Shaohua Pan

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zbMath Open pan.shaohuaMaRDI QIDQ276858

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
An Inexact Projected Regularized Newton Method for Fused Zero-norms Regularization Problems2023-12-25Paper
An inexact $q$-order regularized proximal Newton method for nonconvex composite optimization2023-11-12Paper
Zero-norm regularized problems: equivalent surrogates, proximal MM method and statistical error bound2023-10-19Paper
Local optimality for stationary points of group zero-norm regularized problems and equivalent surrogates2023-09-19Paper
A Regularized Newton Method for \({\boldsymbol{\ell}}_{q}\) -Norm Composite Optimization Problems2023-08-11Paper
Convergence of a Class of Nonmonotone Descent Methods for Kurdyka–Łojasiewicz Optimization Problems2023-06-22Paper
A matrix nonconvex relaxation approach to unconstrained binary polynomial programs2023-04-17Paper
Calmness of partial perturbation to composite rank constraint systems and its applications2023-04-03Paper
Computing one-bit compressive sensing via zero-norm regularized DC loss model and its surrogate2023-03-16Paper
Twice epi-differentiability of a class of non-amenable composite functions2022-12-01Paper
On the local convergence of the semismooth Newton method for composite optimization2022-11-02Paper
A Superlinear Convergence Framework for Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz Optimization2022-10-22Paper
An inexact regularized proximal Newton method for nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization2022-09-19Paper
Second-order optimality conditions for mathematical program with semidefinite cone complementarity constraints and applications2022-06-03Paper
Column $\ell_{2,0}$-Norm Regularized Factorization Model of Low-Rank Matrix Recovery and Its Computation2022-06-01Paper
KL property of exponent $1/2$ of $\ell_{2,0}$-norm and DC regularized factorizations for low-rank matrix recovery2022-04-11Paper
A proximal dual semismooth Newton method for zero-norm penalized quantile regression estimator2022-03-30Paper
Error bound of critical points and KL property of exponent 1/2 for squared F-norm regularized factorization2021-11-26Paper
Error bound and exact penalty method for optimization problems with nonnegative orthogonal constraint2021-11-05Paper
An inexact PAM method for computing Wasserstein barycenter with unknown supports2021-09-10Paper
Correction to: ``Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz property of zero-norm composite functions2021-08-18Paper
Calibrated zero-norm regularized LS estimator for high-dimensional error-in-variables regression2021-07-30Paper
Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz property of zero-norm composite functions2021-05-20Paper
Isolated calmness of solution mappings and exact recovery conditions for nuclear norm optimization problems2021-04-27Paper
Calmness of partial perturbation to composite rank constraint systems and its applications2021-02-20Paper
A multi-stage convex relaxation approach to noisy structured low-rank matrix recovery2021-01-25Paper
Several Classes of Stationary Points for Rank Regularized Minimization Problems2020-07-30Paper
A relaxation approach to UBPPs based on equivalent DC penalized factorized matrix programs2020-04-26Paper
A proximal MM method for the zero-norm regularized PLQ composite optimization problem2020-01-17Paper
Second-order optimality conditions for SDCMPCC and application to rank optimization problems2019-11-24Paper
Computation of graphical derivatives of normal cone maps to a class of conic constraint sets2019-10-09Paper
Metric subregularity and/or calmness of the normal cone mapping to the \(p\)-order conic constraint system2019-07-10Paper
A proximal dual semismooth Newton method for computing zero-norm penalized QR estimator2019-07-08Paper
Regular and limiting normal cones to the graph of the subdifferential mapping of the nuclear norm2019-05-23Paper
KL property of exponent $1/2$ of quadratic functions under nonnegative zero-norm constraints and applications2019-04-07Paper
Equivalent Lipschitz surrogates for zero-norm and rank optimization problems2018-12-27Paper
Subregularity of subdifferential mappings relative to the critical set and KL property of exponent 1/22018-12-03Paper
Error bounds for rank constrained optimization problems and applications2018-10-02Paper
GEP-MSCRA for computing the group zero-norm regularized least squares estimator2018-04-26Paper
Multistage Convex Relaxation Approach to Rank Regularized Minimization Problems Based on Equivalent Mathematical Program with a Generalized Complementarity Constraint2017-08-18Paper
Graph-based semi-supervised learning by mixed label propagation with a soft constraint2017-01-31Paper
Weighted iteration complexity of the sPADMM on the KKT residuals for convex composite optimization2016-11-09Paper
A rank-corrected procedure for matrix completion with fixed basis coefficients2016-09-16Paper
Two-stage convex relaxation approach to least squares loss constrained low-rank plus sparsity optimization problems2016-05-04Paper
Locally upper Lipschitz of the perturbed KKT system of Ky Fan $k$-norm matrix conic optimization problems2015-09-02Paper
Linear convergence of the generalized PPA and several splitting methods for the composite inclusion problem2015-08-20Paper
Inexact indefinite proximal ADMMs for 2-block separable convex programs and applications to 4-block DNNSDPs2015-05-18Paper
