Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
A proof of \(\frac 12+\frac 13+\frac 15+\frac 17+\frac{1}{11}+\)\&c.\(=l.l\,\infty\) inspired by Euler | 2018-05-18 | Paper | | 2013-02-11 | Paper | | 2011-12-19 | Paper |
Note on the Erdős–Graham theorem | 2011-01-11 | Paper |
Étude d'une somme arithmétique multiple liée à la fonction de Möbius | 2008-05-07 | Paper |
On fluctuations in the mean of a sum-of-divisors function, II | 2007-03-13 | Paper |
On the Cohen--Olivier algorithm for computing \(\zeta (s)\): error analysis in the real case for an arbitrary precision | 2007-02-14 | Paper | | 2005-03-21 | Paper |
On fluctuations in the mean of a sum-of-divisors function | 2004-08-18 | Paper |
Discrete derivatives of sequences | 2003-03-13 | Paper |
Frequency of oscillations of an error term related to the Euler function | 2002-12-15 | Paper | | 2002-12-01 | Paper |
On Some Asymptotic Formulæ of Ramanujan | 2002-08-18 | Paper |
On a functional-differential equation related to Golomb's self-described sequence | 2001-12-05 | Paper | | 2001-04-03 | Paper |
Asymptotic estimates for a class of summatory functions | 1999-07-20 | Paper |
On an estimate of Walfisz and Saltykov for an error term related to the Euler function | 1999-06-23 | Paper | | 1999-06-21 | Paper |
Errata to "The Dirichlet series of $ζ(s)ζ^α(s+1)f(s+1)$: On an error term associated with its coefficients" (Acta Arith. 75 (1996), 39-69) | 1999-05-26 | Paper |
On the sum of exponential divisors of an integer | 1998-11-22 | Paper |
Golomb's self-described sequence and functional differential equations | 1998-08-20 | Paper |
On Golomb's self describing sequence. II | 1996-12-15 | Paper |
The Dirichlet series of $ζ(s)ζ^α(s+1)f(s+1)$: On an error term associated with its coefficients | 1996-09-26 | Paper |
On Golomb's self describing sequence | 1995-10-22 | Paper | | 1994-08-21 | Paper |
Oscillations d'un terme d'erreur lié à la fonction totient de Jordan | 1992-12-14 | Paper |
On the average behaviour of the largest divisor of \(n\) prime to a fixed integer \(k\) | 1992-09-26 | Paper |
Distribution of values of a real function. Means, moments, and symmetry | 1992-06-25 | Paper | | 1992-06-25 | Paper |
Lattice points in ellipsoids | 1991-01-01 | Paper |
About a theorem of Paolo Codecà's and \(\Omega\)-estimates for arithmetical convolutions: Addendum | 1990-01-01 | Paper | | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
Divisor problems and exponent pairs | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
An \(\Omega\)-theorem \dots : Addendum | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
About a theorem of Paolo Codecà's and \(\Omega\)-estimates for arithmetical convolutions | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Existence of all the asymptotic \(\lambda\)-th means for certain arithmetical convolutions | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Changes of sign of error terms related to Euler's function and to divisor functions II | 1988-01-01 | Paper | | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
An \(\Omega\)-theorem for an error term related to the sum-of-divisors functions | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
Changes of sign of error terms related to Euler's function and to divisor functions | 1986-01-01 | Paper |