Ramon Carbó-Dorca

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zbMath Open carbo-dorca.ramonWikidataQ16184829 ScholiaQ16184829MaRDI QIDQ169063

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
A study of fermionic Cooper pairs2023-10-05Paper
Information-theoretic spreading measures of a particle confined in a 3D infinite spherical well2023-06-13Paper
Quantum similarity index and Rényi complexity ratio of Kratzer type potential and compared with that of inverse square and Coulomb type potentials2023-04-11Paper
Quantum similarity and QSPR in Euclidean-, and Minkowskian-Banach spaces2023-04-11Paper
Three conjectures on extended twin primes and the existence of isoboolean and singular primes inspired by relativistic quantum computing2022-08-03Paper
Analysis of solutions of time-dependent Schrödinger equation of a particle trapped in a spherical box2022-05-25Paper
Average energy and quantum similarity of a time dependent quantum system subject to Pöschl-Teller potential2022-03-23Paper
Shadows' hypercube, vector spaces, and non-linear optimization of QSPR procedures2022-03-23Paper
Determination of unknown molecular properties in molecular spaces2022-03-23Paper
A naïve HMO study of the Casimir effect2022-03-23Paper
The Collatz conjecture and the quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator2022-01-26Paper
Extension of Fermat's last theorem in Minkowski natural spaces2021-09-28Paper
Extended Minkowski spaces, zero norms, and Minkowski hypersurfaces2021-09-28Paper
Generalized scalar products in Minkowski metric spaces2021-05-10Paper
About the construction of probability hypercubes2021-05-10Paper
A quantum similarity discussion about Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox in Gaussian enfolded spaces2020-09-24Paper
Fuzzy hypercubes and their time-like evolution2020-07-15Paper
Cantor-like transfinite sequences and Gödel-like incompleteness revealed by means of Mersenne transfinite dimensional Boolean hypercube concatenation2020-02-20Paper
Hypercubes defined on \(n\)-ary sets, the Erdös-Faber-Lovász conjecture on graph coloring, and the description spaces of polypeptides and RNA2019-12-11Paper
Vector spaces defined over the unit interval2019-05-29Paper
Transformation of Boolean hypercube vertices into unit interval elements: QSPR workout consequences2019-05-29Paper
Role of the structure of Boolean hypercubes when used as vectors in natural (Boolean) vector semispaces2019-05-29Paper
Universal transformation and non-linear connection between experimental and calculated property vectors in QSPR2019-05-29Paper
Atomic thermal voltage population distributions2018-06-05Paper
Thermal scaling of electronic energy expressions2018-06-05Paper
Boolean hypercubes as time representation holders2018-06-05Paper
DNA, unnatural base pairs and hypercubes2018-06-05Paper
Natural vector spaces (inward power and Minkowski norm of a natural vector, natural Boolean hypercubes) and a Fermat's last theorem conjecture2018-02-09Paper
Refinement of a generalized Fermat's last theorem conjecture in natural vector spaces2018-02-01Paper
A theorem on the Gram matrix of a polyhedron2017-02-22Paper
On the nature of the collective quantum mechanical description of molecular atoms and bonds2016-11-10Paper
Time vectors and particle swarms defined as polyhedra in spherically enfolded spaces2016-11-04Paper
A study on Goldbach conjecture2016-11-04Paper
\(N\)-dimensional Boolean hypercubes and the Goldbach conjecture2016-06-20Paper
A study on the centroid vector of a polyhedron2016-05-13Paper
About Erdös discrepancy conjecture2016-05-12Paper
About an incoherent precision behavior in LCAO MO theory when a simple diatomic molecule collapses into an atom2016-05-12Paper
Least squares estimation of unknown molecular properties and quantum QSPR fundamental equation2015-09-28Paper
An isometric representation problem in quantum multimolecular polyhedra and similarity2015-09-28Paper
An isometric representation problem in quantum multimolecular polyhedra and similarity: II: Synisometry2015-09-28Paper
Variational principle, Hohenberg-Kohn theorem, and density function origin shifts2015-08-26Paper
Coulomb repulsion, point-like nuclear charges, Dirac paradox, soft nuclear charge density and hypermultiplet nuclear repulsion2015-07-15Paper
Quantum polyhedra, definitions, statistics and the construction of a collective quantum similarity index2015-03-19Paper
Multimolecular polyhedra and QSPR2014-10-09Paper
A postulate involving quantum mechanical momentum in position space, density function expression of the kinetic energy and Heisenberg's uncertainty relation2014-10-09Paper
Completely soft molecular electrostatic potentials (CoSMEP) and total density functions2013-09-09Paper
On density function coordinate matrix2013-09-09Paper
Particle coordinates and discrete molecular description: a geometric point of view on a twofold dimensionality environment2013-06-25Paper
A naïve geometrical perspective of Fukui functions: definition of Fukui function skew symmetric matrices described on density function sets2013-04-08Paper
Enfolded conformational spaces: definition of the chemical quantum mechanical multiverse under Born-Oppenheimer approximation2013-04-08Paper
Collective Euclidian distances and quantum similarity2013-02-11Paper
Mathematical aspects of the LCAO MO first order density function. V: Centroid shifting of MO shape functions basis set, properties and applications2013-02-11Paper
EMP as a similarity measure: a geometric point of view2013-02-11Paper
About the concept of chemical space: a \textit{concerned} reflection on some trends of modern scientific thought within theoretical chemical lore2013-02-07Paper
Position-momentum Heisenberg uncertainty in Gaussian enfoldments of euclidian space2013-02-07Paper
Function extended spaces2013-02-07Paper
Simple comparison of atomic population and shape atomic populations distributions between two molecular structures with a coherent number of atoms2013-02-07Paper
