Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Divisibility of polynomials and degeneracy of integral points | 2024-02-09 | Paper |
Chern class inequalities for nonuniruled projective varieties | 2023-12-18 | Paper |
Orbifold Chern classes inequalities and applications | 2023-10-30 | Paper |
Weakly-special threefolds and non-density of rational points | 2023-10-13 | Paper |
Simply connectedness and hyperbolicity | 2023-08-25 | Paper |
Algebraic intermediate hyperbolicities | 2023-04-03 | Paper |
Albanese Maps and Fundamental Groups of Varieties With Many Rational Points Over Function Fields | 2023-01-18 | Paper |
Numerically non-special varieties | 2022-08-24 | Paper |
Rational endomorphisms of codimension one holomorphic foliations | 2022-08-15 | Paper |
Hyperbolicity and specialness of symmetric powers | 2022-03-22 | Paper | | 2022-02-22 | Paper |
On the existence of logarithmic and orbifold jet differentials | 2021-09-02 | Paper |
Nonspecial varieties and generalised Lang–Vojta conjectures | 2021-02-12 | Paper |
Algebraic intermediate hyperbolicities | 2020-12-14 | Paper |
Orbifold hyperbolicity | 2020-11-04 | Paper |
Albanese maps and fundamental groups of varieties with many rational points over function fields | 2020-10-06 | Paper |
Quasi-positive orbifold cotangent bundles ; Pushing further an example by Junjiro Noguchi | 2020-06-24 | Paper |
Hyperbolicity of singular spaces | 2019-01-18 | Paper |
Symmetries of Transversely Projective Foliations | 2019-01-17 | Paper |
On Lang's conjecture for some product-quotient surfaces | 2018-12-10 | Paper |
Curves in Hilbert modular varieties | 2018-10-04 | Paper | | 2018-08-28 | Paper |
The exceptional set and the Green-Griffiths locus do not always coincide | 2016-10-24 | Paper |
Foliations, Shimura Varieties, and the Green-Griffiths-Lang Conjecture | 2016-05-24 | Paper |
Hyperbolicity, automorphic forms and Siegel modular varieties | 2016-04-21 | Paper |
Hyperbolicity of Projective Hypersurfaces | 2016-04-13 | Paper |
Canonical surfaces with big cotangent bundle | 2014-06-13 | Paper |
Higher dimensional tautological inequalities and applications | 2013-06-26 | Paper |
On the hyperbolicity of surfaces of general type with small c 1 2 | 2013-05-06 | Paper |
Degeneracy of holomorphic maps via orbifolds | 2013-02-22 | Paper |
A survey on hyperbolicity of projective hypersurfaces | 2012-09-05 | Paper | | 2011-11-16 | Paper |
Generalized Demailly-Semple jet bundles and holomorphic mappings into complex manifolds | 2011-08-16 | Paper |
Hyperbolicity of geometric orbifolds | 2010-07-02 | Paper |
Effective algebraic degeneracy | 2010-03-05 | Paper |
Logarithmic Vector Fields and Hyperbolicity | 2009-10-08 | Paper |
Weak analytic hyperbolicity of complements of generic surfaces of high degree in projective 3-space | 2008-02-21 | Paper |
Weak analytic hyperbolicity of generic hypersurfaces of high degree in \(\mathbb P^4\) | 2008-02-15 | Paper |
On the logarithmic Kobayashi conjecture | 2007-11-06 | Paper |
Hyperbolicit\'e des vari\'et\'es complexes | 2007-09-25 | Paper |
Differential equations on hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb P^4\). | 2007-02-13 | Paper |
Demailly-Semple jets in dimension 3 | 2006-05-15 | Paper |
Equations differentielles sur les hypersurfaces de l'espace projectif complexe de dimension 4 | 2005-10-13 | Paper |
Weak analytic hyperbolicity of generic hypersurfaces of high degree in the complex projective space of dimension 4 | 2005-10-13 | Paper |
Hyperbolicité du complémentaire d'une courbe dans \(\mathbb P^2\): Le cas de deux composantes (Hyperbolicity of the complements of plane algebraic curves: The two component case). | 2003-12-18 | Paper |
Quasi-positive orbifold cotangent bundles ; Pushing further an example by Junjiro Noguchi | 0001-01-03 | Paper |