Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Arithmetic sketching | 2024-02-02 | Paper |
HyperPlonk: Plonk with linear-time prover and high-degree custom gates | 2023-12-08 | Paper |
A lower bound on the length of signatures based on group actions and generic isogenies | 2023-12-08 | Paper |
Threshold signatures with private accountability | 2023-07-07 | Paper |
Oblivious pseudorandom functions from isogenies | 2023-03-21 | Paper |
\textsf{Halo Infinite}: proof-carrying data from additive polynomial commitments | 2022-03-31 | Paper |
Supersingular curves with small noninteger endomorphisms | 2021-03-11 | Paper |
Zether: towards privacy in a smart contract world | 2021-02-08 | Paper |
An airdrop that preserves recipient privacy | 2021-02-08 | Paper |
Multiparty non-interactive key exchange and more from isogenies on elliptic curves | 2020-06-24 | Paper |
Batching techniques for accumulators with applications to IOPs and stateless blockchains | 2020-05-20 | Paper |
Zero-knowledge proofs on secret-shared data via fully linear PCPs | 2020-03-09 | Paper |
Using level-1 homomorphic encryption to improve threshold DSA signatures for Bitcoin wallet security | 2020-03-02 | Paper |
Post-quantum EPID signatures from symmetric primitives | 2020-01-28 | Paper |
Compact multi-signatures for smaller blockchains | 2019-01-23 | Paper |
Exploring crypto dark matter: new simple PRF candidates and their applications | 2018-12-06 | Paper |
Verifiable delay functions | 2018-09-12 | Paper |
Quasi-optimal SNARGs via linear multi-prover interactive proofs | 2018-07-17 | Paper |
Multiparty key exchange, efficient traitor tracing, and more from indistinguishability obfuscation | 2018-01-05 | Paper |
Lattice-Based SNARGs and Their Application to More Efficient Obfuscation | 2017-06-23 | Paper |
Constraining Pseudorandom Functions Privately | 2017-06-13 | Paper |
Surnaming Schemes, Fast Verification, and Applications to SGX Technology | 2017-04-12 | Paper |
Balloon Hashing: A Memory-Hard Function Providing Provable Protection Against Sequential Attacks | 2017-02-01 | Paper |
Targeted malleability | 2016-10-07 | Paper |
Hardness of Computing the Most Significant Bits of Secret Keys in Diffie-Hellman and Related Schemes | 2015-11-11 | Paper |
Algorithms for Black-Box Fields and their Application to Cryptography | 2015-11-11 | Paper |
Hosting Services on an Untrusted Cloud | 2015-09-30 | Paper |
Semantically Secure Order-Revealing Encryption: Multi-input Functional Encryption Without Obfuscation | 2015-09-30 | Paper |
Oblivious signature-based envelope | 2015-09-04 | Paper | | 2015-08-14 | Paper |
Computing on authenticated data | 2015-05-12 | Paper |
Bivariate Polynomials Modulo Composites and Their Applications | 2015-01-16 | Paper |
Finding smooth integers in short intervals using CRT decoding | 2014-09-26 | Paper |
Low Overhead Broadcast Encryption from Multilinear Maps | 2014-08-07 | Paper |
Multiparty Key Exchange, Efficient Traitor Tracing, and More from Indistinguishability Obfuscation | 2014-08-07 | Paper |
Fully Key-Homomorphic Encryption, Arithmetic Circuit ABE and Compact Garbled Circuits | 2014-05-27 | Paper |
Constrained Pseudorandom Functions and Their Applications | 2013-12-10 | Paper |
Function-Private Subspace-Membership Encryption and Its Applications | 2013-12-10 | Paper |
Secure Signatures and Chosen Ciphertext Security in a Quantum Computing World | 2013-09-17 | Paper |
Function-Private Identity-Based Encryption: Hiding the Function in Functional Encryption | 2013-09-17 | Paper |
Message-Locked Encryption for Lock-Dependent Messages | 2013-09-02 | Paper |
Key Homomorphic PRFs and Their Applications | 2013-09-02 | Paper |
Oblivious signature-based envelope | 2013-06-07 | Paper |
Quantum-Secure Message Authentication Codes | 2013-05-31 | Paper |
Pairing-Based Cryptography: Past, Present, and Future | 2013-03-19 | Paper |
Computing on Authenticated Data | 2012-06-15 | Paper |
Efficient selective identity-based encryption without random oracles | 2012-01-13 | Paper |
Random Oracles in a Quantum World | 2011-12-02 | Paper |
