Gianmarco Manzini

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zbMath Open manzini.gianmarcoWikidataQ57545739 ScholiaQ57545739MaRDI QIDQ171974

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
High-order finite element method for atomic structure calculations2024-03-28Paper
The nonconforming virtual element method for Oseen’s equation using a stream-function formulation2024-01-22Paper
A \(C^1\)-conforming arbitrary-order two-dimensional virtual element method for the fourth-order phase-field equation2024-01-16Paper
Mesh quality agglomeration algorithm for the virtual element method applied to discrete fracture networks2023-07-10Paper
The tensor-train mimetic finite difference method for three-dimensional Maxwell's wave propagation equations2023-06-28Paper
The virtual element method for the 3D resistive magnetohydrodynamic model2023-06-26Paper
Energy-conserving explicit and implicit time integration methods for the multi-dimensional Hermite-DG discretization of the Vlasov-Maxwell equations2023-06-22Paper
The multi-dimensional Hermite-discontinuous Galerkin method for the Vlasov-Maxwell equations2023-06-05Paper
Nonnegative canonical tensor decomposition with linear constraints: nnCANDELINC2023-02-21Paper
VEM and the mesh2022-12-14Paper
The conforming virtual element method for polyharmonic and elastodynamics problems: a review2022-12-14Paper
The virtual element method for the coupled system of magneto-hydrodynamics2022-12-14Paper
Conforming virtual element approximations of the two-dimensional Stokes problem2022-08-23Paper
A decision-making machine learning approach in Hermite spectral approximations of partial differential equations2022-06-24Paper
Stabilization of the nonconforming virtual element method2022-06-23Paper
Virtual element approximation of two-dimensional parabolic variational inequalities2022-06-23Paper
Virtual elements for Maxwell's equations2022-06-23Paper
Polyhedral mesh quality indicator for the virtual element method2022-06-03Paper
A virtual element generalization on polygonal meshes of the Scott-Vogelius finite element method for the 2-D Stokes problem2022-05-10Paper
Nonnegative tensor-train low-rank approximations of the Smoluchowski coagulation equation2022-04-22Paper
A review on arbitrarily regular conforming virtual element methods for second- and higher-order elliptic partial differential equations2022-01-31Paper
Extended virtual element method for two-dimensional linear elastic fracture2022-01-26Paper
The role of mesh quality and mesh quality indicators in the virtual element method2022-01-24Paper
On the use of Hermite functions for the Vlasov-Poisson system2021-12-02Paper
The virtual element method for resistive magnetohydrodynamics2021-10-26Paper
Error Estimates for the Gradient Discretisation Method on Degenerate Parabolic Equations of Porous Medium Type2021-09-28Paper
The Mixed Virtual Element Method for the Richards Equation2021-09-28Paper
Stability and conservation properties of Hermite-based approximations of the Vlasov-Poisson system2021-08-24Paper
Arbitrary-order intrinsic virtual element method for elliptic equations on surfaces2021-08-09Paper
Arbitrary-order time-accurate semi-Lagrangian spectral approximations of the Vlasov-Poisson system2020-12-10Paper
The conforming virtual element method for polyharmonic problems2020-11-20Paper
The \(p\)- and \(hp\)-versions of the virtual element method for elliptic eigenvalue problems2020-11-20Paper
Extended virtual element method for the Laplace problem with singularities and discontinuities2020-04-17Paper
SUPG stabilization for the nonconforming virtual element method for advection-diffusion-reaction equations2020-04-08Paper
A semi-Lagrangian spectral method for the Vlasov-Poisson system based on Fourier, Legendre and Hermite polynomials2020-01-27Paper
The high-order mixed mimetic finite difference method for time-dependent diffusion problems2019-10-22Paper
Correction to: ``The high-order mixed mimetic finite difference method for time-dependent diffusion problems2019-10-22Paper
The nonconforming Virtual Element Method for eigenvalue problems2019-08-20Paper
A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity in \textit{hp} virtual elements2019-08-01Paper
The virtual element method for eigenvalue problems with potential terms on polytopic meshes.2018-10-01Paper
Conforming and nonconforming virtual element methods for elliptic problems2018-09-26Paper
Discontinuous skeletal gradient discretisation methods on polytopal meshes2018-02-22Paper
The fully nonconforming virtual element method for biharmonic problems2018-01-31Paper
Convergence of Spectral Discretizations of the Vlasov--Poisson System2017-10-06Paper
Discretization of Mixed Formulations of Elliptic Problems on Polyhedral Meshes2017-02-10Paper
Hourglass stabilization and the virtual element method2016-12-30Paper
Mimetic finite difference method2016-12-20Paper
Mimetic scalar products of discrete differential forms2016-12-20Paper
The NonConforming Virtual Element Method for the Stokes Equations2016-12-12Paper
A high-order mimetic method on unstructured polyhedral meshes for the diffusion equation2016-12-05Paper
The mimetic finite difference method for elliptic and parabolic problems with a staggered discretization of diffusion coefficient2016-12-05Paper
A Legendre-Fourier spectral method with exact conservation laws for the Vlasov-Poisson system2016-12-05Paper
