Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
On the multiplicative independence between $n$ and $\lfloor \alpha n\rfloor$ | 2022-11-28 | Paper |
Constructions of linear codes with small hulls from association schemes | 2022-10-18 | Paper |
Fractional Spectrum Analysis for Nonuniform Sampling in the Presence of Clock Jitter and Timing Offset | 2022-09-23 | Paper |
Generalized Fixed-Point Continuation Method: Convergence and Application | 2022-09-23 | Paper |
Deep Scattering Network With Fractional Wavelet Transform | 2022-09-23 | Paper |
MATNet: Motion-Attentive Transition Network for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation | 2022-09-16 | Paper |
On public-coin zero-error randomized communication complexity | 2022-09-02 | Paper |
A dynamic group MCDM model with intuitionistic fuzzy set: perspective of alternative queuing method | 2022-04-14 | Paper |
Fractional Fourier Analysis Using the Möbius Inversion Formula | 2019-10-28 | Paper |
New Statistics of the Second-Order Chirp Cyclostationary Signals: Definitions, Properties and Applications | 2019-10-28 | Paper |
Cable knots do not admit cosmetic surgeries | 2019-05-23 | Paper |
Structure-Aware Bayesian Compressive Sensing for Frequency-Hopping Spectrum Estimation With Missing Observations | 2019-02-12 | Paper |
Multiple-Parameter Discrete Fractional Transform and its Applications | 2019-02-07 | Paper |
Con-Text: Text Detection for Fine-Grained Object Classification | 2019-02-05 | Paper |
Profiling high-frequency equity price movements in directional changes | 2018-11-19 | Paper |
Sparse Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform and Its Applications | 2018-08-22 | Paper |
Transform Order Division Multiplexing | 2018-07-18 | Paper |
Time-Delay Estimation of Chirp Signals in the Fractional Fourier Domain | 2018-07-09 | Paper |
Uncertainty Principles for Linear Canonical Transform | 2018-07-09 | Paper |
Short-Time Fractional Fourier Transform and Its Applications | 2018-07-09 | Paper |
Linear Summation of Fractional-Order Matrices | 2018-07-09 | Paper |
Sampling and Sampling Rate Conversion of Band Limited Signals in the Fractional Fourier Transform Domain | 2018-06-27 | Paper |
Fractional Power Spectrum | 2018-06-27 | Paper |
On Sampling of Band-Limited Signals Associated With the Linear Canonical Transform | 2018-06-27 | Paper |
Spectral Analysis and Reconstruction for Periodic Nonuniformly Sampled Signals in Fractional Fourier Domain | 2018-06-12 | Paper |
A Unified Framework for Bias Compensation Based Methods in Correlated Noise Case | 2017-08-25 | Paper |
Uncertainty Principles and the Linear Canonical Transform | 2016-04-12 | Paper |
Research progress on discretization of fractional Fourier transform | 2014-07-21 | Paper |
Fractional Fourier domain equalization for single carrier broadband wireless systems | 2013-08-20 | Paper |
Compressed sensing SAR imaging based on sparse representation in fractional Fourier domain | 2013-08-20 | Paper |
Research on resolution between multi-component LFM signals in the fractional Fourier domain | 2012-08-17 | Paper |
Study on interference suppression based on joint fractional Fourier domain and time domain | 2012-06-07 | Paper |
Sampling random signals in a fractional Fourier domain | 2011-06-30 | Paper |
The discrete multiple-parameter fractional Fourier transform | 2011-06-17 | Paper |
On signal moments and uncertainty relations associated with linear canonical transform | 2010-08-06 | Paper |
New sampling formulae related to linear canonical transform | 2010-05-19 | Paper |
Analysis and side peaks identification of Chinese DTTB signal ambiguity functions for passive radar | 2010-03-03 | Paper |
Oversampling analysis in fractional Fourier domain | 2010-03-03 | Paper |
Using the multi-living agent concept to investigate complex information systems | 2010-02-26 | Paper |
Realizations of BELS as WIV method in both direct and indirect closed-loop system identification | 2010-02-26 | Paper |
Forward/backward prediction solution for adaptive noisy FIR filtering | 2010-02-26 | Paper |
Filterbank implementation for multi-channel sampling in fractional Fourier domain | 2010-01-04 | Paper |
BRVAAF and performance analysis for target detection | 2009-12-15 | Paper |
The Poisson sum formulae associated with the fractional Fourier transform | 2009-05-14 | Paper |
Sampling rate conversion for linear canonical transform | 2009-01-20 | Paper |
The multiple-parameter fractional Fourier transform | 2008-11-10 | Paper |
MIMO-OFDM system based on fractional Fourier transform and selecting algorithm for optimal order | 2008-10-16 | Paper |
Fractional Fourier domain analysis of cyclic multirate signal processing | 2008-09-02 | Paper |
Fractional Fourier domain analysis of decimation and interpolation | 2007-11-28 | Paper |
Detection and parameter estimation of multicomponent LFM signal based on the fractional Fourier transform | 2007-02-20 | Paper |
Research progress of the fractional Fourier transform in signal processing | 2006-10-11 | Paper | | 2006-08-28 | Paper | | 2005-10-27 | Paper |
An improved self-organizing CPN-based fuzzy system with adaptive back-propagation algorithm | 2003-02-05 | Paper | | 1999-01-01 | Paper |