Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Toward an equivalence criterion for hybrid RANS/LES methods | 2018-06-22 | Paper |
Some dynamical features of the turbulent flow of a viscoelastic fluid for reduced drag | 2013-10-17 | Paper |
Mathematical Modeling for Complex Fluids and Flows | 2012-01-19 | Paper |
A massively parallel hybrid scheme for direct numerical simulation of turbulent viscoelastic channel flow | 2011-06-17 | Paper |
Statistical characteristics of an isothermal, supersonic developing boundary layer flow from DNS data | 2011-05-23 | Paper |
Tensor representations and solutions of constitutive equations for viscoelastic fluids | 2011-05-17 | Paper |
The temporally filtered Navier–Stokes equations: Properties of the residual stress | 2010-04-22 | Paper |
Direct numerical simulation and analysis of a spatially evolving supersonic turbulent boundary layer at M=2.25 | 2010-04-22 | Paper |
A rescaled elliptic relaxation approach: Neutralizing the effect on the log layer | 2010-04-22 | Paper |
Temporal large eddy simulations of turbulent viscoelastic drag reduction flows | 2010-03-18 | Paper |
Second-moment and scalar flux representations in engineering and geophysical flows | 2009-12-22 | Paper |
Analyzing the influence of compressibility on the rapid pressure-strain rate correlation in turbulent shear flows | 2009-05-29 | Paper |
Analyzing mean transport equations of turbulence and linear disturbances in decaying flows | 2008-12-05 | Paper |
Analysis and simulation of a turbulent, compressible starting vortex | 2008-11-17 | Paper |
On the behavior of two-equation models in nonequilibrium homogeneous turbulence | 2007-08-15 | Paper |
Constitutive equations for turbulent flows | 2005-12-13 | Paper |
Extending the weak-equilibrium condition for algebraic Reynolds stress models to rotating and curved flows | 2005-04-15 | Paper | | 2003-10-09 | Paper |
Prediction of complex flow fields using higher-order turbulent closures | 2003-08-21 | Paper |
Computation of turbulent wake flows in variable pressure gradient | 2002-04-23 | Paper |
A unified analysis of planar homogeneous turbulence using single-point closure equations | 2002-02-21 | Paper | | 2001-10-21 | Paper | | 2001-03-12 | Paper |
Modeling the dynamics of ensemble-averaged linear disturbances in homogeneous shear flow | 2001-01-14 | Paper |
Towards a rational model for the triple velocity correlations of turbulence | 2000-12-21 | Paper | | 2000-08-10 | Paper |
Predicting noninertial effects with linear and nonlinear eddy-viscosity, and algebraic stress models | 2000-08-07 | Paper |
On algebraic extra-stress models for the simulation of viscoelastic flows | 2000-01-04 | Paper |
A new approach to characterizing the equilibrium states of the Reynolds stress anisotropy in homogeneous turbulence | 1999-11-10 | Paper |
Prediction of aerodynamic flows with a new explicit algebraic stress model | 1998-11-15 | Paper |
Analysis and modelling of anisotropies in the dissipation rate of turbulence | 1998-11-01 | Paper |
Prediction of nonequilibrium turbulent flows with explicit algebraic stress models | 1997-01-12 | Paper |
Self-similar supersonic variable-density shear layers in binary systems | 1996-09-02 | Paper |
Numerical calculations of three‐dimensional turbulent vortex breakdown | 1996-02-26 | Paper |
Assessment of second-order closure models in turbulent shear flows | 1995-11-28 | Paper |
On explicit algebraic stress models for complex turbulent flows | 1994-02-10 | Paper |
Development of turbulence models for shear flows by a double expansion technique | 1993-01-16 | Paper |
Review of incompressible fluid flow computations using the vorticity- velocity formulation | 1991-01-01 | Paper |
Modelling the pressure–strain correlation of turbulence: an invariant dynamical systems approach | 1991-01-01 | Paper |
A computational study of the topology of vortex breakdown | 1991-01-01 | Paper |
A critical comparison of turbulence models for homogeneous shear flows in a rotating frame | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Embedded cavity drag in steady laminar flow | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
Vortex motion in wall-bounded viscous flow | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
Sound Production Due to Large-Scale Coherent Structures | 1979-01-01 | Paper |
Steady flow of a non-Newtonian fluid through a contraction | 1978-01-01 | Paper |
Non-Newtonian flow characteristics in a steady two-dimensional flow | 1978-01-01 | Paper |
On the numerical modeling of an Oldroyd-type constitutive equation | 1975-01-01 | Paper |