Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Weight of irreducible polynomials with coefficients in a finite field | 2022-08-17 | Paper |
Möbius orthogonality of sequences with maximal entropy | 2022-08-17 | Paper |
Fonctions complètement $Q$-additives le long des polynômes irréductibles à coefficients dans un corps fini | 2022-05-17 | Paper |
On the correlation of the sum of digits along prime numbers | 2021-10-12 | Paper |
On the distribution of the truncated sum-of-digits function of polynomial sequences in residue classes | 2021-08-03 | Paper |
Prime numbers in two bases | 2020-08-03 | Paper |
On the correlation measures of subsets | 2020-06-16 | Paper |
Entropy ratio for infinite sequences with positive entropy | 2020-02-05 | Paper |
M\"obius orthogonality of sequences with maximal entropy | 2020-01-22 | Paper | | 2019-11-21 | Paper |
Complexity and fractal dimensions for infinite sequences with positive entropy | 2019-09-26 | Paper |
On the distribution of the sum of digits of sums \(a+b\) | 2019-06-18 | Paper |
Normality along squares | 2019-02-14 | Paper |
On Sarnak's conjecture and Veech's question for interval exchanges | 2018-10-02 | Paper |
Rudin–Shapiro sequences along squares | 2018-09-13 | Paper |
An algorithm for the word entropy | 2018-08-23 | Paper |
Moments of a Thue-Morse generating function | 2018-08-16 | Paper |
Sum of digits and distribution in congruence classes for palindromes with missing digits | 2018-02-22 | Paper |
The word entropy and how to compute it | 2017-11-15 | Paper |
On the Digits of Sumsets | 2017-06-29 | Paper |
Simultaneous distribution of \(S(n)\) and \(S(n+1)\) in arithmetic progressions | 2017-05-29 | Paper |
Substitutions and Möbius disjointness | 2017-04-11 | Paper |
On finite pseudorandom binary lattices | 2017-03-15 | Paper |
Répartition des fonctions complètement $Q$-additives le long des carrés de polynômes sur un corps fini | 2017-01-12 | Paper | | 2016-06-10 | Paper |
Phénomène de Moser-Newman pour les nombres sans facteur carré | 2015-12-23 | Paper |
Prime numbers along Rudin-Shapiro sequences | 2015-11-17 | Paper | | 2015-10-23 | Paper |
Fonctions digitales le long des nombres premiers | 2015-08-10 | Paper |
Polynomial values and generators with missing digits in finite fields | 2015-04-14 | Paper | | 2015-01-28 | Paper |
On linear complexity of binary lattices. II | 2014-09-26 | Paper |
Théorème des nombres premiers pour les fonctions digitales | 2014-09-18 | Paper | | 2014-08-29 | Paper |
On the linear complexity of binary lattices | 2013-12-09 | Paper |
Family Complexity and VC-Dimension | 2013-04-09 | Paper |
Measures of pseudorandomness of families of binary lattices, II (A further construction) | 2012-09-17 | Paper |
Generalized Hausdorff dimensions of sets of real numbers with zero entropy expansion | 2012-09-04 | Paper |
Measures of pseudorandomness of families of binary lattices, I (Definitions, a construction using quadratic characters) | 2012-07-12 | Paper |
On the correlation of binary sequences. II | 2012-03-16 | Paper |
The sum-of-digits function of polynomial sequences | 2011-08-16 | Paper |
Measures of pseudorandomness of finite binary lattices. II: The symmetry measures | 2011-06-17 | Paper | | 2011-03-18 | Paper |
Measures of pseudorandomness of finite binary lattices, I. The measures Qk, normality | 2011-03-04 | Paper |
The sum of digits of squares | 2011-01-14 | Paper |
Weyl sums over integers with affine digit restrictions | 2010-10-19 | Paper | | 2010-10-14 | Paper |
On a problem of Gelfond: the sum of digits of prime numbers | 2010-05-27 | Paper |
Complexity of infinite sequences with zero entropy | 2010-05-21 | Paper | | 2010-04-27 | Paper |
Primes with an average sum of digits | 2009-05-19 | Paper |
Large Families of Pseudorandom Sequences of k Symbols and Their Complexity – Part I | 2009-01-22 | Paper |
Large Families of Pseudorandom Sequences of k Symbols and Their Complexity – Part II | 2009-01-22 | Paper |
Pseudorandom binary sequences and lattices | 2008-12-02 | Paper | | 2008-11-19 | Paper |
Construction of pseudorandom binary lattices by using the multiplicative inverse | 2008-04-16 | Paper | | 2008-03-11 | Paper |
Measures of pseudorandomness for finite sequences: typical values | 2007-11-27 | Paper |
Arithmetics properties of substitutions and infinite automata | 2007-08-01 | Paper |
Large families of pseudorandom sequences of k symbols and their complexity, Part II | 2007-05-29 | Paper |
