Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Self-similarity in cubic blocks of R-operators | 2023-12-12 | Paper |
Heptagon relations from a simplicial 3-cocycle, and their cohomology | 2023-07-15 | Paper |
Heptagon relation in a direct sum | 2022-08-17 | Paper |
Odd-gon relations and their cohomology | 2022-05-01 | Paper |
Quadratic heptagon cohomology | 2021-10-17 | Paper |
Grassmannian-parameterized solutions to direct-sum polygon and simplex equations | 2021-06-02 | Paper |
Heptagon relations parameterized by simplicial 3-cocycles | 2021-03-28 | Paper |
Nonconstant hexagon relations and their cohomology | 2021-02-03 | Paper |
Integrable 3D statistical models on six-valent graphs | 2019-12-18 | Paper |
Polynomial-valued constant hexagon cohomology | 2019-04-15 | Paper |
An integral bilinear form and related forms on abelian groups as hexagon cocycles | 2018-08-26 | Paper |
Free fermions on a piecewise linear four-manifold. II: Pachner moves | 2017-12-18 | Paper |
Cohomologies ofn-simplex relations | 2017-09-28 | Paper |
Hexagon cohomologies and polynomial TQFT actions | 2017-07-10 | Paper |
Free fermions on a piecewise linear four-manifold. I: Exotic chain complex | 2017-06-30 | Paper |
Bosonic pentachoron weights and multiplicative 2-cocycles | 2017-04-29 | Paper |
Multiplicative expression for the coefficient in fermionic 3-3 relation | 2016-04-20 | Paper |
"Nonconstant cohomology" of Hietarinta's two-color solutions to four-simplex equation | 2016-01-14 | Paper |
Three-dimensionalizing the eight-vertex model | 2016-01-05 | Paper |
Cohomology of the tetrahedral complex and quasi-invariants of 2-knots | 2015-10-11 | Paper |
Two-cocycles give a full nonlinear parameterization of the simplest 3--3 relation | 2014-11-17 | Paper |
Parameterizing the simplest Grassmann-Gaussian relations for Pachner move 3-3 | 2014-04-29 | Paper |
Novel solutions to the tetrahedron equation | 2013-09-11 | Paper |
Pentagon relations in direct sums and Grassmann algebras | 2013-07-04 | Paper |
Special 2-cocycles and 3--3 Pachner move relations in Grassmann algebra | 2013-01-20 | Paper |
A matrix solution of the pentagon equation with anticommuting variables | 2012-11-05 | Paper |
Relations in Grassmann algebra corresponding to three- and four-dimensional Pachner moves | 2012-06-26 | Paper |
Deformation of a 3 -> 3 Pachner move relation capturing exotic second homologies | 2012-01-23 | Paper |
Two deformations of a fermionic solution to pentagon equation | 2011-04-18 | Paper |
A Euclidean geometric invariant of framed (Un)Knots in manifolds | 2010-05-17 | Paper |
\(SL(2)\)-solution of the pentagon equation and invariants of three-dimensional manifolds | 2010-01-21 | Paper |
Euclidean 4-simplices and invariants of four-dimensional manifolds: III. Moves \(1\to 5\) and related structures | 2010-01-21 | Paper |
Exact solutions and mixing in an algebraic dynamical system | 2010-01-17 | Paper |
Algebraic relations with anticommuting variables for four-dimensional Pachner moves 3 -> 3 and 2 <-> 4 | 2009-11-07 | Paper |
Geometric torsions and an Atiyah-style topological field theory | 2009-11-06 | Paper |
Geometric torsions and invariants of manifolds with a triangulated boundary | 2009-10-23 | Paper |
A simple topological quantum field theory for manifolds with triangulated boundary | 2009-07-22 | Paper |
Geometry of Euclidean tetrahedra and knot invariants | 2008-10-28 | Paper |
A finite-dimensional TQFT for three-manifolds based on group PSL(2, C) and cross-ratios | 2008-09-24 | Paper |
Invariants of three-dimensional manifolds from four-dimensional Euclidean geometry | 2006-11-11 | Paper |
Pachner move \(3\to 3\) and affine volume-preserving geometry in \(\mathbb R^ 3\) | 2006-07-04 | Paper |
Euclidean 4-simplices and invariants of four-dimensional manifolds: II. An algebraic complex and moves \(2\leftrightarrow 4\) | 2005-08-17 | Paper |
Euclidean tetrahedra and knot invariants | 2004-05-28 | Paper |
Multidimensional analogues of the geometric \(s\leftrightarrow t\) duality | 2004-03-18 | Paper |
A classical solution of the pentagon equation related to the group \(SL(2)\) | 2004-01-04 | Paper |
Euclidean 4-simplices and invariants of four-dimensional manifolds. I: Moves \(3\to 3\) | 2004-01-04 | Paper |
Algebraic formulas whose structure imitates Pachner moves and new types of acyclic complexes | 2003-12-25 | Paper |
Distinguishing Three-Dimensional Lens Spaces L(7, 1) and L(7, 2) by Means of Classical Pentagon Equation | 2003-08-25 | Paper |
Invariants of PL Manifolds from Metrized Simplicial Complexes. Three-Dimensional Case | 2002-06-07 | Paper |
Particles and Strings in a 2 + 1-D Integrable Quantum Model | 2000-08-15 | Paper |
Fundamental mathematical structures of integrable models | 2000-06-26 | Paper |
Finite-dimensional analogues of the string \(s\leftrightarrow t\) duality and the pentagon equation | 2000-06-26 | Paper |
Functional tetrahedron equation | 2000-06-26 | Paper |
Classical limit for a 3D lattice spin model. | 2000-03-07 | Paper |
Vacuum curves and classical integrable systems in \(2+1\) discrete dimensions | 1999-09-29 | Paper |
A dynamical system connnected with the inhomogeneous six-vertex model. II: Evolution of orthogonal and symplectic matrices: An algebraic-geometric description | 1998-10-21 | Paper |
Hidden symmetries in a 6-vertex model of statistical physics | 1997-09-11 | Paper |
A dynamical system connected with an inhomogeneous 6-vertex model | 1997-09-11 | Paper |
The tetrahedron equation and algebraic geometry | 1996-10-31 | Paper | | 1995-10-17 | Paper | | 1994-01-01 | Paper | | 1994-01-01 | Paper | | 1994-01-01 | Paper |
Tetrahedral Zamolodchikov algebras corresponding to Baxter's \(L\)- operators | 1993-10-28 | Paper |