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Enrico Celeghini - MaRDI portal

Enrico Celeghini

From MaRDI portal
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Available identifiers

zbMath Open celeghini.enricoWikidataQ112183737 ScholiaQ112183737MaRDI QIDQ1366506

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Hermite functions and Fourier series2020-07-20Paper
Groups, Jacobi functions, and rigged Hilbert spaces2020-05-22Paper
Groups, special functions and rigged Hilbert spaces2020-03-24Paper
Jacobi Polynomials as su(2, 2) Unitary Irreducible Representation2019-12-03Paper
Zernike functions, rigged Hilbert spaces, and potential applications2019-09-09Paper
Groups, Special Functions and Rigged Hilbert Spaces2019-07-02Paper
Zernike functions, rigged Hilbert spaces and potential applications2019-02-21Paper
SU(2), associated Laguerre polynomials and rigged Hilbert spaces2019-02-11Paper
Hermite functions, Lie groups and Fourier analysis2018-08-30Paper
Spherical harmonics and rigged Hilbert spaces2018-06-12Paper
Group theoretical aspects of L2(R+), L2(R2) and associated Laguerre polynomials2018-05-24Paper
Lie algebra representations and rigged Hilbert spaces: the SO(2) case2017-11-10Paper
Operator algebra in the space of images2017-02-09Paper
Applications of rigged Hilbert spaces in quantum mechanics and signal processing2016-08-04Paper
A unified approach to quantum and classical TTW systems based on factorizations2016-08-01Paper
A constructive presentation of rigged Hilbert spaces2015-02-17Paper
Quantum Physics and Signal Processing in Rigged Hilbert Spaces by means of Special Functions, Lie Algebras and Fourier and Fourier-like Transforms2014-11-11Paper
Coherent orthogonal polynomials2014-04-08Paper
Algebraic special functions and \(\mathrm{SO}(3,2)\)2014-04-01Paper
Lie Groups of Jacobi polynomials and Wigner d-matrices2014-02-21Paper
Jacobi polynomials and SU(2,2)2013-07-28Paper
Poisson–Hopf limit of quantum algebras2009-08-04Paper
Quantum Bases in Uq(g)2008-09-01Paper
From quantum universal enveloping algebras to quantum algebras2008-08-08Paper
Bases in Lie and Quantum Algebras2008-03-10Paper
Classical Lie algebras and Drinfeld doubles2007-03-16Paper
The Drinfeld doublegl(n) ⊕tn2006-08-17Paper
Quantization of Drinfel'd doubles2005-05-23Paper
Deformation of orthosymplectic Lie superalgebraosp(1|4)2005-01-31Paper
Three-dimensional quantum algebras: a Cartan-like point of view2004-08-23Paper
Quantization, group contraction and zero point energy2003-04-22Paper
The algebra of coupled electrons in superconductivity2001-07-02Paper
Quantum (1+1) extended Galilei algebras: from Lie bialgebras to quantumR-matrices and integrable systems2000-10-08Paper
Physical applications of inhomogeneous quantum groups2000-09-10Paper
Algebraic aspects of quantum statistics2000-07-25Paper
Squeezing and quantum groups2000-07-16Paper
Generalized Bosons and Coherent States2000-07-16Paper
The Gaussian polynomial, restricted \(k\)-rowed plane partitions and Hopf algebras1998-12-02Paper
Twist deformation of the rank-one Lie superalgebra1998-08-09Paper
Identical particles and permutation group1997-11-12Paper
A universal non-quasitriangular quantization of the Heisenberg group1996-05-01Paper
An R-matrix approach to the quantization of the Euclidean group E(2)1996-01-01Paper
Universal R-matrices for non-standard (1+1) quantum groups1995-11-15Paper
Quantum groups, coherent states, squeezing and lattice quantum mechanics1995-10-22Paper
Exponential mapping for non-semisimple quantum groups1995-02-19Paper
Italian workshop on quantum groups1993-04-30Paper
Heisenberg XXZ model and quantum Galilei group1993-01-17Paper
Hopf superalgebra contractions and R-matrix for fermions1992-08-13Paper
\(\mathrm{SO}_ q(n+1,n-1)\) as a real form of \(\mathrm{SO}_ q(2n,\mathbb C)\)1992-06-28Paper
The quantum Heisenberg group H(1)q1992-06-26Paper
The three-dimensional Euclidean quantum group E(3)q and its R-matrix1992-06-26Paper
Three-dimensional quantum groups from contractions of SU(2)q1990-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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