Eric Woolgar

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Available identifiers

zbMath Open woolgar.ericMaRDI QIDQ326959

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Deformations of the Kerr-(A)dS near horizon geometry2024-03-01Paper
Rigidity of quasi-Einstein metrics: the incompressible case2024-01-17Paper
Bakry–Émery Ricci curvature, X-minimal hypersurfaces, and near horizon geometries2023-04-11Paper
Static near-horizon geometries and rigidity of quasi-Einstein manifolds2022-11-21Paper
The topology of general cosmological models*2022-09-14Paper
Self-similar curve shortening flow in hyperbolic 2-space2022-02-04Paper
A Bakry-Émery almost splitting result with applications to the topology of black holes2021-06-08Paper
Formal power series for asymptotically hyperbolic Bach-flat metrics2021-02-03Paper
Inscribed radius bounds for lower Ricci bounded metric measure spaces with mean convex boundary2021-01-28Paper
Ricci flow and volume renormalizability2019-10-23Paper
Nonexistence of degenerate horizons in static vacua and black hole uniqueness2019-04-18Paper
New restrictions on the topology of extreme black holes2019-03-26Paper
Asymptotically hyperbolic normalized Ricci flow and rotational symmetry2019-02-08Paper
Curvature-dimension bounds for Lorentzian splitting theorems2018-08-24Paper
On static Poincaré-Einstein metrics2018-05-31Paper
Nonexistence of extremal de Sitter black rings2018-02-22Paper
The rigid Horowitz-Myers conjecture2018-01-10Paper
Renormalized volume and the evolution of apes2016-10-13Paper
Cosmological singularity theorems and splitting theorems for N-Bakry-Émery spacetimes2016-03-21Paper
Cosmological singularities in Bakry-Émery spacetimes2014-12-04Paper
The Ricci flow of asymptotically hyperbolic mass and applications2013-11-29Paper
Positive Mass from Holographic Causality2013-07-11Paper
Scalar–tensor gravitation and the Bakry–Émery–Ricci tensor2013-05-27Paper
Irreversibility of world-sheet renormalization group flow2012-09-23Paper
On long-time existence for the flow of static metrics with rotational symmetry2011-10-24Paper
Rotationally symmetric Ricci flow on asymptotically flat manifolds2008-04-02Paper
A gradient flow for worldsheet nonlinear sigma models2007-04-20Paper
On the geometry and mass of static, asymptotically AdS spacetimes, and the uniqueness of the AdS soliton2003-10-08Paper
Bounded area theorems for higher-genus black holes2003-04-02Paper
Non-existence of black holes in certain   < 0 spacetimes2003-01-01Paper
A causal order for spacetimes with Lorentzian metrics: proof of compactness of the space of causal curves2001-07-25Paper
The AdS/CFT correspondence and topological censorship2001-06-20Paper
New five-dimensional black holes classified by horizon geometry, and a Bianchi VI braneworld2001-04-22Paper
The cosmic censor forbids naked topology1997-02-13Paper
The positivity of energy for asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes1994-12-07Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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