Andrey Gogolev

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Available identifiers

zbMath Open gogolev.andreyMaRDI QIDQ265878

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Smooth rigidity for higher-dimensional contact Anosov flows2024-03-04Paper
Joint integrability and spectral rigidity for Anosov diffeomorphisms2023-12-19Paper
Center foliation rigidity for partially hyperbolic toral diffeomorphisms2023-10-31Paper
Smooth rigidity for very non-algebraic expanding maps2023-07-20Paper
Riemannian Anosov extension and applications2023-05-31Paper
Smooth rigidity for codimension one Anosov flows2023-04-27Paper
Surgery for partially hyperbolic dynamical systems. II: Blow-up of a complex curve2021-07-22Paper
Centralizers of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms in dimension 32021-06-08Paper
Anomalous Anosov flows revisited2021-05-14Paper
Anomalous partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. III: Abundance and incoherence2020-11-17Paper
Local rigidity of Lyapunov spectrum for toral automorphisms2020-09-15Paper
A note on self orbit equivalences of Anosov flows and bundles with fiberwise Anosov flows2019-10-30Paper
A Numerical Study of Gibbs u-Measures for Partially Hyperbolic Diffeomorphisms on T32019-08-13Paper
Surgery for partially hyperbolic dynamical systems. I: Blow-ups of invariant submanifolds2018-04-25Paper
Bootstrap for local rigidity of Anosov automorphisms on the 3-torus2017-04-28Paper
Anomalous partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. II: Stably ergodic examples2016-12-16Paper
Aspherical products which do not support Anosov diffeomorphisms2016-11-25Paper
New partially hyperbolic dynamical systems. I2016-04-13Paper
On bundles that admit fiberwise hyperbolic dynamics2016-02-10Paper
Center Lyapunov exponents in partially hyperbolic dynamics2015-05-18Paper
Examples of expanding endomorphisms on fake tori2014-09-30Paper
The space of Anosov diffeomorphisms2014-05-07Paper
Manifolds with higher homotopy which do not support Anosov diffeomorphisms2014-04-14Paper
How typical are pathological foliations in partially hyperbolic dynamics: an example2012-11-19Paper
Anosov diffeomorphisms constructed from π k (Diff(S n ))2012-06-25Paper
Partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with compact center foliations2012-05-23Paper
Local rigidity for Anosov automorphisms. With an appendix by Rafael de la Llave2012-04-21Paper
Diffeomorphisms Hölder conjugate to Anosov diffeomorphisms2010-04-29Paper
Smooth conjugacy of anosov diffeomorphisms on higher-dimensional tori2009-01-30Paper
\(C^1\)-differentiable conjugacy of Anosov diffeomorphisms on three dimensional torus2008-09-12Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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