Frédéric Campana

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zbMath Open campana.fredericWikidataQ102420120 ScholiaQ102420120MaRDI QIDQ253148

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Dense entire curves in rationally connected manifolds (with an appendix by János Kollár)2023-09-19Paper
Erratum and addendum to the paper: Abundance for K\"ahler threefolds2023-04-20Paper
Rational points over complex function fields: remarks on isotriviality and dominatedness2022-10-21Paper
Algebraicity of foliations on complex projective manifolds, applications2022-04-20Paper
Hyperbolicity and specialness of symmetric powers2022-03-22Paper
Special manifolds, arithmetic and hyperbolic aspects: a short survey2021-09-23Paper
Projective klt pairs with nef anti-canonical divisor2021-09-06Paper
On the existence of logarithmic and orbifold jet differentials2021-09-02Paper
The Bogomolov-Beauville-Yau decomposition for klt projective varieties with trivial first Chern class - without tears2021-06-04Paper
Local projectivity of Lagrangian fibrations on hyperkähler manifolds2021-02-08Paper
Arithmetic Aspects of Orbifold Pairs2021-01-25Paper
Orbifold hyperbolicity2020-11-04Paper
The algebraic dimension of compact complex threefolds with vanishing second Betti number2020-02-14Paper
Subharmonicity of direct images and applications2019-06-26Paper
Foliations with positive slopes and birational stability of orbifold cotangent bundles2019-05-27Paper
Specialness and isotriviality for regular algebraic foliations2019-05-23Paper
Dense entire curves in Rationally Connected manifolds2019-05-03Paper
The algebraic dimension of compact complex threefolds with vanishing second Betti numbers2019-04-25Paper
Fundamental group and pluridifferentials on compact K\"ahler manifolds2017-09-29Paper
Positivity properties of the bundle of logarithmic tensors on compact Kähler manifolds2017-09-28Paper
Characteristic foliation on non-uniruled smooth divisors on hyperkähler manifolds2017-09-15Paper
Abundance for Kähler threefolds2017-02-02Paper
Some stability properties of special varieties2016-05-18Paper
Rational connectedness and order of non-degenerate meromorphic maps from \(\mathbb C^n\)2016-03-08Paper
Orbifold Slope Rational-Connectedness2016-03-05Paper
Orbifold generic semi-positivity: an application to families of canonically polarized manifolds2015-10-20Paper
On the h-principle and specialness for complex projective manifolds2015-10-13Paper
Rationally connected manifolds and semipositivity of the Ricci curvature2015-10-07Paper
Représentations linéaires des groupes kählériens : factorisations et conjecture de Shafarevich linéaire2015-04-13Paper
Linear representations of Kähler groups and of their projective analogues2015-01-23Paper
Quelques propri\'et\'es de stabilit\'e des vari\'et\'es sp\'eciales2014-10-11Paper
Compact Kähler 3-manifolds without nontrivial subvarieties2014-04-29Paper
Metrics with cone singularities along normal crossing divisors and holomorphic tensor fields2014-03-28Paper
Automorphism groups of positive entropy on projective threefolds2014-03-12Paper
Abelianity Conjecture for Special Compact Kähler 3-Folds2014-02-28Paper
On families of Lagrangian tori on hyperkähler manifolds2014-01-09Paper
Numerical character of the effectivity of adjoint line bundles2012-08-09Paper
Orbifoldes géométriques spéciales et classification biméromorphe des variétés kählériennes compactes2011-10-10Paper
Special orbifolds and birational classification: a survey2011-05-06Paper
Solvable or nilpotent quotients of groups of Kähler orbifolds2011-05-04Paper
Geometric stability of the cotangent bundle and the universal cover of a projective manifold2011-04-28Paper
Birational stability of the cotangent bundle2011-04-05Paper
Nonalgebraic hyperkähler manifolds2011-01-28Paper
A generalization of the Kobayashi-Ochiai theorem2009-02-26Paper
A Brody theorem for orbifolds2009-02-26Paper
Strictly nef divisors2008-12-01Paper
Meromorphic fibrations on certain manifolds with trivial canonical bundle2008-07-01Paper
The qualitative structure of projective varieties: geometric, arithmetic and complex hyperbolic aspects2007-08-10Paper