A corrected semi-proximal ADMM for multi-block convex optimization and its application to DNN-SDPs2015-02-10Paper
Exact Penalty Decomposition Method for Zero-Norm Minimization Based on MPEC Formulation2014-11-17Paper
On the generalized Fischer-Burmeister merit function for the second-order cone complementarity problem2014-03-12Paper
Approximation of rank function and its application to the nearest low-rank correlation matrix2013-12-09Paper
Nonsingularity conditions for FB system of reformulating nonlinear second-order cone programming2013-09-19Paper
Nonsingularity of FB system and constraint nondegeneracy in semidefinite programming2013-02-01Paper
The same growth of FB and NR symmetric cone complementarity functions2012-11-30Paper
SOC-monotone and SOC-convex functions vs. matrix-monotone and matrix-convex functions2012-08-03Paper
Nonsingularity Conditions for the Fischer–Burmeister System of Nonlinear SDPs2012-03-16Paper
A continuation approach for the capacitated multi-facility weber problem based on nonlinear SOCP reformulation2011-11-08Paper
New second-order cone linear complementarity formulation and semi-smooth Newton algorithm for finite element analysis of 3D frictional contact problem2011-11-02Paper
A least-square semismooth Newton method for the second-order cone complementarity problem2011-10-12Paper
A merit function method for infinite-dimensional SOCCPs2011-07-18Paper
The penalized Fischer-Burmeister SOC complementarity function2011-06-30Paper
A linearly convergent derivative-free descent method for the second-order cone complementarity problem2011-01-20Paper
An entropy-like proximal algorithm and the exponential multiplier method for convex symmetric cone programming2011-01-12Paper
Stationary point conditions for the FB merit function associated with symmetric cones2010-12-20Paper
Lipschitz continuity of the gradient of a one-parametric class of SOC merit functions2010-09-21Paper
Interior proximal methods and central paths for convex second-order cone programming2010-09-10Paper
An entropy regularization technique for minimizing a sum of Tchebycheff norms2010-05-06Paper
A one-parametric class of merit functions for the second-order cone complementarity problem2010-04-28Paper
Numerical comparisons of two effective methods for mixed complementarity problems2010-04-27Paper
A smoothing Newton method based on the generalized Fischer-Burmeister function for MCPs2010-03-29Paper
A semismooth Newton method for SOCCPs based on a one-parametric class of SOC complementarity functions2010-03-15Paper
A neural network based on the generalized Fischer-Burmeister function for nonlinear complementarity problems2010-03-11Paper
A proximal gradient descent method for the extended second-order cone linear complementarity problem2010-03-10Paper
Some characterizations for SOC-monotone and SOC-convex functions2009-11-16Paper
An \(R\)-linearly convergent derivative-free algorithm for nonlinear complementarity problems based on the generalized Fischer-Burmeister merit function2009-09-29Paper
A damped Gauss-Newton method for the second-order cone complementarity problem2009-08-31Paper
A global continuation algorithm for solving binary quadratic programming problems2009-07-13Paper
Growth behavior of two classes of merit functions for symmetric cone complementarity problems2009-07-10Paper
A Class of Interior Proximal-Like Algorithms for Convex Second-Order Cone Programming2009-05-27Paper
A one-parametric class of merit functions for the symmetric cone complementarity problem2009-05-19Paper
A regularization method for the second-order cone complementarity problem with the Cartesian \(P_0\)-property2009-03-09Paper
A family of NCP functions and a descent method for the nonlinear complementarity problem2009-02-13Paper
Nonsmooth model for plastic limit analysis and its smoothing algorithm2008-09-01Paper
A regularization semismooth Newton method based on the generalized Fischer-Burmeister function for \(P_0\)-NCPs2008-08-22Paper
Proximal-like algorithm using the quasi D-function for convex second-order cone programming2008-08-20Paper
Entropy-like proximal algorithms based on a second-order homogeneous distance function for quasi-convex programming2008-06-03Paper
A descent method for a reformulation of the second-order cone complementarity problem2008-03-26Paper
Two unconstrained optimization approaches for the Euclidean \(\kappa \)-centrum location problem2007-09-19Paper
Smoothing method for minimizing the sum of therlargest functions2007-09-03Paper
An efficient algorithm for the smallest enclosing ball problem in high dimensions2006-04-28Paper
A self-adjusting interior point algorithm for linear complementarity problems2006-02-02Paper
An infeasible primal-dual interior point algorithm for linear programs based on logarithmic equivalent transformation2006-01-10Paper
An efficient algorithm for the Euclidean \(r\)-centrum location problem2005-10-28Paper
A self-adjusting primal–dual interior point method for linear programs2005-03-14Paper
Lagrangian regularization approach to constrained optimization problems2005-01-11Paper
The singular point of differential polynomials of meromorphic function2001-07-08Paper
Entangled coherent states for systems withSU(2) andSU(1,1) symmetries2001-04-26Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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