Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
A general Chevalley formula for semi-infinite flag manifolds and quantum \(K\)-theory | 2024-04-15 | Paper |
Closed š-Schur Katalan functions as š¾-homology Schubert representatives of the affine Grassmannian | 2024-04-09 | Paper |
Identities of inverse Chevalley type for the graded characters of level-zero Demazure submodules over quantum affine algebras of type \(C\) | 2024-03-11 | Paper |
Quantum \(K\)-theory Chevalley formulas in the parabolic case | 2024-03-04 | Paper |
New structure on the quantum alcove model with applications to representation theory and Schubert calculus | 2023-11-30 | Paper |
Generalized quantum Yang-Baxter moves and their application to Schubert calculus | 2023-06-05 | Paper |
A presentation of the torus-equivariant quantum $K$-theory ring of flag manifolds of type $A$, Part II: quantum double Grothendieck polynomials | 2023-05-28 | Paper |
Inverse \(K\)-Chevalley formulas for semi-infinite flag manifolds. II: Arbitrary weights in ADE type | 2023-05-04 | Paper |
A presentation of the torus-equivariant quantum $K$-theory ring of flag manifolds of type $A$, Part I: the defining ideal | 2023-02-19 | Paper |
A combinatorial Chevalley formula for semi-infinite flag manifolds and its applications | 2023-01-05 | Paper |
Pieri-type multiplication formula for quantum Grothendieck polynomials | 2022-11-03 | Paper |
Symmetric and Nonsymmetric Macdonald Polynomials via a Path Model with a Pseudo-crystal Structure | 2022-10-26 | Paper |
Chevalley formula for anti-dominant minuscule fundamental weights in the equivariant quantum \(K\)-group of partial flag manifolds | 2022-08-30 | Paper |
Quantum K-theory Chevalley formulas in the parabolic case | 2021-09-23 | Paper |
Level-zero van der Kallen modules and specialization of nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials at \(t=\infty\) | 2021-09-09 | Paper |
InverseK-Chevalley formulas for semi-infinite flag manifolds, I: minuscule weights in ADE type | 2021-08-03 | Paper |
Chevalley formula for anti-dominant weights in the equivariant \(K\)-theory of semi-infinite flag manifolds | 2021-07-08 | Paper |
Equivariant \(K\)-theory of semi-infinite flag manifolds and the Pieri-Chevalley formula | 2021-01-12 | Paper |
Inverse $K$-Chevalley formulas for semi-infinite flag manifolds, I: minuscule weights in ADE type | 2020-08-24 | Paper |
A Chevalley formula for semi-infinite flag manifolds and quantum K-theory (Extended abstract) | 2019-11-28 | Paper |
Tensor product decomposition theorem for quantum Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths and standard monomial theory for semi-infinite Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths | 2019-11-27 | Paper |
Representation-theoretic interpretation of Cherednik-Orr's recursion formula for the specialization of nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials at \(t = \infty\) | 2019-05-23 | Paper |
A Uniform Model for KirillovāReshetikhin Crystals II. Alcove Model, Path Model, and $P=X$ | 2019-01-22 | Paper |
Chevalley formula for anti-dominant weights in the equivariant $K$-theory of semi-infinite flag manifolds | 2018-08-04 | Paper |
A uniform model for Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals. III: Nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials at \(t = 0\) and Demazure characters | 2018-02-15 | Paper |
Specialization of nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials at š”=ā and Demazure submodules of level-zero extremal weight modules | 2018-01-29 | Paper |
Quantum Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths and root operators | 2017-11-20 | Paper | | 2017-11-10 | Paper |
Newton-Okounkov convex bodies of Schubert varieties and polyhedral realizations of crystal bases | 2017-02-16 | Paper |
A combinatorial formula expressing periodic \(R\)-polynomials | 2017-02-09 | Paper |
Demazure submodules of level-zero extremal weight modules and specializations of Macdonald polynomials | 2016-08-22 | Paper |
Explicit description of the degree function in terms of quantum Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths | 2016-05-30 | Paper |
Semi-infinite Lakshmibai-Seshadri path model for level-zero extremal weight modules over quantum affine algebras | 2016-02-02 | Paper |
A Uniform Model for Kirillov-Reshetikhin Crystals I: Lifting the Parabolic Quantum Bruhat Graph | 2015-05-11 | Paper |
Toward Berenstein-Zelevinsky data in affine type $A$, I: Construction of affine analogs | 2014-05-19 | Paper |
Toward Berenstein-Zelevinsky data in affine type $A$, part II: Explicit description | 2014-05-19 | Paper |
