Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux

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zbMath Open lafaye-de-micheaux.pierreMaRDI QIDQ248093

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Nonparametric Tests of Independence for Circular Data Based on Trigonometric Moments2024-04-15Paper
The Hellinger Correlation2023-03-27Paper
Depth for curve data and applications2023-03-14Paper
A comprehensive empirical power comparison of univariate goodness-of-fit tests for the Laplace distribution2023-03-07Paper
Goodness-of-fit tests for Laplace, Gaussian and exponential power distributions based on λ-th power skewness and kurtosis2023-03-06Paper
Tests for circular symmetry of complex-valued random vectors2022-08-04Paper
A powerful and interpretable alternative to the Jarque–Bera test of normality based on 2nd-power skewness and kurtosis, using the Rao's score test on the APD family2022-02-23Paper
Counterexamples to the classical central limit theorem for triplewise independent random variables having a common arbitrary margin2022-01-03Paper
On strong consistency and asymptotic normality of one-step Gauss-Newton estimators in ARMA time series models2021-07-02Paper
A counterexample to the existence of a general central limit theorem for pairwise independent identically distributed random variables2021-03-30Paper
A goodness-of-fit test for elliptical distributions with diagnostic capabilities2020-05-19Paper
PLS for Big Data: a unified parallel algorithm for regularised group PLS2019-09-13Paper
A uniform \(L^1\) law of large numbers for functions of i.i.d. random variables that are translated by a consistent estimator2019-02-20Paper
A goodness-of-fit test for elliptical distributions with diagnostic capabilities2019-02-10Paper
Depth for curve data and applications2019-01-01Paper
Estimating the mean and its effects on Neyman smooth tests of normality for ARMA models2016-12-19Paper
Multivariate nonparametric test of independence2016-12-15Paper
The complex multinormal distribution, quadratic forms in complex random vectors and an omnibus goodness-of-fit test for the complex normal distribution2016-02-23Paper
Le logiciel R2014-11-14Paper
Distributions for residual autocovariances in parsimonious periodic vector autoregressive models with applications2013-11-26Paper
The R Software2013-09-23Paper
Test of Normality Against Generalized Exponential Power Alternatives2013-06-25Paper
A law of the single logarithm for weighted sums of arrays applied to bootstrap model selection in regression2012-07-05Paper
Computing the distribution of quadratic forms: further comparisons between the Liu-Tang-Zhang approximation and exact methods2010-04-06Paper
Goodness‐of‐fit tests of normality for the innovations in ARMA models2005-05-20Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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