Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Some generalizations of dynamic Hardy-Knopp-type inequalities on time scales | 2024-08-13 | Paper |
Novel dynamic Hardy‐type inequalities on time scales | 2024-01-02 | Paper |
On some investigations of alpha-conformable Ostrowski-trapezoid-Grüss dynamic inequalities on time scales | 2023-12-14 | Paper |
Ulam stability of first-order nonlinear impulsive dynamic equations | 2023-09-22 | Paper |
New oscillation constraints for even-order delay differential equations | 2023-06-07 | Paper |
On some dynamic inequalities of Ostrowski, trapezoid, and Grüss type on time scales | 2023-05-03 | Paper |
Weighted dynamic Hardy-type inequalities involving many functions on arbitrary time scales | 2023-05-03 | Paper |
Maximum principle and its application to multi-index Hadamard fractional diffusion equation | 2022-12-19 | Paper |
On dynamic inequalities in two independent variables on time scales and their applications for boundary value problems | 2022-09-30 | Paper |
On some new double dynamic inequalities associated with Leibniz integral rule on time scales | 2022-08-25 | Paper |
New dynamic Hilbert-type inequalities in two independent variables involving Fenchel-Legendre transform | 2022-08-25 | Paper |
New retarded dynamic inequalities on time scales with applications | 2022-08-02 | Paper |
On some generalizations of nonlinear dynamic inequalities on time scales and their applications | 2022-07-27 | Paper |
Some new dynamic Gronwall-Bellman-Pachpatte type inequalities with delay on time scales and certain applications | 2022-07-22 | Paper |
Some Steffensen-type inequalities over time scale measure spaces | 2022-06-14 | Paper |
Generalization of Mitrinović-Pečarić inequalities on time scales | 2022-05-10 | Paper |
Certain new dynamic nonlinear inequalities in two independent variables and applications | 2022-04-19 | Paper |
Certain new weighted estimates proposing generalized proportional fractional operator in another sense | 2022-04-11 | Paper |
Some reverse inequalities of Hardy type on time scales | 2022-03-29 | Paper |
Some new Hardy-type inequalities on time scales | 2022-03-29 | Paper |
On some generalizations of dynamic Opial-type inequalities on time scales | 2022-03-15 | Paper |
Weighted dynamic inequalities of Opial-type on time scales | 2022-03-11 | Paper |
On Hilbert's inequality on time scales | 2022-02-24 | Paper |
On nabla conformable fractional Hardy-type inequalities on arbitrary time scales | 2022-01-26 | Paper |
On new unified bounds for a family of functions via fractional \(q\)-calculus theory | 2020-09-15 | Paper |
On retarded nonlinear integral inequalities of Gronwall and applications | 2020-02-28 | Paper |
Some Opial-type inequalities with higher order delta derivatives on time scales | 2020-01-28 | Paper |
Some Steffensen-type dynamic inequalities on time scales | 2019-07-10 | Paper |
A variety of nonlinear retarded integral inequalities of Gronwall type and their applications | 2019-06-11 | Paper |
Some dynamic inequalities on time scales and their applications | 2019-04-29 | Paper |
Some nonlinear delay Volterra-Fredholm type dynamic integral inequalities on time scales | 2019-02-20 | Paper |
Generalized weighted Ostrowski, trapezoid and Grüss type inequalities on time scales | 2018-09-12 | Paper |
On some dynamic inequalities of Steffensen type on time scales | 2018-08-23 | Paper |
On some generalizations of certain nonlinear retarded integral inequalities for Volterra-Fredholm integral equations and their applications in delay differential equations | 2017-11-16 | Paper |
On generalized of certain retarded nonlinear integral inequalities and its applications in retarded integro-differential equations | 2016-06-22 | Paper |
On some generalizations of certain retarded nonlinear integral inequalities with iterated integrals and an application in retarded differential equation | 2015-12-22 | Paper |
On Some New Nonlinear Integral Inequalities of Gronwall-Bellman Type | 2015-06-22 | Paper |