Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Non-intrusive reduced basis two-grid method for flow and transport problems in heterogeneous porous media | 2024-12-16 | Paper |
Solving large-scale variational inequalities with dynamically adjusting initial condition in physics-informed neural networks | 2024-08-15 | Paper |
Towards simplified and optimized a posteriori error estimation using PGD reduced models | 2024-07-02 | Paper |
Transport map sampling with PGD model reduction for fast dynamical Bayesian data assimilation | 2024-06-04 | Paper |
Fully automated model updating framework for damage detection based on the modified constitutive relation error | 2024-05-17 | Paper |
Certified real-time shape optimization using isogeometric analysis, PGD model reduction, and a posteriori error estimation | 2024-05-10 | Paper |
NN-mCRE: a modified constitutive relation error framework for unsupervised learning of nonlinear state laws with physics-augmented neural networks | 2024-05-10 | Paper |
Unsupervised learning of history-dependent constitutive material laws with thermodynamically-consistent neural networks in the modified constitutive relation error framework | 2024-05-06 | Paper |
An Introductory Review on A Posteriori Error Estimation in Finite Element Computations | 2023-11-29 | Paper |
Adaptive space-time model order reduction with dual-weighted residual (MORe DWR) error control for poroelasticity | 2023-11-15 | Paper |
A domain decomposition strategy for mCRE-based model updating in dynamics | 2023-11-06 | Paper |
Non-intrusive model combination for learning dynamical systems | 2023-11-06 | Paper |
MORe DWR: Space-time goal-oriented error control for incremental POD-based ROM | 2023-04-03 | Paper |
Real-time inverse crack tracking in uncertain microstructures using PGD-based model reduction and extended Kalman filtering | 2023-03-17 | Paper |
A real-time variational data assimilation method with data-driven model enrichment for time-dependent problems | 2023-02-10 | Paper |
mCRE-based parameter identification from full-field measurements: consistent framework, integrated version, and extension to nonlinear material behaviors | 2022-10-10 | Paper |
Iterative PGD model reduction for the strongly-coupled thermomechanical analysis of crack propagation in power electronic modules | 2022-09-09 | Paper |
Correction to: ``Goal-oriented error estimation and adaptivity in MsFEM computations | 2021-11-22 | Paper |
Goal-oriented error estimation and adaptivity in MsFEM computations | 2021-11-09 | Paper |
A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity in non-intrusive couplings between concurrent models | 2020-06-10 | Paper |
\textit{A posteriori} error estimation for isogeometric analysis using the concept of constitutive relation error | 2020-04-16 | Paper |
Parameter identification and model updating in the context of nonlinear mechanical behaviors using a unified formulation of the modified constitutive relation error concept | 2020-04-09 | Paper |
\textit{A posteriori} error estimation and adaptive strategy for the control of MsFEM computations | 2020-04-07 | Paper |
Approximation of constrained problems using the PGD method with application to pure Neumann problems | 2020-04-06 | Paper |
\textit{A posteriori} error estimation and adaptive strategy for PGD model reduction applied to parametrized linear parabolic problems | 2020-04-06 | Paper |
A new goal-oriented formulation of the finite element method | 2020-04-06 | Paper |
On a goal-oriented version of the proper generalized decomposition method | 2019-11-13 | Paper |
Guaranteed control of switched control systems using model order reduction and state-space bisection | 2019-10-24 | Paper |
Computable upper and lower bounds on eigenfrequencies | 2019-06-12 | Paper |
Fast model updating coupling Bayesian inference and PGD model reduction | 2018-12-05 | Paper |
Compositional synthesis of state-dependent switching control | 2018-11-23 | Paper |
Distributed synthesis of state-dependent switching control | 2018-03-26 | Paper |
Distributed control synthesis using Euler's method | 2017-12-20 | Paper |
Wave filtering through a selective perfectly matched layer in multiscale couplings with dynamically incompatible models | 2017-07-19 | Paper |
New bounding techniques for goal-oriented error estimation applied to linear problems | 2016-12-30 | Paper |
Error estimation and model adaptation for a stochastic-deterministic coupling method based on the Arlequin framework | 2016-12-30 | Paper |
Real-time updating of structural mechanics models using Kalman filtering, modified constitutive relation error, and proper generalized decomposition | 2016-12-30 | Paper |
Robust control of PGD-based numerical simulations | 2016-11-03 | Paper |
Goal-oriented updating of mechanical models using the adjoint framework | 2015-01-23 | Paper |
Control of modeling errors in the coupling of linear transport and diffusion models | 2014-05-13 | Paper |
Real-time validation of mechanical models coupling PGD and constitutive relation error | 2013-12-09 | Paper |
Analysis of an Averaging Operator for Atomic-to-Continuum Coupling Methods by the Arlequin Approach | 2012-07-10 | Paper |
On the techniques for constructing admissible stress fields in model verification: Performances on engineering examples | 2012-07-02 | Paper |
Guaranteed error bounds on pointwise quantities of interest for transient viscodynamics problems | 2012-06-07 | Paper |
An enhanced method with local energy minimization for the robust a posteriori construction of equilibrated stress fields in finite element analyses | 2012-06-07 | Paper |
A new adaptive modeling strategy based on optimal control for atomic-to-continuum coupling simulations | 2012-02-01 | Paper |
On the verification of model reduction methods based on the proper generalized decomposition | 2011-12-19 | Paper |
A new non-intrusive technique for the construction of admissible stress fields in model verification | 2011-11-30 | Paper |
An adaptive strategy for the control of modeling error in two-dimensional atomic-to-continuum coupling simulations | 2011-11-30 | Paper |
Estimation and Control of Modeling Error: A General Approach to Multiscale Modeling | 2011-05-31 | Paper |
Calculation of strict error bounds for finite element approximations of non-linear pointwise quantities of interest | 2011-01-06 | Paper |
Ghost forces and spurious effects in atomic‐to‐continuum coupling methods by the Arlequin approach | 2010-10-28 | Paper |
A stochastic coupling method for atomic-to-continuum MonteCarlo simulations | 2010-09-13 | Paper |
Bounds on history-dependent or independent local quantities in viscoelasticity problems solved by approximate methods | 2010-09-10 | Paper |
Strict and effective bounds in goal-oriented error estimation applied to fracture mechanics problems solved with XFEM | 2010-03-29 | Paper |
A non-intrusive method for the calculation of strict and efficient bounds of calculated outputs of interest in linear viscoelasticity problems | 2009-09-01 | Paper |
A non-intrusive approach of goal-oriented error estimation for evolution problems solved by the finite element method | 2008-11-24 | Paper |
Analysis of a subdomain‐based error estimator for finite element approximations of elliptic problems | 2004-03-15 | Paper |