Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Deep Eikonal solvers | 2024-02-23 | Paper |
Elastica Models for Color Image Regularization | 2023-07-21 | Paper |
Partial Shape Similarity via Alignment of Multi-Metric Hamiltonian Spectra | 2022-07-06 | Paper |
A Color Elastica Model for Vector-Valued Image Regularization | 2021-11-19 | Paper |
A modified Allen-Cahn model for pattern synthesis on surfaces | 2020-08-17 | Paper |
On Geometric Invariants, Learning, and Recognition of Shapes and Forms | 2020-07-29 | Paper |
Computable invariants for curves and surfaces | 2020-07-10 | Paper |
Learning to Optimize Multigrid PDE Solvers | 2019-02-25 | Paper |
Fast blended transformations for partial shape registration | 2018-10-19 | Paper |
Sparse approximation of 3D meshes using the spectral geometry of the Hamiltonian operator | 2018-10-19 | Paper |
Affine invariant geometry for non-rigid shapes | 2018-10-19 | Paper |
Fast Entropic Regularized Optimal Transport Using Semidiscrete Cost Approximation | 2018-10-19 | Paper |
Curvature in image and shape processing | 2018-09-18 | Paper |
Non-rigid Shape Correspondence Using Surface Descriptors and Metric Structures in the Spectral Domain | 2018-02-14 | Paper |
Regularized principal component analysis | 2017-04-21 | Paper |
On convex relaxation of graph isomorphism | 2017-02-16 | Paper |
Best bases for signal spaces | 2016-11-22 | Paper |
Randomized Independent Component Analysis | 2016-09-22 | Paper |
On the Optimality of Shape and Data Representation in the Spectral Domain | 2015-10-13 | Paper |
Group-Valued Regularization for Motion Segmentation of Articulated Shapes | 2015-06-23 | Paper |
Non-rigid Shape Correspondence Using Pointwise Surface Descriptors and Metric Structures | 2015-06-23 | Paper |
On Globally Optimal Local Modeling: From Moving Least Squares to Over-parametrization | 2015-06-23 | Paper |
Matching the LBO eigenspace of non-rigid shapes via high order statistics | 2015-05-19 | Paper |
Near Field Photometric Stereo with Point Light Sources | 2015-02-17 | Paper |
Equi-affine invariant geometry for shape analysis | 2015-01-28 | Paper |
Spectral multidimensional scaling | 2014-07-25 | Paper |
Augmented-Lagrangian regularization of matrix-valued maps | 2014-06-25 | Paper |
Conformal Mapping with as Uniform as Possible Conformal Factor | 2014-01-23 | Paper |
Scale Invariant Geometry for Nonrigid Shapes | 2014-01-23 | Paper |
Geometric and Photometric Data Fusion in Non-Rigid Shape Analysis | 2013-11-19 | Paper |
Hierarchical Framework for Shape Correspondence | 2013-11-19 | Paper |
The Laplace-Beltrami Operator: A Ubiquitous Tool for Image and Shape Processing | 2013-06-11 | Paper |
On semi-implicit splitting schemes for the Beltrami color image filtering | 2013-01-22 | Paper |
Full and partial symmetries of non-rigid shapes | 2012-04-12 | Paper |
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by topologically constrained isometric embedding | 2012-04-12 | Paper |
A Gromov-Hausdorff framework with diffusion geometry for topologically-robust non-rigid shape matching | 2012-04-12 | Paper |
Topology-invariant similarity of nonrigid shapes | 2010-02-16 | Paper |
Efficient Beltrami Image Filtering via Vector Extrapolation Methods | 2009-10-19 | Paper |
Sub-pixel distance maps and weighted distance transforms. | 2008-12-21 | Paper |
Down-scaling for better transform compression | 2008-12-21 | Paper |
Numerical Geometry of Non-Rigid Shapes | 2008-10-29 | Paper |
Over-parameterized variational optical flow | 2008-09-05 | Paper |
Analysis of two-dimensional non-rigid shapes | 2008-09-05 | Paper |
Generalized multidimensional scaling: A framework for isometry-invariant partial surface matching | 2008-05-07 | Paper |
Efficient Computation of Isometry‐Invariant Distances Between Surfaces | 2007-09-24 | Paper |
Weighted distance maps computation on parametric three-dimensional manifolds | 2007-09-14 | Paper |
Geometric curve flows on parametric manifolds | 2007-04-18 | Paper |
Computer Vision - ECCV 2004 | 2005-12-27 | Paper |
Scale Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision | 2005-11-10 | Paper |
Scale Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision | 2005-11-10 | Paper |
Scale Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision | 2005-11-10 | Paper |
StereographicCombing a Porcupine or Studies on Direction Diffusion in Image Processing | 2004-12-13 | Paper |
An efficient solution to the eikonal equation on parametric manifolds | 2004-11-01 | Paper | | 2004-08-13 | Paper | | 2004-08-12 | Paper | | 2004-05-18 | Paper | | 2004-03-30 | Paper |
An Algebraic Multigrid Approach for Image Analysis | 2004-01-20 | Paper |
Multiplicative operator splittings in nonlinear diffusion: From spatial splitting to multiple timesteps | 2003-08-25 | Paper |
Regularized Laplacian zero crossings as optimal edge integrators | 2003-08-13 | Paper |
Variational restoration and edge detection for color images | 2003-05-11 | Paper |
A variational framework for retinex | 2003-03-25 | Paper | | 2002-11-04 | Paper | | 2002-09-05 | Paper | | 2002-09-05 | Paper | | 2002-09-05 | Paper | | 2002-05-23 | Paper | | 2002-05-23 | Paper |
Diffusions and confusions in signal and image processing | 2002-04-09 | Paper |
Optimal algorithm for shape from shading and path planning | 2001-10-21 | Paper |
A general framework for low level vision | 2000-09-06 | Paper | | 2000-02-23 | Paper |
Images as embedded maps and minimal surfaces: Movies, color, texture, and volumetric medical images | 2000-01-01 | Paper |
Computing geodesic paths on manifolds | 1998-08-13 | Paper | | 1998-08-13 | Paper |
Geodesic active contours | 1998-06-23 | Paper |
Minimal surfaces: A geometric three dimensional segmentation approach | 1997-12-10 | Paper | | 1996-10-17 | Paper | | 1996-08-25 | Paper |
Shortening three-dimensional curves via two-dimensional flows | 1995-07-13 | Paper | | 1995-03-05 | Paper |
Shape offsets via level sets | 1993-06-29 | Paper |
Consistent Discretization and Minimization of the L1 Norm on Manifolds | N/A | Paper |