Zhengfu Xu

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Available identifiers

zbMath Open xu.zhengfuMaRDI QIDQ292581

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Total variation bounded flux limiters for high order finite difference schemes solving one-dimensional scalar conservation laws2018-12-05Paper
Continuation Finite Element Simulation of Second Harmonic Generation in Photonic Crystals2017-06-07Paper
High order maximum principle preserving semi-Lagrangian finite difference WENO schemes for the Vlasov equation2016-12-20Paper
High order parametrized maximum-principle-preserving and positivity-preserving WENO schemes on unstructured meshes2016-12-20Paper
A parametrized maximum principle preserving flux limiter for finite difference RK-WENO schemes with applications in incompressible flows2016-12-05Paper
High order operator splitting methods based on an integral deferred correction framework2016-12-05Paper
An explicit high-order single-stage single-step positivity-preserving finite difference WENO method for the compressible Euler equations2016-07-28Paper
Parametrized positivity preserving flux limiters for the high order finite difference WENO scheme solving compressible Euler equations2016-07-05Paper
High order maximum principle preserving finite volume method for convection dominated problems2016-06-08Paper
Positivity-Preserving Finite Difference Weighted ENO Schemes with Constrained Transport for Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Equations2015-07-30Paper
Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for the functionalized Cahn-Hilliard equation2015-07-23Paper
High Order Maximum-Principle-Preserving Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Convection-Diffusion Equations2015-06-09Paper
Parametrized maximum principle preserving flux limiters for high order schemes solving hyperbolic conservation laws: one-dimensional scalar problem2014-09-10Paper
Parametrized maximum principle preserving flux limiters for high order schemes solving multi-dimensional scalar hyperbolic conservation laws2014-04-08Paper
On the unconditionally gradient stable scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard equation and its implementation with Fourier method2014-04-07Paper
Parametrized Maximum Principle Preserving Limiter for Finite Difference WENO Schemes Solving Convection-Dominated Diffusion Equations2014-03-28Paper
A High Order Adaptive Finite Element Method for Solving Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws2012-06-01Paper
Vanishing viscosity approximation to hyperbolic conservation laws2008-04-16Paper
Anti-diffusive high order WENO schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi equations2007-03-27Paper
Anti-diffusive flux corrections for high order finite difference WENO schemes2005-06-13Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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