Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
A low-cost alternating projection approach for a continuous formulation of convex and cardinality constrained optimization | 2023-12-12 | Paper |
The max-out min-in problem: a tool for data analysis | 2023-07-04 | Paper |
Using first-order information in direct multisearch for multiobjective optimization | 2022-12-20 | Paper |
An extended delayed weighted gradient algorithm for solving strongly convex optimization problems | 2022-08-04 | Paper |
A family of optimal weighted conjugate-gradient-type methods for strictly convex quadratic minimization | 2022-06-13 | Paper |
Properties of the delayed weighted gradient method | 2021-05-20 | Paper |
Geometrical inverse matrix approximation for least-squares problems and acceleration strategies | 2021-01-06 | Paper |
Using first-order information in Direct Multisearch for multiobjective optimization | 2020-09-18 | Paper |
A metaheuristic penalty approach for the starting point in nonlinear programming | 2020-05-13 | Paper |
Large-scale unconstrained optimization using separable cubic modeling and matrix-free subspace minimization | 2020-02-28 | Paper |
Nonlinear Least-Squares Approach for Large-Scale Algebraic Riccati Equations | 2019-08-28 | Paper |
Pseudoinverse preconditioners and iterative methods for large dense linear least-squares problems | 2018-08-07 | Paper |
Conditional gradient method for double-convex fractional programming matrix problems | 2018-03-22 | Paper |
Nonsmooth spectral gradient methods for unconstrained optimization | 2018-01-12 | Paper |
Cubic-regularization counterpart of a variable-norm trust-region method for unconstrained minimization | 2017-11-02 | Paper |
On the computation of large-scale self-consistent-field iterations | 2017-08-22 | Paper |
Inexact Newton's method with inner implicit preconditioning for algebraic Riccati equations | 2017-08-15 | Paper |
Geometrical inverse preconditioning for symmetric positive definite matrices | 2017-03-16 | Paper |
Accurate analytical/numerical solution of the heat conduction equation | 2017-02-28 | Paper |
An acceleration scheme for Dykstra's algorithm | 2016-03-07 | Paper |
Separable cubic modeling and a trust-region strategy for unconstrained minimization with impact in global optimization | 2015-10-20 | Paper |
Corrigendum to ``A new inversion-free method for a rational matrix equation | 2014-04-03 | Paper |
On the geometrical structure of symmetric matrices | 2013-01-16 | Paper |
A Secant Method for Nonlinear Matrix Problems | 2012-09-26 | Paper |
Unconstrained Optimization Techniques for the Acceleration of Alternating Projection Methods | 2012-02-19 | Paper |
Newton's method and secant methods: a longstanding relationship from vectors to matrices | 2012-01-13 | Paper | | 2011-10-07 | Paper |
An implicit preconditioning strategy for large-scale generalized Sylvester equations | 2011-06-24 | Paper |
Convex constrained optimization for large-scale generalized Sylvester equations | 2011-05-11 | Paper |
Computing a Nearest Correlation Matrix with Factor Structure | 2011-03-02 | Paper |
Residual methods for the large-scale matrix \(p\)th root and some related problems | 2010-10-25 | Paper |
Residual algorithm for large-scale positive definite generalized eigenvalue problems | 2010-06-09 | Paper |
A new inversion-free method for a rational matrix equation | 2010-05-21 | Paper | | 2010-04-16 | Paper |
Implicitly preconditioned and globalized residual method for solving steady fluid flows | 2010-04-14 | Paper |
Residual iterative schemes for large-scale nonsymmetric positive definite linear systems | 2009-02-12 | Paper |
Geometrical properties of the Frobenius condition number for positive definite matrices | 2008-10-06 | Paper |
A derivative-free nonmonotone line-search technique for unconstrained optimization | 2008-08-08 | Paper |
On the solution of the symmetric eigenvalue complementarity problem by the spectral projected gradient algorithm | 2008-06-03 | Paper |
An assessment of the preconditioned gradient method with retards for parallel computers | 2007-09-19 | Paper |
Cauchy-Schwarz and Kantorovich type inequalities for scalar and matrix moment sequences | 2007-04-26 | Paper |
Spectral projected subgradient with a momentum term for the Lagrangean dual approach | 2007-04-26 | Paper |
Spectral residual method without gradient information for solving large-scale nonlinear systems of equations | 2006-05-29 | Paper |
Spectral gradient methods for linearly constrained optimization | 2005-10-18 | Paper |
Robust Stopping Criteria for Dykstra's Algorithm | 2005-09-22 | Paper |
Primal and polar approach for computing the symmetric diagonally dominant projection | 2005-09-21 | Paper |
Implicit and adaptive inverse preconditioned gradient methods for nonlinear problems | 2005-09-02 | Paper |
Algorithm 813 | 2005-07-20 | Paper | | 2005-07-05 | Paper |
Gradient method with dynamical retards for large-scale optimization problems | 2005-04-15 | Paper |
Nonmonotone Spectral Methods for Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems | 2005-03-07 | Paper |
Inexact spectral projected gradient methods on convex sets | 2004-05-18 | Paper |
Smooth and adaptive gradient method with retards | 2003-10-14 | Paper |
Preconditioned spectral gradient method | 2002-12-15 | Paper |
Perron-Frobenius theorem for matrices with some negative entries | 2002-08-01 | Paper |
Spectral variants of Krylov subspace methods | 2002-04-23 | Paper |
Low cost optimization techniques for solving the nonlinear seismic reflection tomography problem | 2002-04-21 | Paper |
Relaxed steepest descent and Cauchy-Barzilai-Borwein method | 2002-04-15 | Paper | | 2001-06-10 | Paper | | 2001-01-10 | Paper |
Nonmonotone Spectral Projected Gradient Methods on Convex Sets | 2000-10-19 | Paper |
Gradient Method with Retards and Generalizations | 1999-05-19 | Paper |
Dykstra's Algorithm for a Constrained Least-squares Matrix Problem | 1998-11-23 | Paper |
Dykstra's algorithm for constrained least-squares rectangular matrix problems | 1998-11-01 | Paper |
The Barzilai and Borwein Gradient Method for the Large Scale Unconstrained Minimization Problem | 1998-10-13 | Paper |
Preconditioned Barzilai-Borwein method for the numerical solution of partial differential equations | 1997-04-24 | Paper |
Exact order of convergence of the secant method | 1994-04-27 | Paper |
On the Barzilai and Borwein choice of steplength for the gradient method | 1993-08-17 | Paper |