A uniform model for Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals. Extended abstract | 2014-02-18 | Paper |
Tensor product multiplicities for crystal bases of extremal weight modules over quantum infinite rank affine algebras of types $B_{ā}$, $C_{ā}$, and $D_{ā}$ | 2013-08-20 | Paper |
Toward Berenstein-Zelevinsky Data in Affine Type A, Part III: Proof of the Connectedness | 2013-07-31 | Paper |
Tensor products and Minkowski sums of MirkoviÄ-Vilonen polytopes | 2012-06-26 | Paper |
Crystal Base Elements of an ExtremalWeight Module Fixed by a Diagram Automorphism II: Case of Affine Lie Algebras | 2011-07-13 | Paper |
Polytopal estimate of MirkoviÄ-Vilonen polytopes lying in a Demazure crystal | 2011-02-09 | Paper |
MirkoviÄ-Vilonen polytopes lying in a Demazure crystal and an opposite Demazure crystal | 2009-06-30 | Paper |
LakshmibaiāSeshadri paths of level-zero shape and one-dimensional sums associated to level-zero fundamental representations | 2008-12-16 | Paper |
A modification of the Anderson-MirkoviÄ conjecture for MirkoviÄ-Vilonen polytopes in types \(B\) and \(C\) | 2008-10-06 | Paper |
Crystal structure on the set of Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths of an arbitrary level-zero shape | 2008-04-29 | Paper |
Construction of perfect crystals conjecturally corresponding to Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules over twisted quantum affine algebras | 2006-11-27 | Paper |
Path model for a level-zero extremal weight module over a quantum affine algebra. II | 2006-03-16 | Paper |
Crystal base elements of an extremal weight module fixed by a diagram automorphism | 2006-02-08 | Paper | | 2005-07-27 | Paper |
An approach to the branching rule from \(\mathfrak{sl}_{2n}(\mathbb C)\) to \(\mathfrak{sp}_{2n}(\mathbb C)\) via Littelmann's path model | 2005-04-21 | Paper | | 2005-04-05 | Paper |
A combinatorial identity for the derivative of a theta series of a finite type root lattice | 2004-10-25 | Paper |
A rationalization of the crystal \(\mathbb Z^{\infty}\) and a diagram automorphism. | 2004-07-12 | Paper | | 2004-03-16 | Paper |
A twining character formula for Demazure modules | 2004-02-12 | Paper |
Twining characters and Kostant's homology formula. | 2003-12-15 | Paper |
Three kinds of extremal weight vectors fixed by a diagram automorphism | 2003-10-22 | Paper |
Character formula of Kac-Wakimoto type for generalized Kac-Moody algebras | 2003-07-09 | Paper |
Standard paths and standard monomials fixed by a diagram automorphism | 2002-09-08 | Paper | | 2002-08-21 | Paper | | 2002-05-15 | Paper |
Twining characters, Konstant's homology formula, and the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand resolu\-tion. | 2002-01-01 | Paper |
Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths fixed by a diagram automorphism. | 2001-01-01 | Paper | | 1999-12-14 | Paper | | 1999-01-05 | Paper | | 1997-08-10 | Paper |
Kazhdan-Lusztig Conjecture for Generalized Kac-Moody Algebras. II: Proof of the Conjecture | 1997-06-03 | Paper |
The strong Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand resolution for generalized Kac-Moody algebras. II: An explicit construction of the resolution | 1996-01-22 | Paper |
Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand resolution for generalized Kac-Moody algebras | 1995-10-09 | Paper |
Kostant's formula and homology vanishing theorems for generalized Kac-Moody algebras | 1995-10-09 | Paper |
Kazhdan-lusztig conjecture for generalized kac-moody algebras, I: towards the conjecture | 1995-02-26 | Paper |
Kazhdan-Lusztig-type multiplicity formula for symmetrizable generalized Kac-Moody algebras | 1994-12-18 | Paper |
The strong Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand resolution for generalized Kac-Moody algebras. I: The existence of the resolution | 1994-04-12 | Paper |
Kostant's formula for a certian class of generalized Kac-Moody algebras | 1993-06-17 | Paper |
Kostant's theorem for a certain class of generalized Kac-Moody algebras | 1993-01-17 | Paper | | 1993-01-16 | Paper |
Embedding into Kac-Moody algebras and construction of folding subalgebras for generalized Kac-Moody algebras | 1992-06-28 | Paper |
On regular subalgebras of a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra | 1992-06-27 | Paper |
On regular subalgebras of Kac-Moody algebras and their associated invariant forms. Symmetrizable case | 1992-01-01 | Paper |
A Chevalley formula for semi-infinite flag manifolds and quantum K-theory (Extended abstract) | 0001-01-03 | Paper |
A generalization of quantum Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths for arbitrary weights | 0001-01-03 | Paper |