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Mikhail V. Solodov - MaRDI portal

Mikhail V. Solodov

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zbMath Open solodov.mikhail-vMaRDI QIDQ535722

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Profit sharing mechanisms in multi-owned cascaded hydrosystems2023-09-18Paper
Regularized Equilibrium Problems with Equilibrium Constraints with Application to Energy Markets2023-08-11Paper
Convergence rate estimates for penalty methods revisited2023-07-24Paper
Increasing reliability of price signals in long term energy management problems2023-07-24Paper
A distributionally ambiguous two-stage stochastic approach for investment in renewable generation2023-05-10Paper
A Unified Analysis of Descent Sequences in Weakly Convex Optimization, Including Convergence Rates for Bundle Methods2023-03-30Paper
Perturbed augmented Lagrangian method framework with applications to proximal and smoothed variants2022-05-17Paper
A regularized smoothing method for fully parameterized convex problems with applications to convex and nonconvex two-stage stochastic programming2021-09-29Paper
Decomposition algorithms for some deterministic and two-stage stochastic single-leader multi-follower games2021-06-01Paper
Accelerating convergence of the globalized Newton method to critical solutions of nonlinear equations2021-05-20Paper
Unit stepsize for the Newton method close to critical solutions2021-04-23Paper
On the cost of solving augmented Lagrangian subproblems2020-06-26Paper
A class of Benders decomposition methods for variational inequalities2020-06-26Paper
Multiplier stabilization applied to two-stage stochastic programs2019-10-02Paper
Subdifferential enlargements and continuity properties of the \(\mathcal{VU}\)-decomposition in convex optimization2019-08-21Paper
A globally convergent Levenberg-Marquardt method for equality-constrained optimization2019-03-27Paper
Local attractors of Newton-type methods for constrained equations and complementarity problems with nonisolated solutions2019-03-06Paper
A globally convergent LP-Newton method for piecewise smooth constrained equations: escaping nonstationary accumulation points2018-04-20Paper
Critical solutions of nonlinear equations: stability issues2018-04-06Paper
Critical solutions of nonlinear equations: local attraction for Newton-type methods2018-02-28Paper
Some new facts about sequential quadratic programming methods employing second derivatives2016-11-08Paper
A Globally Convergent LP-Newton Method2016-10-11Paper
An approximation scheme for a class of risk-averse stochastic equilibrium problems2016-07-01Paper
Globalizing stabilized sequential quadratic programming method by smooth primal-dual exact penalty function2016-05-27Paper
A doubly stabilized bundle method for nonsmooth convex optimization2016-04-04Paper
A proximal bundle method for nonsmooth nonconvex functions with inexact information2016-03-07Paper
Convergence conditions for Newton-type methods applied to complementarity systems with nonisolated solutions2016-02-23Paper
Combining stabilized SQP with the augmented Lagrangian algorithm2015-10-28Paper
Some composite-step constrained optimization methods interpreted via the perturbed sequential quadratic programming framework2015-09-04Paper
Critical Lagrange multipliers: what we currently know about them, how they spoil our lives, and what we can do about it2015-05-04Paper
Rejoinder on: Critical Lagrange multipliers: what we currently know about them, how they spoil our lives, and what we can do about it2015-05-04Paper
Newton-type methods: a broader view2015-03-11Paper
Local convergence of the method of multipliers for variational and optimization problems under the noncriticality assumption2015-02-10Paper
On error bounds and Newton-type methods for generalized Nash equilibrium problems2014-09-18Paper
A class of Dantzig-Wolfe type decomposition methods for variational inequality problems2014-02-25Paper
Newton-Type Methods for Optimization and Variational Problems2014-02-05Paper
A note on upper Lipschitz stability, error bounds, and critical multipliers for Lipschitz-continuous KKT systems2014-02-03Paper
Solving generation expansion planning problems with environmental constraints by a bundle method2013-10-21Paper
Global Convergence of Augmented Lagrangian Methods Applied to Optimization Problems with Degenerate Constraints, Including Problems with Complementarity Constraints2013-04-09Paper
The Josephy-Newton method for semismooth generalized equations and semismooth SQP for optimization2013-02-21Paper
Local Convergence of Exact and Inexact Augmented Lagrangian Methods under the Second-Order Sufficient Optimality Condition2012-09-12Paper
Semismooth Newton method for the lifted reformulation of mathematical programs with complementarity constraints2012-07-10Paper
Stabilized SQP revisited2012-06-26Paper
Semismooth SQP method for equality-constrained optimization problems with an application to the lifted reformulation of mathematical programs with complementarity constraints2011-11-15Paper
Numerical results for a globalized active-set Newton method for mixed complementarity problems2011-05-30Paper
The hybrid proximal decomposition method applied to the computation of a Nash equilibrium for hydrothermal electricity markets2011-05-13Paper
A Truncated SQP Method Based on Inexact Interior-Point Solutions of Subproblems2011-03-21Paper