Homomorphic Signatures for Polynomial Functions | 2011-05-27 | Paper |
Functional Encryption: Definitions and Challenges | 2011-05-19 | Paper |
Finding composite order ordinary elliptic curves using the Cocks-Pinch method | 2011-04-08 | Paper |
Attacking an Obfuscated Cipher by Injecting Faults | 2011-03-18 | Paper |
Linearly Homomorphic Signatures over Binary Fields and New Tools for Lattice-Based Signatures | 2011-03-15 | Paper |
Lattice Basis Delegation in Fixed Dimension and Shorter-Ciphertext Hierarchical IBE | 2010-08-24 | Paper |
Efficient Lattice (H)IBE in the Standard Model | 2010-06-01 | Paper |
Preventing Pollution Attacks in Multi-source Network Coding | 2010-05-28 | Paper |
The Design and Implementation of Protocol-Based Hidden Key Recovery | 2010-02-09 | Paper |
Signing a Linear Subspace: Signature Schemes for Network Coding | 2009-03-24 | Paper |
Public Key Encryption That Allows PIR Queries | 2009-03-10 | Paper |
Circular-Secure Encryption from Decision Diffie-Hellman | 2009-02-10 | Paper |
Generalized Identity Based and Broadcast Encryption Schemes | 2009-02-10 | Paper |
Privacy in Encrypted Content Distribution Using Private Broadcast Encryption | 2008-09-09 | Paper |
Short signatures without random oracles and the SDH assumption in bilinear groups | 2008-05-06 | Paper |
Hierarchical Identity Based Encryption with Constant Size Ciphertext | 2008-05-06 | Paper |
Collusion Resistant Broadcast Encryption with Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys | 2008-03-17 | Paper |
Efficient generation of shared RSA keys | 2008-02-11 | Paper |
Bilinear Groups of Composite Order | 2007-11-29 | Paper |
Chosen‐Ciphertext Security from Identity‐Based Encryption | 2007-10-22 | Paper |
Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2004 | 2007-09-25 | Paper |
Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2004 | 2007-09-25 | Paper |
Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2004 | 2007-09-25 | Paper |
Fully Collusion Resistant Traitor Tracing with Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys | 2007-09-24 | Paper |
On the Impossibility of Efficiently Combining Collision Resistant Hash Functions | 2007-09-04 | Paper |
Conjunctive, Subset, and Range Queries on Encrypted Data | 2007-08-30 | Paper |
Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2006 | 2007-05-02 | Paper |
Topics in Cryptology – CT-RSA 2006 | 2007-02-12 | Paper |
Topics in Cryptology – CT-RSA 2005 | 2005-12-08 | Paper |
Theory of Cryptography | 2005-12-07 | Paper |
Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2004 | 2005-08-23 | Paper |
Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2004 | 2005-08-23 | Paper |
Short signatures from the Weil pairing | 2005-04-15 | Paper | | 2004-09-24 | Paper | | 2004-08-04 | Paper | | 2004-08-04 | Paper | | 2003-11-26 | Paper | | 2003-10-22 | Paper |
On the importance of eliminating errors in cryptographic computations | 2003-08-26 | Paper | | 2003-08-10 | Paper |
Optimistic Mixing for Exit-Polls | 2003-07-16 | Paper |
Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing | 2003-06-19 | Paper | | 2002-12-08 | Paper | | 2002-12-08 | Paper | | 2002-12-08 | Paper | | 2002-10-10 | Paper |
Finding smooth integers in short intervals using CRT decoding | 2002-09-12 | Paper | | 2002-08-06 | Paper |
Breaking generalized Diffie-Hellman modulo a composite is no easier than factoring | 2002-07-25 | Paper | | 2002-03-21 | Paper | | 2001-07-12 | Paper | | 2001-07-03 | Paper |
Cryptanalysis of RSA with Private Key d Less than N 0.292 | 2000-11-26 | Paper |
Cryptanalysis of RSA with private key d less than N/sup 0.292/ | 2000-09-07 | Paper | | 2000-08-23 | Paper | | 2000-07-19 | Paper | | 2000-03-19 | Paper |
Collusion-secure fingerprinting for digital data | 1999-11-21 | Paper |
Breaking RSA may not be equivalent to factoring | 1999-10-10 | Paper | | 1999-08-23 | Paper | | 1999-06-17 | Paper | | 1999-03-08 | Paper | | 1999-01-17 | Paper | | 1998-11-05 | Paper | | 1998-01-01 | Paper | | 1997-11-17 | Paper | | 1997-07-06 | Paper | | 1997-07-06 | Paper |
On the computational power of DNA | 1997-04-21 | Paper |