Quantum similarity matrices column set as holograms of DF molecular point clouds2013-01-11Paper
Centroid origin shift of quantum object sets and molecular point clouds description and element comparisons2012-10-11Paper
Symmetrical overlap transformations of function basis sets: the LCAO MO and quantum similarity practical cases2012-06-13Paper
Scaled Euclidean distances: a general dissimilarity index with a suitably defined geometrical foundation2012-06-13Paper
On the nature of atomic shell approximation (ASA) electrostatic molecular potentials (EMP)2012-06-13Paper
Shells, point cloud huts, generalized scalar products, cosines and similarity tensor representations in vector semispaces2012-05-31Paper
\(n\)-dimensional Euclidean space Gaussian enfoldment2012-01-13Paper
Geometry of \(n\)-dimensional Euclidean space Gaussian enfoldments2012-01-13Paper
Quantum similarity, volume functions and generalized Carbó indices2011-12-15Paper
Quantum similarity and discrete representation of molecular sets2011-11-08Paper
The general Gaussian product theorem2011-11-08Paper
Logical Kronecker delta deconstruction of the absolute value function and the treatment of absolute deviations2011-07-21Paper
Smooth function topological structure descriptors based on graph-spectra2011-07-21Paper
Deduction of Heisenberg relations and Schrödinger equation through the structure of \(N\)-dimensional parameterized metric vector spaces2011-07-21Paper
Diagonal coefficient representation of density functions and quantum similarity measures2011-07-21Paper
Molecular quantum similarity measures in Minkowski metric vector semispaces2011-07-21Paper
Mathematical aspects of the LCAO MO first order density function. IV: A discussion on the connection of Taylor series expansion of electronic density (TSED) function with the holographic electron density theorem (HEDT) and the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem (HKT)2011-05-11Paper
The relationship between the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a similarity matrix and its associated Carbó index matrix2011-02-18Paper
A Gaussian holographic theorem and the projection of electronic density functions into the surface of a sphere2010-11-22Paper
Definition of norm coherent generalized scalar products and quantum similarity2010-03-02Paper
Mathematical aspects of the LCAO MO first order density function. III: A general localization procedure2008-08-15Paper
Mathematical aspects of the LCAO MO first order density function. I: Atomic partition, metric structure and practical applications2008-08-15Paper
Mathematical aspects of the LCAO MO first order density function. II: Relationships between density functions2008-08-15Paper
A quantum similarity matrix (QSM) Aufbau procedure2008-08-15Paper
Riemannian three dimensional molecular spaces2008-08-15Paper
On Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox2007-08-31Paper
Molecular nuclear fields: a naïve perspective2006-09-22Paper
A discussion on the Einstein-Podolski-Rosen (EPR) effect* in a unique wavefunction quantum mechanical framework2006-09-22Paper
Generation of molecular fields, quantum similarity measures and related questions2006-09-22Paper
Descriptors and probability distributions in MO theory: weighted Mulliken matrices and molecular quantum similarity measures2006-09-22Paper
A general procedure to obtain quantum mechanical charge and bond order molecular parameters2005-01-12Paper
Quantum mechanical basis for Mulliken population analysis2005-01-12Paper
Nonlinear terms \& variational approach in quantum QSPR2005-01-12Paper
A mathematical discussion on density and shape functions, vector semispaces and related questions2004-10-11Paper
Heisenberg's relations in discrete \(N\)-dimensional parameterized metric vector spaces2004-09-09Paper
Infinite-dimensional time vectors as background building blocks of a space-time frame structure2004-09-09Paper
Negative and infinite Fukui functions: The role of diagonal dominance in the hardness matrix2003-10-14Paper
Analysis of a general theorem concerning two non-commuting Hermitian matrices: Quantum mechanical implications for ground and excited states2003-10-14Paper
About some questions relative to the arbitrariness of signs: their possible consequences in matrix signatures definition and quantum chemical applications2003-08-25Paper
Shell partition and metric semispaces: Minkowski norms, root scalar products, distances and cosines of arbitrary order2003-03-10Paper
Inward matrix product algebra and calculus as tools to construct space--time frames of arbitrary dimensions2002-03-26Paper
Quantum chemistry, Sobolev spaces and SCF2001-06-19Paper
Extended Sobolev and Hilbert spaces and approximate stationary solutions for electronic systems within the nonlinear Schrödinger equation2001-06-19Paper
Quantum QSAR and the eigensystems of stochastic quantum similarity matrices2001-06-19Paper
A discussion on an apparent MO theory paradox2001-04-03Paper
A naive look on the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem2000-09-13Paper
On the extension of quantum similarity to atomic nuclei: Nuclear quantum similarity2000-03-09Paper
Extending molecular similarity to energy surfaces: Boltzmann similarity measures and indices1998-12-14Paper
Fuzzy sets and Boolean tagged sets1998-11-10Paper
A procedure to obtain an accurate approximate to a full CI wavefunction1998-11-01Paper
Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theory: Practical implementation of matrix and vector formalisms and description of an heuristic sufficiency convergence criterion1998-11-01Paper
Tagged sets, convex sets and quantum similarity measures1998-09-27Paper
On the statistical interpretation of density functions: Atomic shell approximation, convex sets, discrete quantum chemical molecular representations, diagonal vector spaces and related problems1998-09-27Paper
An iterative method to solve the algebraic eigenvalue problem1998-09-02Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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