The arbitrary order mixed mimetic finite difference method for the diffusion equation2016-06-22Paper
The nonconforming virtual element method2016-06-22Paper
Residuala posteriorierror estimation for the Virtual Element Method for elliptic problems2015-05-11Paper
Post processing of solution and flux for the nodal mimetic finite difference method2015-02-25Paper
Recent techniques for PDE discretizations on polyhedral meshes2014-07-10Paper
M-Adaptation in the mimetic finite difference method2014-07-10Paper
New perspectives on polygonal and polyhedral finite element methods2014-07-10Paper
A virtual element method with arbitrary regularity2014-05-15Paper
The mimetic finite difference method for elliptic problems2014-02-14Paper
The Discrete Duality Finite Volume Method for Stokes Equations on Three-Dimensional Polyhedral Meshes2012-08-23Paper
Arbitrary order nodal mimetic discretizations of elliptic problems on polygonal meshes2012-08-17Paper
A CeVeFE DDFV scheme for discontinuous anisotropic permeability tensors2012-08-17Paper
Monotonicity Conditions in the Mimetic Finite Difference Method2012-08-17Paper
Benchmark 3D: CeVeFE-DDFV, a discrete duality scheme with cell/vertex/face+edge unknowns2012-08-17Paper
Benchmark 3D: The Cell-Centered Finite Volume Method Using Least Squares Vertex Reconstruction (“Diamond Scheme”)2012-08-17Paper
Benchmark 3D: Mimetic Finite Difference Method for Generalized Polyhedral Meshes2012-08-17Paper
Bad behavior of Godunov mixed methods for strongly anisotropic advection-dispersion equations2012-05-08Paper
Arbitrary-Order Nodal Mimetic Discretizations of Elliptic Problems on Polygonal Meshes2012-02-22Paper
Convergence of the mimetic finite difference method for eigenvalue problems in mixed form2011-11-16Paper
A unified approach for handling convection terms in finite volumes and mimetic discretization methods for elliptic problems2011-11-08Paper
Analysis of the monotonicity conditions in the mimetic finite difference method for elliptic problems2011-06-17Paper
Error Analysis for a Mimetic Discretization of the Steady Stokes Problem on Polyhedral Meshes2011-05-17Paper
The mimetic finite difference method for the 3D magnetostatic field problems on polyhedral meshes2011-01-31Paper
The Discrete Duality Finite Volume Method for Convection-diffusion Problems2011-01-24Paper
Ana posteriorierror estimator for the mimetic finite difference approximation of elliptic problems2010-09-17Paper
Convergence Analysis of the Mimetic Finite Difference Method for Elliptic Problems2010-08-30Paper
A Higher-Order Formulation of the Mimetic Finite Difference Method2010-03-10Paper
Mimetic finite difference method for the Stokes problem on polygonal meshes2009-10-15Paper
An efficient and conservative hybrid method for solving multidimensional conservation laws2009-09-17Paper
Convergence analysis of the high-order mimetic finite difference method2009-09-14Paper
Flux reconstruction and solution post-processing in mimetic finite difference methods2009-09-01Paper
A second-order TVD implicit-explicit finite volume method for time-dependent convection-reaction equations2009-06-18Paper
A finite volume method for advection-diffusion problems in convection-dominated regimes2009-04-23Paper
Computer modeling of liquid-solid impacts2008-02-22Paper
DIMEX Runge-Kutta finite volume methods for multidimensional hyperbolic systems2007-10-10Paper
A network programming approach in solving Darcy's equations by mixed finite-element methods2007-03-16Paper
Mesh locking effects in the finite volume solution of 2D anisotropic diffusion equations2007-02-19Paper
A Second-Order Maximum Principle Preserving Finite Volume Method for Steady Convection-Diffusion Problems2006-06-02Paper
A unified treatment of boundary conditions in least-square based finite-volume methods2006-02-02Paper
Algorithm 817: P2MESH2005-07-21Paper
Least square-based finite volumes for solving the advection-diffusion of contaminants in porous media2005-02-23Paper
A mixed finite element solver for liquid-liquid impacts2004-08-20Paper
Limiting strategies for polynomial reconstructions in the finite volume approximation of the linear advection equation2004-08-06Paper
A finite volume method for transport of contaminants in porous media2004-08-06Paper
Null space algorithm and spanning trees in solving Darcy's equation2004-06-11Paper
High-order IMEX-RK finite volume methods for multidimensional hyperbolic systems2004-05-18Paper
Finite volume/mixed finite element analysis of pollutant transport and bioremediation in heterogeneous saturated aquifers2004-02-03Paper
A fully coupled numerical model for two-phase flow with contaminant transport and biodegradation kinetics2003-10-09Paper
An object‐oriented interface for the dynamic memory management of sparse discrete mathematical operators in numerical scientific applications2003-02-04Paper
A null space algorithm for mixed finite-element approximations of Darcy's equation2002-12-17Paper
A triangle-based unstructured finite volume method for chemically reactive hypersonic flows2001-07-26Paper
A Mixed Finite Element--Finite Volume Formulation of the Black-Oil Model1999-06-24Paper
Parallel implementations of 2D explicit Euler solvers1996-03-05Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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