Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Higher-order black-hole solutions in \(N=2\) supergravity and Calabi-Yau string backgrounds | 2017-02-14 | Paper |
Chronological structure of a Gödel type universe with negative cosmological constant | 2012-09-09 | Paper |
De Sitter vacua from \(N = 2\) gauged supergravity | 2012-07-30 | Paper |
Intersecting 6-branes from new 7-manifolds with \(G_{2}\) holonomy | 2011-11-29 | Paper |
Boundary effects relevant for the string interpretation of \(\sigma\)-models. | 2009-12-07 | Paper |
Classification of supersymmetric flux vacua in M-theory | 2007-05-10 | Paper |
Exploring the relation between 4D and 5D BPS solutions | 2007-04-20 | Paper |
General type IIB fluxes with \(\text{SU}(3)\) structures | 2007-04-16 | Paper |
General \(\mathcal N=1\) supersymmetric fluxes in massive type IIA string theory | 2007-04-10 | Paper |
Fluxes in M-theory on 7-manifolds: \(G\)-structures and superpotential | 2007-04-05 | Paper |
Black holes and rings of minimal 5‐dim. supergravity | 2006-06-06 | Paper |
Black holes in Gödel-type universes with a cosmological constant | 2005-02-09 | Paper |
Superpotentials from flux compactifications of M-theory | 2005-02-01 | Paper |
Time-dependent backgrounds from supergravity with gauged non-compact R -symmetry | 2004-06-10 | Paper |
Supersymmetric intersecting D6-branes and fluxes in massive Type IIA string theory | 2003-12-07 | Paper |
Intersecting branes and 7‐manifolds with G2 holonomy | 2003-08-07 | Paper |
Massive dualities in six dimensions | 2003-07-30 | Paper | | 2003-05-13 | Paper |
BPS black holes in \(N=2\) five-dimensional ADS supergravity | 2002-12-21 | Paper |
Singular 7-manifolds with \(G_2\) holonomy and intersecting 6-branes | 2002-07-03 | Paper |
Vacua of \(N=2\) gauged supergravity derived from non-homogeneous quaternionic spaces | 2002-04-07 | Paper | | 2001-11-04 | Paper |
Gauging of N=2 supergravity hypermultiplet and novel renormalization group flows | 2001-07-31 | Paper |
Curved BPS domain wall solutions in four-dimensional N=2 supergravity | 2001-07-25 | Paper |
Domain walls and superpotentials from M-theory on Calabi-Yau three-folds. | 2001-05-14 | Paper | | 2001-04-23 | Paper |
Supersymmetric domain wall world from \(D=5\) simple gauged supergravity | 2001-04-18 | Paper |
A non-singular infra-red flow from \(D=5\) gauged supergravity | 2001-04-18 | Paper |
Infra-red fixed points at the boundary | 2001-03-22 | Paper |
Classical and quantum aspects of \(4\)-dimensional black holes | 2001-03-08 | Paper |
Branes, waves and AdS orbifolds | 2000-12-04 | Paper |
On central charges and the entropy in Matrix theory | 2000-12-04 | Paper | | 2000-10-08 | Paper |
On domain-wall/QFT dualities in various dimensions | 2000-10-01 | Paper |
\(\text{AdS}_3\) gravity and conformal field theories | 2000-07-12 | Paper |
Non-extreme black holes of five-dimensional \(N=2\) AdS supergravity | 2000-07-12 | Paper |
Domain walls of \(D=5\) supergravity and fixed points of \(N=1\) super-Yang-Mills | 2000-07-12 | Paper |
String Kaluza-Klein cosmology | 2000-07-10 | Paper |
Stationary solutions of \(N=2\) supergravity | 2000-07-03 | Paper |
A monopole solution in open string theory | 2000-03-06 | Paper |
D -instantons and asymptotic geometries | 1999-11-18 | Paper | | 1998-01-01 | Paper | | 1998-01-01 | Paper |
Instanton effects in string cosmology | 1997-12-02 | Paper |
From Type IIA black holes to \(T\)-dual Type IIB D-instantons in \(N=2, D=4\) supergravity | 1997-12-02 | Paper |
Quantum \(N = 2\) supersymmetric black holes in the \(S\)-\(T\) model | 1997-10-29 | Paper |
Classical and quantum aspects of 4 dimensional black holes | 1997-06-10 | Paper |
Classical and quantum \(N=2\) supersymmetric black holes | 1997-02-19 | Paper |
\(F\& H\) monopoles | 1996-05-07 | Paper |
Type II duality symmetries in six dimensions | 1996-04-24 | Paper |
About a class of exact string backgrounds | 1995-11-07 | Paper |