Sharp Primal Superlinear Convergence Results for Some Newtonian Methods for Constrained Optimization2011-03-21Paper
On attraction of linearly constrained Lagrangian methods and of stabilized and quasi-Newton SQP methods to critical multipliers2011-02-14Paper
Stabilized sequential quadratic programming for optimization and a stabilized Newton-type method for variational problems2010-10-13Paper
Inexact Josephy-Newton framework for generalized equations and its applications to local analysis of Newtonian methods for constrained optimization2010-06-09Paper
Identifying Structure of Nonsmooth Convex Functions by the Bundle Technique2010-06-01Paper
Mathematical programs with vanishing constraints: Optimality conditions, sensitivity, and a relaxation method2009-11-04Paper
Examples of dual behaviour of Newton-type methods on optimization problems with degenerate constraints2009-09-25Paper
An Active-Set Newton Method for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints2009-08-20Paper
Global convergence of an SQP method without boundedness assumptions on any of the iterative sequences2009-05-04Paper
A Class of Inexact Variable Metric Proximal Point Algorithms2009-03-06Paper
A bundle-filter method for nonsmooth convex constrained optimization2008-12-16Paper
On attraction of Newton-type iterates to multipliers violating second-order sufficiency conditions2008-12-16Paper
On local convergence of sequential quadratically-constrained quadratic-programming type methods, with an extension to variational problems2008-04-03Paper
A Bundle Method for a Class of Bilevel Nonsmooth Convex Minimization Problems2008-02-25Paper
A note on solution sensitivity for Karush-Kuhn-Tucker systems2005-11-24Paper
The Theory of 2-Regularity for Mappings with Lipschitzian Derivatives and its Applications to Optimality Conditions2005-11-11Paper
On the Sequential Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programming Methods2005-11-11Paper
An Infeasible Bundle Method for Nonsmooth Convex Constrained Optimization without a Penalty Function or a Filter2005-09-16Paper
A Class of Active-Set Newton Methods for Mixed ComplementarityProblems2005-09-16Paper
Foreword: special issue for the 70th birthday of professor Olvi Mangasarian2005-03-14Paper
A class of decomposition methods for convex optimization and monotone variational inclusions via the hybrid inexact proximal point framework2005-03-14Paper
Newton-Type Methods for Optimization Problems without Constraint Qualifications2005-02-23Paper
On approximations with finite precision in bundle methods for nonsmooth optimization2004-08-06Paper
Merit functions and error bounds for generalized variational inequalities.2004-01-06Paper
Error bounds for 2-regular mappings with Lipschitzian derivatives and their applications2003-11-19Paper
A linearly convergent derivative-free descent method for strongly monotone complementarity problems2003-08-26Paper
Convergence rate analysis of iteractive algorithms for solving variational inequality problems2003-08-20Paper
Karush-Kuhn-Tucker systems: regularity conditions, error bounds and a class of Newton-type methods2003-07-13Paper
Complementarity Constraint Qualification via the Theory of 2-Regularity2003-01-05Paper
Superlinearly Convergent Algorithms for Solving Singular Equations and Smooth Reformulations of Complementarity Problems2003-01-05Paper
Parallel variable distribution for constrained optimization2002-08-19Paper
Optimality Conditions for Irregular Inequality-Constrained Problems2002-06-23Paper
A new proximal-based globalization strategy for the Josephy‐Newton method for variational inequalities2002-01-01Paper
An Inexact Hybrid Generalized Proximal Point Algorithm and Some New Results on the Theory of Bregman Functions2001-11-26Paper
A hybrid approximate extragradient-proximal point algorithm using the enlargement of a maximal monotone operator2001-05-02Paper
Error bounds for proximal point subproblems and associated inexact proximal point algorithms2001-03-21Paper
Some methods based on the D-gap function for solving monotone variational inequalities2001-02-18Paper
Forcing strong convergence of proximal point iterations in a Hilbert space2000-07-31Paper
A Truly Globally Convergent Newton-Type Method for the Monotone Nonlinear Complementarity Problem2000-03-19Paper
A New Projection Method for Variational Inequality Problems1999-06-24Paper
Incremental gradient algorithms with stepsizes bounded away from zero1999-06-15Paper
On the projected subgradient method for nonsmooth convex optimization in a Hilbert space1999-06-03Paper
Error stability properties of generalized gradient-type algorithms1999-05-31Paper
Newton-type Methods with Generalized Distances For Constrained Optimization1999-01-18Paper
Some optimization reformulations of the extended linear complementarity problem1999-01-01Paper
Stationary points of bound constrained minimization reformulations of complementarity problems1998-07-22Paper
On the Convergence of Constrained Parallel Variable Distribution Algorithms1998-05-12Paper
New inexact parallel variable distribution algorithms1998-04-05Paper
Modified Projection-Type Methods for Monotone Variational Inequalities1997-07-08Paper
Descent methods with linesearch in the presence of perturbations1997-01-01Paper
Convergence analysis of perturbed feasible descent methods1997-01-01Paper
Nonlinear complementarity as unconstrained and constrained minimization1994-04-28Paper

Research outcomes over time

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