Satyabrata Adhikari

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zbMath Open adhikari.satyabrataMaRDI QIDQ331527

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Detection of the genuine non-locality of any three-qubit state2023-07-13Paper
Witness operator provides better estimate of the lower bound of concurrence of bipartite bound entangled states in \(d_1\otimes d_2\)-dimensional system2023-03-01Paper
Classification witness operator for the classification of different subclasses of three-qubit GHZ class2023-02-22Paper
Coherence-based inequality for the discrimination of three-qubit GHZ and W class2022-12-05Paper
Construction of a family of positive but not completely positive map for the detection of bound entangled states2022-11-24Paper
Structured negativity: a physically realizable measure of entanglement based on structural physical approximation2022-11-03Paper
Search for an efficient entanglement witness operator for bound entangled states in bipartite quantum systems2022-08-25Paper
Teleportation criteria based on maximum eigenvalue of the shared \(d \otimes d\) dimensional mixed state: beyond singlet fraction2021-11-05Paper
Coherence and entanglement under three-qubit cloning operations2019-03-15Paper
Laplacian matrices of weighted digraphs represented as quantum states2017-10-23Paper
Upper bound on singlet fraction of two-qubit mixed entangled states2016-10-27Paper
Controlled secret sharing protocol using a quantum cloning circuit2014-12-12Paper
A cloned qutrit and its utility in information processing tasks2014-06-13Paper
Quantification of entanglement of teleportation in arbitrary dimensions2014-06-13Paper
Generalized form of optimal teleportation witnesses2013-07-26Paper
Common entanglement witnesses and their characteristics2013-02-28Paper
Testing nonlocality of single photons using cavities2013-01-22Paper
Information transfer using a single particle path-spin hybrid entangled state2012-04-30Paper
A study of the efficiency of the class of \(W\)-states as a quantum channel2009-04-21Paper
Quantum cloning, Bell's inequality and teleportation2008-10-28Paper
Inseparability of quantum parameters2007-12-10Paper
Revisiting impossible quantum operations using principles of no-signaling and nonincrease of entanglement under LOCC2007-11-21Paper
Probabilistic exact deletion and probabilistic no-signalling2007-03-16Paper
Broadcasting of inseparability2006-07-13Paper
Deletion of imperfect cloned copies2005-02-28Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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