Large families of pseudorandom sequences of k symbols and their complexity, Part I | 2007-05-29 | Paper |
On pseudorandom binary lattices | 2007-01-05 | Paper |
Construction of pseudorandom binary sequences by using the multiplicative inverse | 2006-06-27 | Paper |
Measures of Pseudorandomness for Finite Sequences: Minimal Values | 2006-03-13 | Paper |
On the distribution in residue classes of integers with a fixed sum of digits | 2005-11-16 | Paper |
Integers with an average sum of digits | 2005-09-22 | Paper |
Propriétés q-multiplicatives de la suite \lfloor nc\rfloor, c>1 | 2005-09-07 | Paper |
Construction of pseudorandom binary sequences using additive characters | 2004-10-05 | Paper |
A complexity measure for families of binary sequences | 2004-09-07 | Paper |
Construction of large families of pseudorandom binary sequences | 2004-08-04 | Paper | | 2004-03-07 | Paper |
On the measures of pseudorandomness of binary sequences. | 2003-09-25 | Paper |
On the pseudo-random properties of \(n^c\). | 2003-01-01 | Paper |
On finite pseudorandom binary sequences VII: The measures of pseudorandomness | 2002-08-27 | Paper |
Finite and infinite pseudorandom binary words | 2002-07-15 | Paper |
Zero-density sets containing integers with at most two prime factors | 2002-04-22 | Paper |
On finite pseudorandom sequences of \(k\) symbols. | 2002-01-01 | Paper |
Multiplicative properties of the Thue-Morse sequence | 2001-11-05 | Paper |
On the number of prime factors of integers characterized by digit properties | 2001-06-12 | Paper |
Almost primes whose expansion in base \(r\) misses some digits | 2001-03-26 | Paper |
On finite pseudorandom binary sequences IV: The Liouville function, II | 2001-01-02 | Paper |
On finite pseudorandom binary sequences. VI: On \((n^k\alpha)\) sequences | 2000-11-20 | Paper |
On finite pseudorandom binary sequences. V: On \((n\alpha)\) and \((n^2\alpha)\) sequences | 2000-08-24 | Paper |
On arithmetic properties of integers with missing digits. II: Prime factors | 2000-05-08 | Paper |
Piecewise Absolutely Continuous Cocycles Over Irrational Rotations | 2000-02-14 | Paper |
On arithmetic properties of integers with missing digits. I: Distribution in residue classes | 1999-06-03 | Paper |
On finite pseudorandom binary sequences III: The Liouville function, I | 1999-05-18 | Paper |
On finite pseudorandom binary sequences. II: The Champernowne, Rudin-Shapiro, and Thue-Morse sequences, a further construction | 1999-02-02 | Paper |
Transcendence of numbers with a low complexity expansion | 1998-09-20 | Paper |
On finite pseudorandom binary sequences I: Measure of pseudorandomness, the Legendre symbol | 1998-01-08 | Paper | | 1998-01-08 | Paper |
On the arithmetic structure of the integers whose sum of digits is fixed | 1997-07-29 | Paper |
Substitution dynamical systems : algebraic characterization of eigenvalues | 1997-07-20 | Paper |
Méthodes de crible et fonctions sommes des chiffres | 1997-04-23 | Paper |
On the arithmetic structure of sets characterized by sum of digits properties | 1997-04-17 | Paper |
Complexité de suites engendrées par des récurrences unipotentes | 1997-04-13 | Paper | | 1997-01-09 | Paper |
Sums of digits and almost primes | 1996-11-26 | Paper |
A density theorem for (multiplicity, rank) pairs | 1996-03-17 | Paper |
Répartition des fonctions q-multiplicatives dans la suite $([n^c)_{n∈ ℕ}$, c > 1] | 1995-07-17 | Paper |
Ergodicity of a Class of Cocycles Over Irrational Rotations | 1994-11-24 | Paper | | 1994-10-12 | Paper |
Rauzy's conjecture on billiards in the cube | 1994-09-28 | Paper |
Complexity of sequences defined by billiard in the cube | 1994-05-26 | Paper | | 1992-09-27 | Paper |
Suites de $G_{q}$-orbite finie. | 1991-01-01 | Paper | | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Caractérisation des ensembles normaux substitutifs. (Characterization of normal substitutional sets) | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
Sur l'ensemble normal des substitutions de longueur quelconque. (On the normal set of substitutions of arbitrary length) | 1988-01-01 | Paper | | 1988-01-01 | Paper | | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Automates finis et ensembles normaux. (Finite automata and normal sets) | 1986-01-01 | Paper |
Morphismes unispectraux. (Unispectral morphisms) | 1986-01-01 | Paper | | 1984-01-01 | Paper |