuscation from polynomial hardness | 2021-08-10 | Paper |
Quantum lightning never strikes the same state twice. Or: quantum money from cryptographic assumptions | 2021-04-07 | Paper |
One-shot signatures and applications to hybrid quantum/classical authentication | 2021-01-19 | Paper |
Multiparty non-interactive key exchange and more from isogenies on elliptic curves | 2020-06-24 | Paper |
How to record quantum queries, and applications to quantum indifferentiability | 2020-03-09 | Paper |
Revisiting post-quantum Fiat-Shamir | 2020-03-09 | Paper |
The distinction between fixed and random generators in group-based assumptions | 2020-03-09 | Paper |
On ELFs, deterministic encryption, and correlated-input security | 2020-02-04 | Paper |
On finding quantum multi-collisions | 2020-02-04 | Paper |
Quantum lightning never strikes the same state twice | 2020-02-04 | Paper |
New techniques for obfuscating conjunctions | 2020-02-04 | Paper |
The magic of ELFs | 2019-08-13 | Paper |
Parameter-hiding order revealing encryption | 2018-12-20 | Paper |
Impossibility of order-revealing encryption in idealized models | 2018-12-06 | Paper |
The MMap strikes back: obfuscation and new multilinear maps immune to CLT13 zeroizing attacks | 2018-12-06 | Paper |
Return of GGH15: provable security against zeroizing attacks | 2018-12-06 | Paper |
Cutting-edge cryptography through the lens of secret sharing | 2018-12-03 | Paper |
Decomposable obfuscation: a framework for building applications of obfuscation from polynomial hardness | 2018-01-19 | Paper |
Multiparty key exchange, efficient traitor tracing, and more from indistinguishability obfuscation | 2018-01-05 | Paper |
New security notions and feasibility results for authentication of quantum data | 2017-11-15 | Paper |
Breaking the Sub-Exponential Barrier in Obfustopia | 2017-06-23 | Paper |
How to Generate and Use Universal Samplers | 2017-01-06 | Paper |
Secure Obfuscation in a Weak Multilinear Map Model | 2016-12-22 | Paper |
Strong Hardness of Privacy from Weak Traitor Tracing | 2016-12-21 | Paper |
The Magic of ELFs | 2016-11-30 | Paper |
Annihilation Attacks for Multilinear Maps: Cryptanalysis of Indistinguishability Obfuscation over GGH13 | 2016-10-27 | Paper |
Anonymous Traitor Tracing: How to Embed Arbitrary Information in a Key | 2016-07-15 | Paper |
Post-zeroizing Obfuscation: New Mathematical Tools, and the Case of Evasive Circuits | 2016-07-15 | Paper |
How to Avoid Obfuscation Using Witness PRFs | 2016-04-08 | Paper |
Cutting-Edge Cryptography Through the Lens of Secret Sharing | 2016-04-08 | Paper |
Functional Encryption Without Obfuscation | 2016-04-08 | Paper |
Order-Revealing Encryption and the Hardness of Private Learning | 2016-03-23 | Paper | | 2015-10-09 | Paper |
Semantically Secure Order-Revealing Encryption: Multi-input Functional Encryption Without Obfuscation | 2015-09-30 | Paper |
Low Overhead Broadcast Encryption from Multilinear Maps | 2014-08-07 | Paper |
Multiparty Key Exchange, Efficient Traitor Tracing, and More from Indistinguishability Obfuscation | 2014-08-07 | Paper |
Secure Signatures and Chosen Ciphertext Security in a Quantum Computing World | 2013-09-17 | Paper |
Quantum-Secure Message Authentication Codes | 2013-05-31 | Paper |
Secure Identity-Based Encryption in the Quantum Random Oracle Model | 2012-09-25 | Paper |
Random Oracles in a Quantum World | 2011-12-02 | Paper |