Variétés faiblement spéciales à courbes entières dégénérées2007-04-24Paper
Isotriviality of certain Kählerian families of nonprojective manifolds2006-01-10Paper
Varietes faiblement speciales a courbes entieres degenerees2005-12-06Paper
Fibrations meromorphes sur certaines varietes de classe canonique triviale2005-10-14Paper
Multiple fibres on surfaces: geometry, hyperbolic and arithmetic aspects2005-09-13Paper
\(L^2\) -cohomology on the coverings of a compact complex manifold2005-05-19Paper
Exceptional points of an endomorphism of the projective plane2005-04-14Paper
Orbifolds, special varieties and classification theory.2004-12-20Paper
Orbifolds, special varieties and classification theory: appendix.2004-12-20Paper
The generalized Tsen theorem and rationally connected varieties.2004-06-15Paper
Geometric stability of the cotangent bundle and the universal cover of a projective manifold2004-05-06Paper
Orbifoldes \`a premi\ere classe de Chern nulle2004-02-14Paper
Projective manifolds with splitting tangent bundle. I2003-06-02Paper
Special varieties and classification theory: An overview2003-04-27Paper
Contact singularities2002-12-01Paper
On the Albanese maps of compact Kähler manifolds2002-10-28Paper
Complex manifolds whose blow-up at a point is Fano2002-09-08Paper
Appendix to the article of T. Peternell: the Kodaira dimension of Kummer threefolds2002-02-24Paper
Vari\'et\'es projectives complexes dont l'\'eclat\'ee en un point est de Fano2001-06-07Paper
Connexité abélienne des variétés kählériennes compactes2000-08-10Paper
Quotients résolubles des groupes de Kähler et ensembles de Green—Lazarsfeld2000-07-30Paper
Rational curves and ampleness properties of the tangent bundle of algebraic varieties2000-03-15Paper
L^2 Cohomology on coverings of a compact K\"ahler manifold2000-02-10Paper
A conic bundle description of Moishezon twistor spaces without effective divisors of degree one1999-08-25Paper
Existence of twistor spaces of algebraic dimension two over the connected sum of four complex projective planes1999-06-23Paper
Seminégativité des courbes compactes des revêtements non compacts des surfaces projectives complexes1999-02-25Paper
Towards a Mori Theory on Compact Kähler Threefolds, I1998-06-25Paper
Connexité abélienne des variétés kählérieimes compactes1998-01-14Paper
Rigidity theorems for primitive Fano 3-folds1996-01-01Paper
Remarques sur les groupes de Kähler nilpotents1995-07-05Paper
4-folds with numerically effective tangent bundles and second Betti numbers greater than one1994-11-24Paper
Remarques sur le revêtement universel des variétés kählériennes compactes1994-08-11Paper
Connexité rationnelle des variétés de Fano1993-06-29Paper
Une version géométrique généralisée du théorème du produit de Nadel1992-06-27Paper
An application of twistor theory to the non-hyperbolicity of certain compact symplectic Kähler manifolds.1992-06-26Paper
The class \({\mathcal C}\) is not stable by small deformations1991-01-01Paper
Projective manifolds whose tangent bundles are numerically effective1991-01-01Paper
On twistor spaces of the class \({\mathcal C}\)1991-01-01Paper
Compactifications kähleriennes de voisinages ouverts de cycles géométriquement positifs1990-01-01Paper
A characterization of ample vector bundles on a curve1990-01-01Paper
A geometric algebraicity property for moduli spaces of compact Kähler manifolds with \(h^{2,0}=1\)1990-01-01Paper
Geometric algebraicity of moduli spaces of compact Kähler symplectic manifolds.1989-01-01Paper
Algébricité de l'espace des feuilletages d'un espace analytique compact. (Algebraicity of the space of foliations of a compact analytic space)1988-01-01Paper
Rigidité des fibres des réductions algébriques.1988-01-01Paper
Sur les diviseurs non-polaires d'un espace analytique compact.1982-01-01Paper
Coreduction algébrique d'un espace analytique faiblement Kählerien compact1981-01-01Paper
Reduction algébrique d'un morphisme faiblement Kählerien propre et applications1981-01-01Paper
Algébricité et compacité dans l'espace des cycles d'un espace analytique complexe1980-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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