Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Finite Element Methods Respecting the Discrete Maximum Principle for Convection-Diffusion Equations | 2024-02-15 | Paper |
A nodally bound-preserving finite element method for reaction-convection-diffusion equations | 2023-11-27 | Paper |
Analysis of a stabilised finite element method for power-law fluids | 2023-04-27 | Paper |
A Nodally Bound-Preserving Finite Element Method | 2023-04-03 | Paper |
Continuous Interior Penalty stabilization for divergence-free finite element methods | 2022-05-12 | Paper |
Impact of POD modes energy redistribution on flow reconstruction for unsteady flows of impulsively started airfoils and wings | 2022-02-16 | Paper |
Stabilised hybrid discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Stokes problem with non-standard boundary conditions | 2021-12-02 | Paper |
A Divergence-Free Stabilized Finite Element Method for the Evolutionary Navier--Stokes Equations | 2021-11-16 | Paper |
A Pressure-Robust Discretization of Oseen's Equation Using Stabilization in the Vorticity Equation | 2021-11-09 | Paper |
The inf-sup stability of the lowest order Taylor–Hood pair on affine anisotropic meshes | 2021-03-31 | Paper |
Time-dependent semidiscrete analysis of the viscoelastic fluid flow problem using a variational multiscale stabilized formulation | 2021-03-16 | Paper |
Fully computable a posteriori error bounds for stabilised FEM approximations of convection–reaction–diffusion problems in three dimensions | 2021-03-05 | Paper |
Well-posedness and H(div)-conforming finite element approximation of a linearised model for inviscid incompressible flow | 2020-10-23 | Paper |
The multiscale hybrid mixed method in general polygonal meshes | 2020-05-29 | Paper |
A stabilised finite element method for the convection-diffusion-reaction equation in mixed form | 2020-04-08 | Paper |
A divergence-free low-order stabilized finite element method for a generalized steady state Boussinesq problem | 2020-04-08 | Paper |
Blending low-order stabilised finite element methods: a positivity-preserving local projection method for the convection-diffusion equation | 2020-04-06 | Paper |
Hybrid discontinuous Galerkin discretisation and domain decomposition preconditioners for the Stokes problem | 2020-02-20 | Paper |
A Note on the Stabilised Q1 − P0 Method on Quadrilaterals with High Aspect Ratios | 2019-12-20 | Paper |
A unified analysis of algebraic flux correction schemes for convection-diffusion equations | 2019-08-28 | Paper |
Adaptive reduced basis method for the reconstruction of unsteady vortex-dominated flows | 2019-07-19 | Paper |
Stabilised finite element methods for the Oseen problem on anisotropic quadrilateral meshes | 2018-08-10 | Paper |
Numerical assessment of two-level domain decomposition preconditioners for incompressible Stokes and elasticity equations | 2018-06-12 | Paper |
A stabilized finite element method for a fictitious domain problem allowing small inclusions | 2018-02-19 | Paper |
Fully Computable Error Estimation of a Nonlinear, Positivity-Preserving Discretization of the Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equation | 2017-09-18 | Paper |
Analysis of a group finite element formulation | 2017-06-22 | Paper |
An algebraic flux correction scheme satisfying the discrete maximum principle and linearity preservation on general meshes | 2017-04-28 | Paper |
Local two-sided bounds for eigenvalues of self-adjoint operators | 2017-04-13 | Paper |
Edge-based nonlinear diffusion for finite element approximations of convection-diffusion equations and its relation to algebraic flux-correction schemes | 2017-02-24 | Paper |
Analysis of Algebraic Flux Correction Schemes | 2016-08-18 | Paper |
Some analytical results for an algebraic flux correction scheme for a steady convection–diffusion equation in one dimension | 2015-11-06 | Paper |
Stabilised finite element methods for a bending moment formulation of the Reissner-Mindlin plate model | 2015-09-22 | Paper |
Stabilization of High Aspect Ratio Mixed Finite Elements for Incompressible Flow | 2015-09-16 | Paper |
Finite Element Eigenvalue Enclosures for the Maxwell Operator | 2015-03-02 | Paper |
A local projection stabilization finite element method with nonlinear crosswind diffusion for convection-diffusion-reaction equations | 2014-02-24 | Paper |
On the Adaptive Selection of the Parameter in Stabilized Finite Element Approximations | 2013-09-02 | Paper |
A Nonlinear Local Projection Stabilization for Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations | 2013-07-10 | Paper |
A local projection stabilized method for fictitious domains | 2012-10-11 | Paper |
Convergence Analysis of a Residual Local Projection Finite Element Method for the Navier–Stokes Equations | 2012-08-23 | Paper |
Computable error bounds for nonconforming Fortin-Soulie finite element approximation of the Stokes problem | 2012-05-04 | Paper |
Beyond pressure stabilization: A low-order local projection method for the Oseen equation | 2012-04-12 | Paper |
A residual local projection method for the Oseen equation | 2012-02-08 | Paper |
Finite-element analysis of a static fluid-solid interaction problem | 2011-08-19 | Paper |
Consistent Local Projection Stabilized Finite Element Methods | 2011-06-06 | Paper |
A two-level enriched finite element method for a mixed problem | 2011-03-07 | Paper |
A Symmetric Nodal Conservative Finite Element Method for the Darcy Equation | 2010-11-11 | Paper |
A Petrov-Galerkin enriched method: a mass conservative finite element method for the Darcy equation | 2009-11-06 | Paper |
Pressure stabilization of finite element approximations of time-dependent incompressible flow problems | 2009-09-01 | Paper |
Stabilization arising from PGEM: A review and further developments | 2009-07-02 | Paper |
A finite element method for the resolution of the Reduced Navier-Stokes/Prandtl equations | 2009-02-19 | Paper |
An adaptive stabilized finite element method for the generalized Stokes problem | 2008-03-26 | Paper | | 2007-06-19 | Paper |
A stabilized finite-element method for the Stokes problem including element and edge residuals | 2007-01-31 | Paper |
Stabilized Finite Element Methods Based on Multiscale Enrichment for the Stokes Problem | 2006-06-02 | Paper |
Relationship between multiscale enrichment and stabilized finite element methods for the generalized Stokes problem | 2005-12-05 | Paper |
New Wall Laws for the Unsteady Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations on Rough Domains | 2003-08-25 | Paper |
An unusual stabilized finite element method for a generalized Stokes problem | 2003-03-18 | Paper |
A primal mixed formulation for exterior transmission problems in \(R^2\) | 2002-07-22 | Paper |
Weak solvability of interior transmission problems via mixed finite elements and Dirichlet-to-Neumann mappings | 1999-08-22 | Paper |
On the numerical analysis of finite element and dirichlet-to-neumann methods for nonlinear exterior transmission problems | 1999-06-07 | Paper |
Primal mixed formulations for the coupling of FEM and BEM. Part I: linear problems | 1998-10-15 | Paper |
On the coupling of boundary integral and finite element methods with nonlinear transmission conditions | 1997-05-25 | Paper |